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Title, instructor |
Day, time |
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Principles of Microeconomics
Calendar entry
Peter Foltin •
Learning outcomes
MWF10 |
| |
- Be introduced to the economist’s way of thinking, specifically understanding the concepts of scarcity, trade-offs, marginal reasoning, and incentives.
- Be able to apply these concepts in order to explain various economic and non-economic events.
- Be able to apply these concepts when making their own decision-making.
- Be introduced to a number of canonical microeconomic models and be able to communicate their strengths and limitations.
- Be able to apply these models to novel situations and be able to understand their implications with regards to public policy issues.
James E. Pesando •
Learning outcomes
MWF11 |
| |
Robert Gazzale •
Learning outcomes
MWF12 |
| |
- Use the basic analytical principles and tools of modern economics to understand and assess observed economic phenomena, contemporary economic problems and government economic policies.
- Explain how resources are allocated and income is distributed in a market economy.
- Describe and model the behaviour of economic agents, including households, firms and governments, and explain how these behaviours affect the determination of prices, quantities and welfare in individual markets for commodities and resources.
Robert Gazzale •
Learning outcomes
MWF1 |
| |
- Use the basic analytical principles and tools of modern economics to understand and assess observed economic phenomena, contemporary economic problems and government economic policies.
- Explain how resources are allocated and income is distributed in a market economy.
- Describe and model the behaviour of economic agents, including households, firms and governments, and explain how these behaviours affect the determination of prices, quantities and welfare in individual markets for commodities and resources.
Peter Foltin •
Learning outcomes
T2-4, F10 |
| |
- Be introduced to the economist’s way of thinking, specifically understanding the concepts of scarcity, trade-offs, marginal reasoning, and incentives.
- Be able to apply these concepts in order to explain various economic and non-economic events.
- Be able to apply these concepts when making their own decision-making.
- Be introduced to a number of canonical microeconomic models and be able to communicate their strengths and limitations.
- Be able to apply these models to novel situations and be able to understand their implications with regards to public policy issues.
William G. Wolfson •
Learning outcomes
M6-9 |
| |
- 1. Help you learn how to think like an economist and thereby analyze various scenarios, including personal ones, through that lens
- 2. Introduce you to basic microeconomic principles and models, and how they can be applied to public policy issues
- 3. Develop your problem-solving skills, using course concepts
- 4. Prepare you for higher-level ECO courses, should you wish to enrol in them
Principles of Microeconomics
Calendar entry
Kieran Furlong •
Learning outcomes
W6-9 |
Convocation Hall
| |
Principles of Macroeconomics
Calendar entry
Loren Brandt
Learning outcomes
MWF10 |
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Loren Brandt
Learning outcomes
MWF11 |
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Robert Gazzale •
Learning outcomes
MWF12 |
| |
- Use the basic analytical principles and tools of modern economics to understand and assess observed economic phenomena, contemporary economic problems and government economic policies.
- Describe and model the relationships between aggregate economic variables, including national output, the level of aggregate consumption and investment, interest rates, employment and unemployment, and the average level and rate of change of all prices.
- Explain how government policies influence the aggregate behaviour and performance of an economy.
Robert Gazzale •
Learning outcomes
MWF1 |
| |
- Use the basic analytical principles and tools of modern economics to understand and assess observed economic phenomena, contemporary economic problems and government economic policies.
- Describe and model the relationships between aggregate economic variables, including national output, the level of aggregate consumption and investment, interest rates, employment and unemployment, and the average level and rate of change of all prices.
- Explain how government policies influence the aggregate behaviour and performance of an economy.
Peter Foltin •
Learning outcomes
T2-4, F10 |
T BT101 ,F MS2158
| |
- Be able to understand, explain, and analyze measures of macroeconomic activity.
- Be able to understand, explain, and analyze macroeconomic trends in the Canadian and the world economy.
- Be able to understand, explain, and analyze macroeconomic models that determine equilibrium in the market.
- Be able to understand, explain, and analyze how an economy moves through business cycles.
- Be able to understand, explain, and analyze how an economy grows in the long run.
- Be able to understand, explain, and analyze how government uses fiscal and monetary policies to achieve it’s short-term and long-term macroeconomic goals.
William G. Wolfson •
Learning outcomes
M6-9 |
| |
- 1. Introduce you to macroeconomic models and methods of analysis
- 2. Help you to understand macroeconomic issues related to the economy in the aggregate and the impact of fiscal and monetary policies
- 3. Develop your problem-solving skills, using course concepts
- 4. Prepare you for higher-level ECO courses, should you wish to enrol in them
Principles of Economics for Non Specialists
Calendar entry
Eric Kam •
Learning outcomes
M8-10, F11 |
| |
Avi J. Cohen •
Learning outcomes
| |
- Understand the concept of economic equilibrium and its role in economists’ use of simple models to
approximate controlled experiments in the natural sciences.
- Proficiently apply the economic way of thinking to explain economic and non-economic events using
simple models that focus on important variables while setting aside unnecessary complications.
- Distinguish positive from normative claims about economic events and policies.
- Appreciate the limitations of economic models for explaining economic and non-economic events.
- Use cost/benefit analysis to identify the trade-offs, including intended and unintended consequences,
of all choices.
- Explain the objectives, successes, and failures of government policies such as minimum wages,
rent controls, competition policy, environmental policy, trade policy, and tax and income redistribution policy.
- Find data measuring macroeconomic outcomes including GDP, economic growth, unemployment, inflation,
and understand the limitations of each measure.
- Describe the fundamental macroeconomic question of whether markets quickly self-adjust, and explain
both the hands-off and hands-on positions on the role of government fiscal and monetary policy.
- Come to an informed personal opinion about the appropriate role of government in macroeconomic policy.
- Write persuasive, informed opinion pieces about microeconomic and macroeconomic policy issues
for a general audience.
First Year Seminar
Kieran Furlong
Learning outcomes
M10-12 |
| |
Masoud Anjomshoa •
Learning outcomes
R10-12 |
| |
- - By the end of this course, learners will be able to:
- - Think critically, write critically, and giving presentations to colleagues.
- - Adopt and apply the economic way of thinking and basic economic tools and concepts.
- - Apply optimality conditions to daily life decisions, economic decisions, and specifically to solve environmental problems.
- - Distinguish the differences between regular goods/services and environmental services and natural resources, which lead to environmental problems.
- - Approach to solve environmental problems using economic tools.
Microeconomic Theory
Calendar entry
John McNeill •
Learning outcomes
M10-12, F12-2 Note: tutorial F12-2 |
| |
- By the end of this course, students will be able to utilize constrained-optimization techniques to analyze behavior of both consumers and producers.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to identify the conditions that lead to different market structures, and analyze the differing resulting equilibrium predictions in those markets.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to apply game theory concepts to make predictions about equilibrium outcomes in both simultaneous and sequential move games.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to evaluate the impact of making economic models increasingly realistic and complex through the introduction of elements of uncertainty, asymmetric information, and externalities.
John McNeill •
Learning outcomes
M2-4, F12-2 |
M GI; F SS2135
| |
- By the end of this course, students will be able to utilize constrained-optimization techniques to analyze behavior of both consumers and producers.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to identify the conditions that lead to different market structures, and analyze the differing resulting equilibrium predictions in those markets.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to apply game theory concepts to make predictions about equilibrium outcomes in both simultaneous and sequential move games.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to evaluate the impact of making economic models increasingly realistic and complex through the introduction of elements of uncertainty, asymmetric information, and externalities.
William G. Wolfson •
Learning outcomes
R6-9 |
| |
- 1. Continue to help you to think like an economist by expanding Micro principles and models to new scenarios
- 2. Expand your problem-solving skills using course concepts in Consumer Theory and Production Theory
- 3. Provide an introduction to Game Theory, which you can apply to many scenarios
- 4. Help you to improve your writing skills through two writing assignments (Economists need to write too!)
Macroeconomic Theory and Policy
Calendar entry
Robert McKeown •
Learning outcomes
M2-5 |
| |
- solve intermediate-level economic problems using theoretical models, algebra, and diagrams
- distinguish between short-run and long-run models and outcomes
- analyze how different variables such as capital and productivity affect economic growth
- apply theory and empirical observation to critically analyze government policy
- evaluate the microeconomic foundations of macroeconomic models
Joseph Steinberg •
Learning outcomes
T10-12, F11 |
| |
- Analyze equilibrium outcomes numerically, algebraically, and graphically
- Identify the determinants of long-run economic growth
- Explain how monetary and fiscal policy can be used to mitigate the effects of short-term macroeconomic fluctuations
- Identify the components of a macroeconomic model and appreciate how models are used as lenses through which to view macroeconomic data
- Translate real-world situations into the mathematical language of macroeconomic theory
- Recognize the microeconomic foundations of macroeconomic theory
Robert McKeown •
Learning outcomes
M6-9 |
| |
- solve intermediate-level economic problems using theoretical models, algebra, and diagrams
- distinguish between short-run and long-run models and outcomes
- analyze how different variables such as capital and productivity affect economic growth
- apply theory and empirical observation to critically analyze government policy
- evaluate the microeconomic foundations of macroeconomic models
Microeconomic Theory
Calendar entry
Ajaz Hussain •
Learning outcomes
T11-1; F11-1 |
T MS2172; F MS2158
| |
- By the end of this course, students will be able to deploy constrained optimization, statistical, and analytical methods to modify and extend intermediate level micro theory towards a set of core, real-life, business economics applications.
- By the end of this course, students will have mastered models of (always based on real-life data and non-trivial applications): consumer choice, financial portfolios [including mutual funds consisting of actual assets], inter-temporal consumption/savings, decision making under uncertainty [including Monte-Carlo simulations of ‘forward’ and ‘backward’ induction], risk avoidance [including insurance and options with target probability of being in the money], producer behavior, cost analysis [including “activity based costing†and “accounting for frequent flyer programsâ€], pricing mechanisms [including non-linear pricing and yield management], market analysis [including empirical competitive market supply-curve models and collusive oligopolies], and game theory.
- By the end of this course, students will know how to collect, clean, interpret, and use data from – to name a few – CRSP, FRED, StatsCan, and IMF/GEM.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to use Excel for external data collection/analysis, statistical/econometric analysis, constrained optimization, solving systems of equations, and Monte-Carlo simulations.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to work cooperatively in groups to analyze, identify, formulate, articulate, and present (via business reports and PowerPoint presentations) a structured solution to the salient issue(s) in real life business-economics cases.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to “map†micro theory jargon to real-life accounting and financial metrics and nomenclature.
Ajaz Hussain •
Learning outcomes
T2-4; F11-1 |
T BA1170; F MS2158
| |
- By the end of this course, students will be able to deploy constrained optimization, statistical, and analytical methods to modify and extend intermediate level micro theory towards a set of core, real-life, business economics applications.
- By the end of this course, students will have mastered models of (always based on real-life data and non-trivial applications): consumer choice, financial portfolios [including mutual funds consisting of actual assets], inter-temporal consumption/savings, decision making under uncertainty [including Monte-Carlo simulations of ‘forward’ and ‘backward’ induction], risk avoidance [including insurance and options with target probability of being in the money], producer behavior, cost analysis [including “activity based costing†and “accounting for frequent flyer programsâ€], pricing mechanisms [including non-linear pricing and yield management], market analysis [including empirical competitive market supply-curve models and collusive oligopolies], and game theory.
- By the end of this course, students will know how to collect, clean, interpret, and use data from – to name a few – CRSP, FRED, StatsCan, and IMF/GEM.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to use Excel for external data collection/analysis, statistical/econometric analysis, constrained optimization, solving systems of equations, and Monte-Carlo simulations.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to work cooperatively in groups to analyze, identify, formulate, articulate, and present (via business reports and PowerPoint presentations) a structured solution to the salient issue(s) in real life business-economics cases.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to “map†micro theory jargon to real-life accounting and financial metrics and nomenclature.
Ajaz Hussain •
Learning outcomes
W11-1; F2-4 |
W MS2170; Winter SF1101; F NF003
| |
- By the end of this course, students will be able to deploy constrained optimization, statistical, and analytical methods to modify and extend intermediate level micro theory towards a set of core, real-life, business economics applications.
- By the end of this course, students will have mastered models of (always based on real-life data and non-trivial applications): consumer choice, financial portfolios [including mutual funds consisting of actual assets], inter-temporal consumption/savings, decision making under uncertainty [including Monte-Carlo simulations of ‘forward’ and ‘backward’ induction], risk avoidance [including insurance and options with target probability of being in the money], producer behavior, cost analysis [including “activity based costing†and “accounting for frequent flyer programsâ€], pricing mechanisms [including non-linear pricing and yield management], market analysis [including empirical competitive market supply-curve models and collusive oligopolies], and game theory.
- By the end of this course, students will know how to collect, clean, interpret, and use data from – to name a few – CRSP, FRED, StatsCan, and IMF/GEM.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to use Excel for external data collection/analysis, statistical/econometric analysis, constrained optimization, solving systems of equations, and Monte-Carlo simulations.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to work cooperatively in groups to analyze, identify, formulate, articulate, and present (via business reports and PowerPoint presentations) a structured solution to the salient issue(s) in real life business-economics cases.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to “map†micro theory jargon to real-life accounting and financial metrics and nomenclature.
Ajaz Hussain •
Learning outcomes
W2-4, F2-4 |
W MS2170; NF003
| |
- By the end of this course, students will be able to deploy constrained optimization, statistical, and analytical methods to modify and extend intermediate level micro theory towards a set of core, real-life, business economics applications.
- By the end of this course, students will have mastered models of (always based on real-life data and non-trivial applications): consumer choice, financial portfolios [including mutual funds consisting of actual assets], inter-temporal consumption/savings, decision making under uncertainty [including Monte-Carlo simulations of ‘forward’ and ‘backward’ induction], risk avoidance [including insurance and options with target probability of being in the money], producer behavior, cost analysis [including “activity based costing†and “accounting for frequent flyer programsâ€], pricing mechanisms [including non-linear pricing and yield management], market analysis [including empirical competitive market supply-curve models and collusive oligopolies], and game theory.
- By the end of this course, students will know how to collect, clean, interpret, and use data from – to name a few – CRSP, FRED, StatsCan, and IMF/GEM.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to use Excel for external data collection/analysis, statistical/econometric analysis, constrained optimization, solving systems of equations, and Monte-Carlo simulations.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to work cooperatively in groups to analyze, identify, formulate, articulate, and present (via business reports and PowerPoint presentations) a structured solution to the salient issue(s) in real life business-economics cases.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to “map†micro theory jargon to real-life accounting and financial metrics and nomenclature.
Peter Foltin •
Learning outcomes
R2-4, F12-2 |
R OI2212; F BR200
| |
- Be able to explain the microeconomic concepts using mathematics, graphs, or plain language.
- Be adept with setting up and solving constrained optimization problems, using either economic intuition or purely mathematical tools.
- Be able to explain how the structure of markets affect market outcomes.
- Apply game theoretic tools to a variety of environments with strategic interaction between rational agents in order to determine what are the self-fulfilling outcomes of such environments.
- Be able to understand and communicate the role of asymmetric information in the strategic behaviour of agents participating in a variety of economic environments.
- Be able to apply the microeconomic tools developed in the course to situations related to business.
Peter Foltin •
Learning outcomes
R6-8; F12-2 |
R MS2172; F BR200
| |
- Be able to explain the microeconomic concepts using mathematics, graphs, or plain language.
- Be adept with setting up and solving constrained optimization problems, using either economic intuition or purely mathematical tools.
- Be able to explain how the structure of markets affect market outcomes.
- Apply game theoretic tools to a variety of environments with strategic interaction between rational agents in order to determine what are the self-fulfilling outcomes of such environments.
- Be able to understand and communicate the role of asymmetric information in the strategic behaviour of agents participating in a variety of economic environments.
- Be able to apply the microeconomic tools developed in the course to situations related to business.
Microeconomic Theory
Calendar entry
Kripa Freitas •
Learning outcomes
W10-12, R6-8 |
WI1016; Winter LM162
| |
- Explain the basic concepts of Microeconomics using math, graphs and clear English.
- Use the math tools with a high degree of proficiency
- Conduct well-structured, logically consistent economic analysis and communicate their reasoning precisely in clear English.
- Problem solve using course concepts – i.e. when given a problem they have not seen before they should be able to setup a solution strategy, choose the appropriate tool, use it correctly and solve for the correct answer.
- Apply course concepts to a given real world situation– i.e. identify essential features, choose an appropriate framework, check if required assumptions hold and conduct analysis.
- Critically evaluate economic arguments – i.e. identify main arguments, identify and articulate how and why they depend on the assumptions made and explain how they would change when the assumptions are changed.
Kripa Freitas •
Learning outcomes
W2-4, R6-8 |
| |
- Explain the basic concepts of Microeconomics using math, graphs and clear English.
- Use the math tools with a high degree of proficiency
- Conduct well-structured, logically consistent economic analysis and communicate their reasoning precisely in clear English.
- Problem solve using course concepts – i.e. when given a problem they have not seen before they should be able to setup a solution strategy, choose the appropriate tool, use it correctly and solve for the correct answer.
- Apply course concepts to a given real world situation– i.e. identify essential features, choose an appropriate framework, check if required assumptions hold and conduct analysis.
- Critically evaluate economic arguments – i.e. identify main arguments, identify and articulate how and why they depend on the assumptions made and explain how they would change when the assumptions are changed.
Kripa Freitas •
Learning outcomes
WR6-8 |
| |
- Explain the basic concepts of Microeconomics using math, graphs and clear English.
- Use the math tools with a high degree of proficiency
- Conduct well-structured, logically consistent economic analysis and communicate their reasoning precisely in clear English.
- Problem solve using course concepts – i.e. when given a problem they have not seen before they should be able to setup a solution strategy, choose the appropriate tool, use it correctly and solve for the correct answer.
- Apply course concepts to a given real world situation– i.e. identify essential features, choose an appropriate framework, check if required assumptions hold and conduct analysis.
- Critically evaluate economic arguments – i.e. identify main arguments, identify and articulate how and why they depend on the assumptions made and explain how they would change when the assumptions are changed.
Macroeconomic Theory
Calendar entry
Robert McKeown •
Learning outcomes
T11-1, F2-4 |
| |
- explain the theory underlying unemployment, inflation, productivity and exchange rates
- solve economic problems using calculus and diagrams
- derive economic models from underlying assumptions on the behaviour of consumers, firms, and government agencies.
- define and solve for the competitive equilibrium in a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model
- write a thoughtful, economic critical analysis of government policy using theory and empirical data.
Murat Celik •
Learning outcomes
MT6-8 |
| |
- Introduction to the main topics of interest in macroeconomics, such as economic growth, business cycles, and labour market frictions.
- Developing a theoretical foundation and familiarity with rigorous analytical models in order to prepare the students for more advanced treatments of macroeconomic questions.
- Learning the basic concepts in macroeconomics, such as gross domestic product, national income accounting, inflation and price indices, labour market metrics, and business cycle terminology.
- Understanding, constructing, and using macroeconomic models tailored towards particular questions in order to assess how government policies or macroeconomic events affect the agents in the economy, such as consumers and firms, in a general equilibrium setting.
- Learning how and why to use micro-foundations (agent based modeling with rational expectations) to arrive at consistent aggregate economic implications, in line with the Lucas Critique.
- Understanding the difference between general equilibrium and partial equilibrium analyses; and thus the difference between micro- and macroeconomic approaches to economic questions.
Macroeconomic Theory
Calendar entry
Gustavo Indart •
Learning outcomes
T10-1 |
| |
- Gain an understanding of core economic principles and how they apply to a wide range of real-world issues.
- Understand the factors determining gross domestic product, employment, interest rates, the rate of inflation, and the exchange rate.
- Understand the political and ideological components underlying the implementation of economic policy.
- Analyze the determinants of the relative strengths of fiscal and monetary policy for affecting gross domestic product.
- Understand the role of international trade and cross-border capital movements in affecting output and employment.
- Become familiar with salient developments in the national and international economy.
- Learn how to articulate pragmatic, principles-based economic policies to enhance economic well-being and promote social justice.
Gustavo Indart •
Learning outcomes
T2-5 |
BL205; Winter VC323
| |
- Gain an understanding of core economic principles and how they apply to a wide range of real-world issues.
- Understand the factors determining gross domestic product, employment, interest rates, the rate of inflation, and the exchange rate.
- Understand the political and ideological components underlying the implementation of economic policy.
- Analyze the determinants of the relative strengths of fiscal and monetary policy for affecting gross domestic product.
- Understand the role of international trade and cross-border capital movements in affecting output and employment.
- Become familiar with salient developments in the national and international economy.
- Learn how to articulate pragmatic, principles-based economic policies to enhance economic well-being and promote social justice.
Gustavo Indart •
Learning outcomes
W2-5 |
HS610; Winter RW110
| |
- Gain an understanding of core economic principles and how they apply to a wide range of real-world issues.
- Understand the factors determining gross domestic product, employment, interest rates, the rate of inflation, and the exchange rate.
- Understand the political and ideological components underlying the implementation of economic policy.
- Analyze the determinants of the relative strengths of fiscal and monetary policy for affecting gross domestic product.
- Understand the role of international trade and cross-border capital movements in affecting output and employment.
- Become familiar with salient developments in the national and international economy.
- Learn how to articulate pragmatic, principles-based economic policies to enhance economic well-being and promote social justice.
Gustavo Indart •
Learning outcomes
R2-5 |
| |
- Gain an understanding of core economic principles and how they apply to a wide range of real-world issues.
- Understand the factors determining gross domestic product, employment, interest rates, the rate of inflation, and the exchange rate.
- Understand the political and ideological components underlying the implementation of economic policy.
- Analyze the determinants of the relative strengths of fiscal and monetary policy for affecting gross domestic product.
- Understand the role of international trade and cross-border capital movements in affecting output and employment.
- Become familiar with salient developments in the national and international economy.
- Learn how to articulate pragmatic, principles-based economic policies to enhance economic well-being and promote social justice.
Mathematical Methods for Economic Theory
Calendar entry
John McNeill •
Learning outcomes
W10-1 |
| |
- By the end of this course, students will be able to translate economic situations into mathematical models to facilitate economic analysis.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to identify the appropriate mathematical tools to use in an economic research setting.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to apply concepts from linear algebra to solve economic problems involving systems of linear equations.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to select the appropriate constrained optimization tools for different economic problems, and implement those techniques to solve economic questions.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to Explain the relationship between curvature of the objective function and the solutions of the associated optimization problems.
Quantitative Methods
Calendar entry
Victor Yu •
Learning outcomes
M11-1,T6-9 |
| |
Patrick Blanchenay •
Learning outcomes
M2-4,T6-9 |
| |
- Translate between plain English and statistical terms and concepts; identify key information regardless of wording, and distinguish incorrect statements from correct ones;
- Select and apply a suitable quantitative approach to a new situation while making your reasoning clear: may require sentences, precise statements of hypotheses, equations, calculations, fully-labeled graphs, diagrams;
- Proficiently read output from various statistical software packages, including STATA;
- Use Excel to conduct statistical analyses;
- Correctly interpret quantitative results for a non-technical or technical audience;
- Draw valid statistical conclusions and steer clear of common pitfalls;
- Explain what would change if a researcher made different choices or the data changed;
- Identify the underlying assumptions in quantitative analyses and figure out how violations affect conclusions and interpretations;
- Read and critically evaluate analyses without being dazzled by data, methods or jargon;
- Effectively apply course concepts to a wide range of contexts from popular press articles to papers in peer-reviewed academic journals;
- Assess available data or propose a data collection plan to address a research question;
- Craft concise, clear, and coherent written arguments that directly answer asked questions.
Jennifer Murdock •
Learning outcomes
W11-1,F9-11 |
KP108; Winter F FG103,
| |
- Translate between plain English and statistical terms and concepts: identify key information
regardless of wording and distinguish incorrect statements from correct ones
- Select and apply a suitable quantitative approach to a new situation while making your reasoning
clear: may require sentences, precise statements of hypotheses, equations, calculations,
fully-labeled graphs, diagrams
- Proficiently read output from various statistical software packages including STATA
- Use Excel to analyze data and replicate published results
- Correctly interpret quantitative results for a non-technical or technical audience
- Draw valid statistical conclusions and steer clear of common pitfalls
- Explain what would change if a researcher made different choices or the data changed
- Identify the underlying assumptions in quantitative analyses and figure out how violations
affect conclusions and interpretations
- Read and critically evaluate analyses without being dazzled by data, methods or jargon
- Effectively apply course concepts to a wide range of contexts from popular press articles to
papers in peer-reviewed academic journals
- Assess available data or propose a data collection plan to address a research question
- Craft concise, clear, and coherent written arguments that directly answer asked questions
Jennifer Murdock •
Learning outcomes
W2-4,F9-11 |
| |
- Translate between plain English and statistical terms and concepts: identify key information
regardless of wording and distinguish incorrect statements from correct ones
- Select and apply a suitable quantitative approach to a new situation while making your reasoning
clear: may require sentences, precise statements of hypotheses, equations, calculations,
fully-labeled graphs, diagrams
- Proficiently read output from various statistical software packages including STATA
- Use Excel to analyze data and replicate published results
- Correctly interpret quantitative results for a non-technical or technical audience
- Draw valid statistical conclusions and steer clear of common pitfalls
- Explain what would change if a researcher made different choices or the data changed
- Identify the underlying assumptions in quantitative analyses and figure out how violations
affect conclusions and interpretations
- Read and critically evaluate analyses without being dazzled by data, methods or jargon
- Effectively apply course concepts to a wide range of contexts from popular press articles to
papers in peer-reviewed academic journals
- Assess available data or propose a data collection plan to address a research question
- Craft concise, clear, and coherent written arguments that directly answer asked questions
Jennifer Murdock •
Learning outcomes
T2-4,F9-11 |
| |
- Translate between plain English and statistical terms and concepts: identify key information
regardless of wording and distinguish incorrect statements from correct ones
- Select and apply a suitable quantitative approach to a new situation while making your reasoning
clear: may require sentences, precise statements of hypotheses, equations, calculations,
fully-labeled graphs, diagrams
- Proficiently read output from various statistical software packages including STATA
- Use Excel to analyze data and replicate published results
- Correctly interpret quantitative results for a non-technical or technical audience
- Draw valid statistical conclusions and steer clear of common pitfalls
- Explain what would change if a researcher made different choices or the data changed
- Identify the underlying assumptions in quantitative analyses and figure out how violations
affect conclusions and interpretations
- Read and critically evaluate analyses without being dazzled by data, methods or jargon
- Effectively apply course concepts to a wide range of contexts from popular press articles to
papers in peer-reviewed academic journals
- Assess available data or propose a data collection plan to address a research question
- Craft concise, clear, and coherent written arguments that directly answer asked questions
Patrick Blanchenay •
Learning outcomes
MT6-9 |
| |
- Translate between plain English and statistical terms and concepts; identify key information regardless of wording, and distinguish incorrect statements from correct ones;
- Select and apply a suitable quantitative approach to a new situation while making your reasoning clear: may require sentences, precise statements of hypotheses, equations, calculations, fully-labeled graphs, diagrams;
- Proficiently read output from various statistical software packages, including STATA;
- Use Excel to conduct statistical analyses;
- Correctly interpret quantitative results for a non-technical or technical audience;
- Draw valid statistical conclusions and steer clear of common pitfalls;
- Explain what would change if a researcher made different choices or the data changed;
- Identify the underlying assumptions in quantitative analyses and figure out how violations affect conclusions and interpretations;
- Read and critically evaluate analyses without being dazzled by data, methods or jargon;
- Effectively apply course concepts to a wide range of contexts from popular press articles to papers in peer-reviewed academic journals;
- Assess available data or propose a data collection plan to address a research question;
- Craft concise, clear, and coherent written arguments that directly answer asked questions.
Quantitative Methods in Economics
Calendar entry
Ismael Mourifié •
Learning outcomes
R2-4, F10 |
| |
- Introducing deep knowledge of probability theory/ statistics concepts.
- Building a strong basis to model uncertainty in economics and finance and then performing well in more specialized courses.
International Economic Institutions and Policy
Calendar entry
Masoud Anjomshoa •
Learning outcomes
W12-2, F2 |
| |
- By the end of this course, learners will be able to:
- - Adopt and apply the theory of comparative advantage and identify the determinant factors of comparative advantage behind the trade among any given set of countries in real world, using different trade models.
- - Analyze the trade pattern among countries using the discussed trade models.
- - Analyze the impact of trade on the prices, wages, employment, income distribution, and welfare within trading partners.
- - Evaluate the impact of different trade policies on the trade patterns, prices, wages, employment, income distribution, and welfare within trading partners.
- - Adopt and apply theories of exchange rate determination, discussing impacts of monetary, fiscal, and exchange rate policies, in short and long run.
- - Analyze the impacts of exchange rate and foreign sector on the domestic economy, i.e. prices, employment, investment, consumption, and output and vice versa. (external balance vs. internal balance)
Economics of Accounting
Calendar entry
Robert McKeown •
Learning outcomes
W10-1 |
| |
- measure how a given transaction affects the four financial statements,
- analyse how accounting methods affect economic outcomes such as firm profitability, employee compensation, and government revenue,
- understand the accounting terminology that makes-up the language of business,
- answer challenging questions to prepare you for professional designation exams.
- prepare you for further studies in financial economics
Economics of Accounting
Calendar entry
Robert McKeown •
Learning outcomes
W10-1 |
| |
- measure how a given transaction affects the four financial statements,
- analyse how accounting methods affect economic outcomes such as firm profitability, employee compensation, and government revenue,
- understand the accounting terminology that makes-up the language of business,
- answer challenging questions to prepare you for professional designation exams.
- prepare you for further studies in financial economics
American Economic History
Calendar entry
Shari Eli •
Learning outcomes
R12-3 |
| |
- 1) Depth and Breadth of Knowledge
(i) Using tools from econometrics and economics
(ii) Learning about current debates
- (2) Learning New Methods
(i) Introduce students to the use of econometric techniques including diff-in-diff, regression discontinuity and natural experiments and then evaluating these techniques
(ii) Learning how to choose different techniques depending on the issues faced
- (3) Writing Skills
(i) Explaining assumptions, hypotheses, evidence in essay form
- (4) Limitations of Research
(i) Cognizance of the ways that assumptions limit the possible conclusions that can be drawn
(ii) Identifying the limits of the data
(iii) Determining ways to establish causation versus correlation and acknowledging when it’s not possible to make causal claims
Empirical Industrial Organization
Calendar entry
Jan Dee •
Learning outcomes
T2-4, R2 |
| |
Environmental Economics and Policies
Calendar entry
Masoud Anjomshoa •
Learning outcomes
R2-5 |
| |
- By the end of this course, learners will be able to:
- - Become familiar with the historical evolution of economic thinking and different schools of thoughts in dealing with environmental issues
- - Apply neoclassical approach in economic theories to analyze environmental issues, including analyzing efficiency, equity, and ethical issues in allocating environmental services and natural resources.
- - Design and compare varieties of economic policies in order to solve environmental problems
- - Analyze the impacts of uncertainty in designing and implementing environmental policies
- - Apply different techniques to assess benefits of the environmental services in order to elicit consumers willingness to pay, i.e. discover the demand for these services. These techniques include the contingent valuation method, travel cost method, hedonic price method, …
- - Apply the optimal control theory in order to find the optimal and sustainable resource extraction paths for renewable resources, like forests and fisheries, as well as for non-renewable resources, like fossil fuels.
- - Analyze actual real world environmental policies and projects
Applied Game Theory
Calendar entry
Martin J. Osborne •
Learning outcomes
R10-12, F1-3 |
R MS2172; F ES1050
| |
- Understand the main notions of equilibrium in strategic and extensive games, namely Nash equilibrium and subgame perfect equilibrium
- Understand the main concepts in game theory, including strategic games and extensive games with perfect information and with imperfect information
- Be able to find and analyze various solutions of games
- Be able to use game theoretic tools to model economic, political, and social situations
Martin J. Osborne •
Learning outcomes
R2-4, F1-3 |
R MS2172; F ES1050
| |
- Understand the main notions of equilibrium in strategic and extensive games, namely Nash equilibrium and subgame perfect equilibrium
- Understand the main concepts in game theory, including strategic games and extensive games with perfect information and with imperfect information
- Be able to find and analyze various solutions of games
- Be able to use game theoretic tools to model economic, political, and social situations
Economic Analysis of Law
Calendar entry
Robert Barber •
Learning outcomes
M11, R2-4 |
| |
- My primary goal for ECO 320H is to give the student a broad overview of the Canadian legal system through the lens of microeconomic theory.
- This is achieved by the application of microeconomic principles to common legal problems in torts, contracts, property rights and crime. No previous familiarity with the law is assumed.
- The course analyzes the choices of consumers, producers, institutions, and how these choices influence legal outcomes.
- It will explore how these choices are made by courts, tribunals, police, lawyers and clients and how these decision makers are affected by economics in market conditions and government interventions.
- By the end of this course, students will:
1. Be introduced to the economist’s way of thinking such as the understanding of law suits, legal remedies and precedents and how economics applies to them.
- 2. Be able to apply these concepts to the decision-making of courts, tribunals, police, lawyers and clients.
- 3. Apply the economic way of thinking to explain law related events using simple models that focus on important variables while setting aside unnecessary complications.
- 4. Distinguish positive from normative claims about law related economic events and policies.
- 5. Use microeconomic analysis to identify the trade-offs, including intended and unintended consequences of the decision-making.
- 6. Come to an informed opinion about the appropriate role of government and the courts in legal decision-making.
Economic Analysis of Law
Calendar entry
Robert Barber •
Learning outcomes
M11,R2-4 |
M EM001; R VC323
| |
- 4. Distinguish positive from normative claims about law related economic events and policies.
- 5. Use microeconomic analysis to identify the trade-offs, including intended and unintended consequences of the decision-making.
- 6. Come to an informed opinion about the appropriate role of government and the courts in legal decision-making.
- My primary goal for ECO 320H is to give the student a broad overview of the Canadian legal system through the lens of microeconomic theory.
- This is achieved by the application of microeconomic principles to common legal problems in torts, contracts, property rights and crime. No previous familiarity with the law is assumed.
- The course analyzes the choices of consumers, producers, institutions, and how these choices influence legal outcomes.
- It will explore how these choices are made by courts, tribunals, police, lawyers and clients and how these decision makers are affected by economics in market conditions and government interventions.
- By the end of this course, students will:
1. Be introduced to the economist’s way of thinking such as the understanding of law suits, legal remedies and precedents and how economics applies to them.
- 2. Be able to apply these concepts to the decision-making of courts, tribunals, police, lawyers and clients.
- 3. Apply the economic way of thinking to explain law related events using simple models that focus on important variables while setting aside unnecessary complications.
Canadian Economic History prior to 1850
Calendar entry
Gillian C. Hamilton •
Learning outcomes
R10-12, F10 |
| |
- Gain a better understanding of Canada’s early economic development
- Gain competence in using basic economic theory to understand historical outcomes
- Gain competence in evaluating empirical evidence
- Communicate effectively – both in written work and orally
- Gain competence in working with data & graphing in excel
- Gain competence in reading and summarizing academic papers succinctly
Canadian Economic History, 1850-1960
Calendar entry
Kieran Furlong •
Learning outcomes
R10-1 |
| |
Development Economics
Calendar entry
Kripa Freitas •
Learning outcomes
R2-4, F10-12 |
| |
- Describe how economists approach and understand a broad set of topics in development.
- Explain basic economic mechanisms behind some observed outcomes
- Use economic tools to critically analyze arguments - Identify implicit and explicit assumptions, check validity of predictions and logical consistency, evaluate supporting evidence.
- Methodically work through the impact of a proposed policy articulating how and why it could affect outcomes, paying careful attention to the limits of the analysis and how the predictions depend on underlying assumptions.
- Understand and explain the role of evidence - what constitutes good evidence, issues in establishing causality, explaining data analysis conducted in articles
- Explore recent developments in a topic of interest independently and in-depth.
o Apply course concepts to an open-ended real world setting,
o Conduct and communicate their economic analysis and associated nuances precisely, using simple English, to a wide range of audiences.
o Provide critical feedback to peers.
Advanced Economic Theory - Macro
Calendar entry
Michelle Alexopoulos •
Learning outcomes
T12-3 |
| |
- Gain familiarity with basic growth models
- Gain a better understanding of sources of economic growth
- Gain familiarity with a basic business cycle model
- Gain a better understanding of sources of business cycles
- Gain competence in analyzing simple dynamic macroeconomic models
Advanced Economic Theory - Macro
Calendar entry
Michelle Alexopoulos •
Learning outcomes
R6-9 |
| |
- Gain familiarity with basic growth models
- Gain a better understanding of sources of economic growth
- Gain familiarity with a basic business cycle model
- Gain a better understanding of sources of business cycles
- Gain competence in analyzing simple dynamic macroeconomic models
Advanced Economic Theory - Micro
Calendar entry
Marcin Pęski •
Learning outcomes
M6-9 |
| |
- Represent strategic situations as games. Demonstrate competence and understanding of simultaneous move games, extensive form games and games with incomplete information.
- Demonstante competence and understanding of basic solution concepts: dominance, equilibrium and subgame perfection.
- Discuss assumptions that underlie different approaches to solving the game. Use this knowledge to discuss the appropriateness of each of the solution concepts in a given strategic situation.
Advanced Economic Theory - Micro
Calendar entry
Marcin Pęski •
Learning outcomes
M10-1 |
| |
- Represent strategic situations as games. Demonstrate competence and understanding of simultaneous move games, extensive form games and games with incomplete information.
- Demonstante competence and understanding of basic solution concepts: dominance, equilibrium and subgame perfection.
- Discuss assumptions that underlie different approaches to solving the game. Use this knowledge to discuss the appropriateness of each of the solution concepts in a given strategic situation.
Behavioural and Experimental Economics
Calendar entry
Robert Gazzale •
Learning outcomes
T2-5 |
| |
- Identify and explain key insights from behavioural economics.
- Identify and explain key features of a well designed human-subject experiment.
- Critically and carefully read and assess journal articles in the experimental economics literature using techniques covered in the course in order to assess both internal and external validity.
- Use extended written communication strategies to provide clear and concise descriptions, explanations and assessments of journal articles reporting the results of human-subject experiments.
- Communicate respectful and constructive peer-to-peer criticism, guidance and support.
Robert Gazzale •
Learning outcomes
T5-8 |
| |
- Identify and explain key insights from behavioural economics.
- Identify and explain key features of a well designed human-subject experiment.
- Critically and carefully read and assess journal articles in the experimental economics literature using techniques covered in the course in order to assess both internal and external validity.
- Use extended written communication strategies to provide clear and concise descriptions, explanations and assessments of journal articles reporting the results of human-subject experiments.
- Communicate respectful and constructive peer-to-peer criticism, guidance and support.
Economics of Family
Calendar entry
Aloysius Siow •
Learning outcomes
RF9-11 |
R BL205; F SS1073
| |
- Learn how economists contribute to understanding behaviour of families relative to other disciplines.
- Learn how economists do empirical testing of models of family behaviour.
- This is an intermediate level course which requires intermediate microeconomics and introductory econometrics.
Urban Economics
Calendar entry
Jonathan Hall •
Learning outcomes
R10-12, F10 |
R SS2117; F RW110
| |
- Explain the fundamental economic forces causing cities to exist
- Explain the fundamental economic trade-offs driving urban spatial structure, and use this understanding to explain differences within and across cities
- Understand the key issues in urban transportation, be able to explain the trade-offs between different transportation systems, and analyze how different government policies affect mobility within cities
- Analyze how different government policies affect the housing market
Jonathan Hall •
Learning outcomes
R12-2, F11 |
R BL205; F RW110
| |
- Explain the fundamental economic forces causing cities to exist
- Explain the fundamental economic trade-offs driving urban spatial structure, and use this understanding to explain differences within and across cities
- Understand the key issues in urban transportation, be able to explain the trade-offs between different transportation systems, and analyze how different government policies affect mobility within cities
- Analyze how different government policies affect the housing market
Political Economy
Calendar entry
Yosh Halberstam •
Learning outcomes
R2-5 |
| |
- Model beliefs and the updating process that follows exposure to new information
- Analyze how information is aggregated in markets, including political markets
- Analyze the role of media in affecting voter beliefs and subsequent behaviour
- Identify the political economy of media and associated incentives to influence media markets
- Evaluate evidence on media and political outcomes with respect to causal inference
Public Economics
Calendar entry
Michael Smart •
Learning outcomes
T1-3, R2 |
| |
- Using theoretical and empirical tools
- Awareness of current issues, debates and insights.
Public Economics (for Commerce)
Calendar entry
Michael Smart •
Learning outcomes
T10-12, R10 |
T UC A101, R UC179
| |
- Using theoretical and empirical tools
- Awareness of current issues, debates and insights.
Economics of Careers
Calendar entry
Aloysius Siow •
Learning outcomes
T9-11, F11-1 |
ES B142
| |
- Apply intermediate microeconomics to studying the economics of careers which are relevant to third and fourth year undergraduates.
- There is a paper which requires an interview of a recent college graduate about their job.
Labour Economics: Employment, Wages, and Public Policy
Calendar entry
Michael Baker •
Learning outcomes
T10-12, F10 |
| |
- Command of microeconomic theory as it applies to labour supply, labour demand and labour market equilibrium
- Skills necessary to interpret empirical evidence of labour market behaviour
- Knowledge of basic descriptive statistics of labour supply and demand in the Canadian labour market and their values in comparison to those in other countries
- Skills to apply the economic models of labour supply and labour demand to policy issues such as social assistance and minimum wages
Labour Economics: The Distribution of Earnings
Calendar entry
Michael Baker •
Learning outcomes
T10-12, F10 |
| |
- Command of microeconomic theory as it applies to compensating wage differentials, human capital investment, labour market discrimination and unions
- Skills necessary to interpret empirical evidence of compensating wage differentials, the returns to human capital investment, evidence of labour market discrimination and the impacts of unions
- Knowledge of basic descriptive statistics of how wages/earnings vary across different groups within the Canadian labour market and their values in comparison to those in other countries
- Skills to apply the economic models of wage variation in the Canadian labour market to policies such as mandatory schooling laws and pay equity.
The Eonomic History of the 20th Century: Trade, Migration, Money and Finance before 1945
Calendar entry
Jon S. Cohen •
Learning outcomes
T10-12, R2 |
| |
- Gain an understanding of economic growth and fluctuations in Europe and North America between roughly 1870 and 1941.
- Gain an ability to use basic theoretical concepts to elucidate historical events.
- Gain an ability to draw on historical precedents to inform current economic debates.
- Gain an ability to evaluate empirical evidence.
- Develop an ability to conduct empirical research and to write up the results in a clear, concise, and coherent manner.
- Gain an ability to read, understand, and synthesize academic articles.
Twentieth Century Economic History: Institutions, Growth and Inequality
Calendar entry
Kieran Furlong •
Learning outcomes
T10-12, R2 |
T SS2117; R NL6
| |
Money, Banking, and Financial Markets
Calendar entry
Angelo Melino •
Learning outcomes
W4-7 |
| |
- Understand the evolution and role of money and the payment system
- Review the major financial markets, securities, and participants in Canada
- An introduction to asset pricing with emphasis on the arithmetic of pricing debt instruments in a risk-free environment, and the economic forces that shape the term structure of interest rates
- Understand the role that technology, asymmetric information, and regulation play in shaping financial institutions and markets in Canada
- Review what happened in the Great Financial Crisis of 2007-2009 and why Canada's experience was different from that of the US
- What should the Bank of Canada do, what does it do, and how does it implement its policy
Money, Banking, and Financial Markets
Calendar entry
George Georgopoulos •
Learning outcomes
W4-7 |
| |
- Understand the economic structure of financial markets and institutions;
- Identify the central role of information economics on the proper functioning of financial markets, along with understanding the causes of financial crises;
- Understand the central role of well-functioning financial markets in contributing to economic growth and the well- being of a country;
- To understand the role of monetary theory and the Central Bank in financial markets;
- To have up to date knowledge of the current events in the Canadian and rest of word financial systems;
- Properly analyze and communicate current issues in financial markets.
Financial Economics I
Calendar entry
Ekaterina Malinova •
Learning outcomes
T2-5 |
| |
- Obtain financial literacy in interest rates, time value of money and risk-return trade-offs.
- Value financial products such as bonds and stocks using standard asset pricing models.
- Understand the functioning of financial markets and financial securities such as stocks, bonds, and derivatives.
- Construct optimal portfolios based on the mean-variance expected utility theory.
- Identify the implications of empirical tests of asset pricing models and market efficiency on existing theories and industry practices.
Ekaterina Malinova •
Learning outcomes
T5-8 |
| |
- Obtain financial literacy in interest rates, time value of money and risk-return trade-offs.
- Value financial products such as bonds and stocks using standard asset pricing models.
- Understand the functioning of financial markets and financial securities such as stocks, bonds, and derivatives.
- Construct optimal portfolios based on the mean-variance expected utility theory.
- Identify the implications of empirical tests of asset pricing models and market efficiency on existing theories and industry practices.
Financial Economics II
Calendar entry
Michael Ho •
Learning outcomes
M5-8 |
| |
Michael Ho •
Learning outcomes
W6-9 |
| |
Economic Growth
Calendar entry
Stephen Ayerst •
Learning outcomes
W10-1 |
| |
International Trade
Calendar entry
Kevin Lim •
Learning outcomes
R10-1 |
| |
Kevin Lim •
Learning outcomes
R2-5 |
| |
International Trade
Calendar entry
Peter Morrow •
Learning outcomes
F10-1 |
| |
- Basic literacy of trade data including how trade has changed over the past 50 years, what commodities various countries specialize in, and who are the most important trade partners for a given country.
- Understand classic model of international trade that influence economists' belief that trade is good while also understanding the limitations of those models.
- Understand how various models do or do not provide explanations for observed phenomena including changes in inequality and the relationship between trade and growth.
- How current (i.e 2018) political events are affecting the landscape of international trade as it pertains to political economy and preferential trade agreements.
- Basic problem solving skilled and allow students to extrapolate and extend models on their own.
Kunal Dasgupta •
Learning outcomes
T5-8 |
| |
International Monetary Economics
Calendar entry
Kunal Dasgupta •
Learning outcomes
R2-5 |
| |
- By the end of this course, students should know the importance of exchange rates in a modern economy.
- By the end of the course, students should understand how exchange rates are determined.
- By the end of the course, students should be able to evaluate the efficacy of various policies under different exchange rate regimes.
- By the end of the course, students should be able to analyze how shocks in a country affect macroeconomic variables in other countries.
Kunal Dasgupta •
Learning outcomes
R6-9 |
| |
- By the end of this course, students should know the importance of exchange rates in a modern economy.
- By the end of the course, students should understand how exchange rates are determined.
- By the end of the course, students should be able to evaluate the efficacy of various policies under different exchange rate regimes.
- By the end of the course, students should be able to analyze how shocks in a country affect macroeconomic variables in other countries.
International Monetary Economics
Calendar entry
Jordi Mondria •
Learning outcomes
T10-1 |
| |
- provide analytical frameworks to gain an understanding current policy issues
- provide a model to understand the determinants of exchange rate movements
- apply models in international macroeconomics to analyze readings about recent events
Kevin Lim
Learning outcomes
T2-5 |
| |
- Become familiar with macroeconomic models of open economies.
- Apply knowledge of open economy macroeconomic models to analyze real-world issues in international monetary economics, such as exchange rate fluctuations, currency crises, and financial globalization.
Economics of Conflict
Calendar entry
Paola Salardi •
Learning outcomes
T2-5 |
| |
• Defining and categorize war / terror / conflict etc.;
• Describe the assumptions and characteristics of the main economic models to understand conflicts;
• Identify the state of the art of the economics of conflict literature.
• Select the sources of information and data on civil conflicts and political violence
• Be able to do a literature research on applied topics related to conflict;
• Analyze qualitative and quantitative data and explain how evidence gathered supports or refutes an initial hypothesis;
• Develop a critical approach to methods employed in the literature.
• Improve presentation skills and more broadly communication skills;
• Work cooperatively in a small group environment;
• Deal with emotionally challenging events.
Applied Regression Analysis and Empirical Papers
Calendar entry
Patrick Blanchenay •
Learning outcomes
W4-6, F12-2 |
| |
- Understand the notion of causality, and its importance in empirical research.
- Identify and compare five strategies that can be used to answer causal questions empirically: random assignment, regressions, instrumental variables, regression discontinuity design, and difference-in-difference.
- Clearly articulate each method's benefits and limitations.
- Become familiar with empirical papers that have used these methods to answer questions causally in various fields of economics.
- Use your understanding of the methods to assess the validity and quality of empirical studies.
- Learn and practice how to apply these methods using actual datasets, with hands-on use of statistical software STATA.
Applied Regression Analysis and Empirical Papers
Calendar entry
Patrick Blanchenay •
Learning outcomes
T2-5 |
| |
- Understand the notion of causality, and its importance in empirical research.
- Identify and compare five strategies that can be used to answer causal questions empirically: random assignment, regressions, instrumental variables, regression discontinuity design, and difference-in-difference.
- Clearly articulate each method's benefits and limitations.
- Become familiar with empirical papers that have used these methods to answer questions causally in various fields of economics.
- Use your understanding of the methods to assess the validity and quality of empirical studies.
- Learn and practice how to apply these methods using actual datasets, with hands-on use of statistical software STATA.
Applied Econometrics (for Commerce)
Calendar entry
Yuanyuan Wan •
Learning outcomes
W10-12, F10 |
| |
- Understand the fundamentals of statistical concepts and existing econometric theory (within the scope of course coverage).
- Acquire and enhance analytic skills which are the basis to implement econometric tools and also useful in students' future studies in Economics.
- Develop ability to connect econometric models/theory/tools to real-life economic problems and suitable economic theory.
Applied Econometrics (for Commerce)
Calendar entry
Yuanyuan Wan
Learning outcomes
W10-12, F10 |
| |
- Understand the fundamentals of statistical concepts and existing econometric theory (within the scope of course coverage).
- Acquire and enhance analytic skills which are the basis to implement econometric tools and also useful in students' future studies in Economics.
- Develop ability to connect econometric models/theory/tools to real-life economic problems and suitable economic theory.
Applied Econometrics I
Calendar entry
Jonathan P. Beauchamp •
Learning outcomes
R9-11, F11-1 |
R SS1069; F SS2117
| |
- Specify multiple regression models to gain insight into economic questions and interpret results from the estimation of such models
- Understand and mathematically prove the main properties of OLS estimators (including unbiasedness and consistency) and appreciate conditions (e.g., omitted variables) that may lead to failure of these properties
- Apply instrumental variables and two-stage least squares estimation, understand the conditions for valid instruments, and use instrumental variables to estimate simultaneous equations models
- Use econometric software to analyze real data in regression analysis
- Use matrix algebra in analyzing theoretical properties of regression analysis
Jonathan P. Beauchamp •
Learning outcomes
R1-3, F11-1 |
R SS1071; F SS2117
| |
- Specify multiple regression models to gain insight into economic questions and interpret results from the estimation of such models
- Understand and mathematically prove the main properties of OLS estimators (including unbiasedness and consistency) and appreciate conditions (e.g., omitted variables) that may lead to failure of these properties
- Apply instrumental variables and two-stage least squares estimation, understand the conditions for valid instruments, and use instrumental variables to estimate simultaneous equations models
- Use econometric software to analyze real data in regression analysis
- Use matrix algebra in analyzing theoretical properties of regression analysis
Applied Econometrics I
Calendar entry
Martin Burda •
Learning outcomes
R10-12, F11 |
| |
- Specify multiple regression models to gain insight into economic questions and interpret results from the estimation of such models
- Use matrix algebra in analyzing theoretical properties of regression analysis
- Understand and mathematically prove the main properties of OLS estimators (including unbiasedness and consistency) and appreciate conditions (e.g., omitted variables) that may lead to failure of these properties
- Apply instrumental variables and two-stage least squares estimation, understand the conditions for valid instruments, and use instrumental variables to estimate simultaneous equations models
- Use econometric software to analyze real data in regression analysis
Markets, Competition, and Strategy
Calendar entry
John McNeill •
Learning outcomes
W10-1 |
| |
- By the end of this course, students will be able to analyze the role of different market structures in shaping equilibrium market outcomes.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to utilize mathematical methods to evaluate the impact of changing the assumptions of an economic model.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to explain the motivation for and mathematically model anticompetitive behavior and modern competition policy.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to describe how market design can be used to solve coordination problems in matching markets and apply theoretical results to specific applications
- By the end of this course, students will be able to identify situations in which non-standard consumer behavior incentivizes firms to strategically exploit boundedly rational consumers.
John McNeill •
Learning outcomes
W2-5 |
| |
- By the end of this course, students will be able to analyze the role of different market structures in shaping equilibrium market outcomes.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to utilize mathematical methods to evaluate the impact of changing the assumptions of an economic model.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to explain the motivation for and mathematically model anticompetitive behavior and modern competition policy.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to describe how market design can be used to solve coordination problems in matching markets and apply theoretical results to specific applications
- By the end of this course, students will be able to identify situations in which non-standard consumer behavior incentivizes firms to strategically exploit boundedly rational consumers.
Markets, Competition, and Strategy
Calendar entry
John McNeill •
Learning outcomes
W2-5 |
| |
- By the end of this course, students will be able to analyze the role of different market structures in shaping equilibrium market outcomes.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to utilize mathematical methods to evaluate the impact of changing the assumptions of an economic model.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to explain the motivation for and mathematically model anticompetitive behavior and modern competition policy.
- By the end of this course, students will be able to describe how market design can be used to solve coordination problems in matching markets and apply theoretical results to specific applications
- By the end of this course, students will be able to identify situations in which non-standard consumer behavior incentivizes firms to strategically exploit boundedly rational consumers.
Personnel Economics
Calendar entry
Arthur J. Hosios •
Learning outcomes
W10-12, F2-4 |
| |
- Describe the structure and assumptions of the standard models used in personnel economics, including those involving information asymmetries, and explain how the models' predictions change when the standard assumptions are relaxed.
- Provide clear and concise explanations of the fundamental economic intuition associated with the articulation and resolution of personnel problems, including hiring, training, incentive compensation, promotions, team production and HRM synergies.
- Appreciate the importance of econometric models in testing hypotheses concerning different economic phenomena in the workplace.
Topics in Economic Policy
Calendar entry
Linda Wang •
Learning outcomes
M10-12, F1 |
| |
Topics in Health Economics
Calendar entry
Shari Eli •
Learning outcomes
R12-3 |
| |
- 1) Depth and Breadth of Knowledge
(i) Using tools from econometrics and economics
(ii) Learning about current debates on the provision of health care and public policy related to health issues
- (2) Learning New Methods
(i) Introduce students to the use of econometric techniques including diff-in-diff, regression discontinuity and natural experiments and then evaluating these techniques
(ii) Learning how to choose different techniques depending on the issues faced
- (3) Writing Skills
(i) Explaining assumptions, hypotheses, evidence in essay form
- (4) Limitations of Research
(i) Cognizance of the ways that assumptions limit the possible conclusions that can be drawn
(ii) Identifying the limits of the data
(iii) Determining ways to establish causation versus correlation and acknowledging when it’s not possible to make causal claims
Topics in Development Economics and Policy
Calendar entry
Gustavo Bobonis •
Learning outcomes
M2-4, F2 |
M NF007; F SS2108
| |
- Students learn how one can apply economic concepts learned in the core sequence to real world problems in international development policy, and the general ideas in the field.
- Students learn how the discipline carries out empirical research, how to employ data to better understand aspects of economic behaviour applicable to development. Specifically, students learn applications of the research methods used in the field.
- Students gain practical experience in development economics research. They complete a group research project, with scaffold assignments on it: (i) a research project review and planned research to address a selected question; (ii) a class presentation; and (iii) a group research paper.
Topics in Development Economics and Policy
Calendar entry
Arthur Blouin
Learning outcomes
T10-12, R10 |
| |
- Critically assess the methods and implications of existing empirical analyses of microeconomic and macroeconomic data associated with key development issues
- Apply basic econometric methods to identify causal relationships in available economic data associated with key development issues.
- Explain specific economic problems faced by individuals in developing countries and formulate possible policy responses based on formal economic reasoning and empirical analysis.
- Use the analytical tools associated with institutional economics to provide theoretical analyses of key issues faced by individuals in developing countries.
Topics in Managerial Economics
Calendar entry
Ajaz Hussain •
Learning outcomes
W5-8 |
| |
Topics in Managerial Economics
Calendar entry
Ajaz Hussain •
Learning outcomes
W5-8 |
SK 222
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- By the end of this course, students will be able to analyze, identify, formulate appropriate econometric models, articulate, and present a structured solution to the salient issue(s) in real life business-economics cases (such as Valuing financial assets;Potential synergies from generating hazardous waste; “Forward†and “backwards†approaches to making decisions under uncertainty; Managing price erosion at a company; Hedging against price volatility of a commodity for there are no financial derivatives; Analyzing the (in)effectiveness of marketing campaigns; Attributing mutual fund manager performance to ‘pedigree vs. grit’; Valuing a Leveraged Buyout (LBO) with variable capital structure in the short run; Bidding strategies on a complex auction of a Copper-Zinc mine involving forecasting commodity prices via Brownian motion processes; Game theoretic analysis of future price wars).
- By the end of this course, students will be able to work cooperatively in a small group environment to deliver presentations, develop quantitative models, and write business reports
- By the end of this course, students will be know how to collect, clean, interpret, and use data from – to name a few – CRSP, FRED, StatsCan, and IMF/GEM, use Excel for external data collection/analysis, statistical/econometric analysis, constrained optimization, solving systems of equations, and Monte-Carlo simulations, and use industry-standard software for advanced econometric/statistical analysis.
Developmental Macroeconomics
Calendar entry
Gustavo Indart •
Learning outcomes
R10-1 |
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- Integrate the study of macroeconomics and development economics by focusing on both the stability of economic systems and the long-term process of economic growth.
- Construct a theoretical and policy framework applicable to both middle-income developing countries and resource-rich developed countries.
- Recognize the exchange rate as the key macroeconomic variable in the determination not only of exports and imports, but also of the investment rate, the saving rate, and the inflation rate.
- Examine the causes of observed cyclical overvaluation of the exchange rate in this group of countries, particularly Dutch disease and excessive reliance on external savings.
Competing Views in Macroeconomic Theory and Policy
Calendar entry
Gustavo Indart •
Learning outcomes
R10-1 |
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- Recognize and appreciate the diversity of theoretical views expressed to analyze real world macroeconomic problems.
- Identify the differences between orthodox and heterodox macroeconomic approaches, including the ideological and political implications of each approach.
- Evaluate the role played by assumptions in arguments that reach different conclusions to specific economic or policy problems.
- Employ economic theory to analyze current socio-economic problems, and evaluate alternative public policy choices.
- Formulate well-organized written arguments based on a well-defined theoretical framework, stating assumptions and hypotheses supported by evidence.
Mergers and Competition Policy
Calendar entry
Jennifer Murdock •
Learning outcomes
TR11-1 |
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- Evaluate the competitive implications of horizontal mergers (mergers amongst competitors) by gathering relevant industry information and applying appropriate economic theory
- Know both the Canadian Merger Enforcement Guidelines and the U.S. Horizontal Merger Guidelines, including how these relate to classic oligopoly models
- Work with classic oligopoly models (e.g. Cournot, Bertrand) -- including solving models using game theory and the Nash Equilibrium solution concept -- and judge their relevance in understanding specific real-world industries
- Use Excel to conduct merger simulations
- Delineate antitrust markets using the hypothetical monopolist test, with either quantitative or qualitative information
- Identify valid economic theories of harm from a horizontal merger and assess the likely severity of each
- Evaluate cognizable efficiencies and entry, which may counteract competitive harms
- Capably read sources written by economists, which sometimes include errors small and large, noting the organizing structure and staying mindful of the main messages even when immersed in technical details
- Critically evaluate the economic arguments and evidence that appear in a variety of course readings from book chapters, to academic journal articles, to expert economic testimony for mergers challenged in court
- Proficiently read and critically assess empirical journal articles that use a range of methods including multiple regression (difference-in-difference approach) for merger retrospective studies and advanced econometric techniques (e.g. instrumental variables) for demand estimation, which includes interpreting estimation results in key tables and/or figures
- Figure out when endogeneity will create serious problems for estimating parameters (e.g. of the demand curve), explain the implications and describe the remedies and their limitations
- Take a clear position on challenging questions where there is genuine disagreement amongst economists, while identifying and confronting major counter-arguments/evidence and wrestling with complexity
- Find and properly cite a variety of respected academic, industry, and popular press sources that are relevant in assessing a horizontal merger
- Effectively integrate sources, evidence, and compelling arguments into your analyses, while avoiding distracting your audience with anything unreliable, tangential, or irrelevant, and achieving good balance: important/complex points get most attention
- Effectively communicate your original critical thinking to others both in writing and orally, going beyond merely reporting others’ opinions and not overly relying on a single source
- Compose coherent, concise, and clear written analyses
Macroeconometric Models for Policy Analysis and Forecasting
Calendar entry
Peter Dungan •
Learning outcomes
R3-5 |
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Economic Development Policy: Community Engaged Learning
Calendar entry
Kripa Freitas •
Learning outcomes
T12-3 |
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- Characterize the main issues and mechanisms for a broad set of topics in economic development. They will construct concept maps to show patterns of connections between these topics, identifying conceptual similarities and differences.
- Use an economic framework to analyze the effects of policies using case studies, being careful to identify context-specific factors relevant to policy implementation.
- Identify and critically evaluate framework assumptions informed by empirical evidence and demonstrate this skill in their assignments and class discussions.
- Explain what constitutes good evidence and why. Describe the role of randomized evaluations in development highlighting strengths and weaknesses of the tool.
- Make policy recommendations, explaining their reasoning and decision-making criterion in an assignment. Important elements will include measurement issues, sources of data and empirical analysis.
- Link their experiential and in-class learning through a group final project that analyzes the implementation of a particular intervention. Important elements will include choosing outcome measures, identifying theoretical mechanisms through which the policy is expected to work, identifying context-specific implementation factors and a plan to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation.
- Use reflection assignments and team feedback to identify workplace skills strengths and areas for improvement.
- Develop workplace skills, e.g. collaboration skills by working on a group project, the ability to effectively give and respond to feedback and communication skills through writing, an infographic assignment and oral presentations.
- Learn about development related issues in Toronto, innovative responses to them and issues a professional working in the field might face through their placement, reflection assignments, and structured group discussions.
Empirical Applications of Economic Theory
Calendar entry
Yao Luo •
Learning outcomes
T4-7 |
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- Use STATA to manipulate and explore data sets; interpreting and reporting regression results
- Apply discrete choice model to study consumer demand and strategic behavior of firms
- Apply economic theory to evaluate firm efficiency, estimate auction models and conduct counterfactual experiments
- Articulate a well-formed research question in an oligopolistic market and an appropriate resolution to it
- Use extended oral and written communication strategies to provide clear descriptions and explanations of empirical findings
International Macroeconomics
Calendar entry
Joseph Steinberg •
Learning outcomes
W2-5 |
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- Recognize key facts about which countries have borrowed and lent from one another
- Identify the determinants of international borrowing and lending
- Identify the sources of exchange rate fluctuations
- Translate real-world situations into the mathematical language of macroeconomic theory
- Analyze equilibrium outcomes numerically, algebraically, and graphically
Special Topics in Economics, Economics of Information
Calendar entry
Marcin Pęski •
Learning outcomes
M2-5 |
FE 135
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- Represent situations with incomplete information with knowledge and belief type spaces. Use analytical tools (knowledge operators, Bayesian updating) to discuss information that players have about the world and about each other.
- Represent strategic situations as normal or extensive form games. Demonstrate competence and understaning of basic game theoretic solution concepts like Bayesian Nash equilibrium, and Perfect Bayesian equilibrium.
- Distinguish between different types of models with incomplete information (adverse selection, signalling, moral hazard, reputation). Discuss ways how incomplete information can affect strategic analysis.
- Use analytical tools to build a game-theoretic model of a real world situation with incomplete information. Be able to distinguish between important and irrelevant elements of the real world description and focus on the former when building the model.
Special Topics in Economics, Topics in Business Economics
Calendar entry
Karen Bernhardt-Walther •
Learning outcomes
W1-4 |
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- Recognize organizational choices in real-world examples
- Apply organizational economic models to analyze these choices, to explain behavior of and
dynamics within organizations
- Understand the economic relevance of “second best outcomes,†derive a second best outcome
mathematically, and give real-world examples
- Professionally and concisely communicate insights of applied theory papers and their real-world relevance, formally and informally, orally and in writing
Special Topics in Economics, Topics in Behavioural Economics
Calendar entry
Yoram Halevy •
Learning outcomes
T9-11, M5-7 Note: M5-7 (tutorial) |
RW143, RW143
| |
- Understand the flexibility and limitations of the economic approach to modeling behaviour.
- Know how to use existing behavioural models to understand new economic phenomena.
- Know to design experiments to evaluate a proposed behavioural model.
- Know to evaluate research in Economics and disciplines related to behavioural research.
- Be able to pose a novel research question, design plan to investigate it and conjecture how to answer it.
Special Topics in Economics, Topics in Business Economics
Calendar entry
Karen Bernhardt-Walther •
Learning outcomes
W1-4 |
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- Recognize organizational choices in real-world examples
- Apply organizational economic models to analyze these choices, to explain behavior of and
dynamics within organizations
- Understand the economic relevance of “second best outcomes,†derive a second best outcome
mathematically, and give real-world examples
- Professionally and concisely communicate insights of applied theory papers and their real-world relevance, formally and informally, orally and in writing
Economics and Biosocial Data
Calendar entry
Jonathan P. Beauchamp
Learning outcomes
F9-12 |
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- Critically assess, both orally and in writing, economic research that uses genetic, neuroscientific, and other biosocial data to address questions of interest to economists.
- Understand and estimate econometric models that disentangle genetic and environmental influences on economic traits, and appreciate the evidence pointing to the importance of both sets of influences for most economic preferences and outcomes.
- Critically assess the policy implications, or lack thereof, of the existence of genetic and environmental influences on economic traits; appreciate that the relative importance of genetic vs. environmental influences on a trait is contingent on the environment, and is not always informative about the possibility of ameliorating the trait through policy.
- Use econometric methods to estimate the effects of genetic variants on economic preferences and outcomes; to test for interactions between genetic factors and environmental variables; and to use molecular genetic data as instrumental variables.
- Be acquainted with research that leverages neuroscientific data and methods to derive better models of economic decision making.
Market Design
Calendar entry
Colin Stewart •
Learning outcomes
W2-4 |
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- Apply game-theoretic tools to predict the outcomes of various auction formats for single and multiple objects
- Demonstrate knowledge of matching algorithms and their properties
- Identify relevant goals in market design problems and use a theoretical framework to assess whether and how those goals may be achieved
- Explain the key features of a number of real-world market designs, their theoretical basis, and issues that existing theory does not adequately address
Classical Economic Thought
Calendar entry
Kieran Furlong •
Learning outcomes
W9-12 |
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Economic Thought after 1870
Calendar entry
Kieran Furlong •
Learning outcomes
W9-12 |
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Economic Development of China
Calendar entry
Loren Brandt •
Learning outcomes
T2-5 |
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Empirical Methods in Microeconomics
Calendar entry
Arthur Blouin
Learning outcomes
T3-5, R3 |
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- Apply state of the art econometric methods to identify causal relationships in available economic data associated with key economic issues.
- Develop empirical projects, including decision-making regarding empirical strategy, data collection, empirical modelling.
- Assess the quality of work at the research frontier, in applied microeconomics.
- Present and defend decisions made in original research projects to a critical audience.
- Appropriately employ statistical and econometric software for empirical analysis.
Advanced Public Economics
Calendar entry
Michael Smart
Learning outcomes
T1-3 |
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International Trade Regulation (note: ECO3504H is NOT open to non-Economics graduate students)
Calendar entry
Michael Trebilcock
Learning outcomes
T2-4 |
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Economics of Risk Management
Calendar entry
Ata Mazaheri •
Learning outcomes
T9-12 |
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- When you finish this course, you will learn:
What are derivatives, how they are priced and how they are used to manage risk:
What Greek letters are and how they are used to hedge risk
Value at risk (VaR), what it means and how it is estimated
Credit Risk Management – How credit default is estimated
Credit Risk Management – How credit Risk is measured
Credit Derivatives – How and why Credit Default Swaps (CDS) are used.
The elements of the financial crisis of 2007.
You will further learn how to use computer to estimate and manage the risk of a portfolio.
Financial Econometrics
Calendar entry
Christian Gourieroux •
Learning outcomes
R11-1 |
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- analyze financial returns and volatilities
- learn portfolio management
- risk control and computation of reserves
- introduction to credit risk
nergy and Environment: Economics, Politics, and Sustainability
Adonis Yatchew
Learning outcomes
T2-4 |
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Financial Market Microstructure
Calendar entry
Ekaterina Malinova •
Learning outcomes
T10-12, W6 Note: W6-7 (Tutorial) |
RW143, SS1074
| |
- Understand the theoretical and practical micro-foundations of securities trading, including trading arrangements, functioning of markets, price formation protocols, and market regulations
- Demonstrate understanding of canonical theoretical models on trader behavior in financial markets.
- Identify an applied research question and conduct an empirical analysis, using high-frequency, quantitative data.
- Critically assess and reflect on recent academic work in the field, articulate the policy and regulatory implications.
- Evaluate the impact of financial market innovations and regulations, using economic theory and econometric tools.
Empirical Financial Economics
Calendar entry
Peter Cziraki •
Learning outcomes
F1-4 |
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- Develop an understanding of the concept of the “ideal experiment†in empirical research, and how endogeneity issues can (or cannot) be dealt with in various real-life settings.
- Apply econometric methods such as calculating abnormal returns, instrumental variables estimation, difference-in-differences, regression discontinuity, selection models, and propensity score matching to timely questions in financial markets and corporate finance.
- Gain hands-on experience with the entire process of empirical analysis and writing up conclusions through a customized empirical project.
International Finance
Calendar entry
Jordi Mondria •
Learning outcomes
T10-12, R10 |
T OI2214; R OI8220
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- provide analytical frameworks to gain an understanding of recent events and current
policy issues
- provide an introduction to research in international finance
- analyze data to test theories in international finance
Empirical Macroeconomics and Policy
Calendar entry
Michelle Alexopoulos and
Martin Burda •
Learning outcomes
TR10-12 |
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- Characterize concepts of time series dependence (covariance stationarity, weak dependence)
- Use sample autocorrelation function in statistical software for empirical assessment of dependence in real world time series data
- Analyze theoretical properties of the multivariate vector autoregressive process (VAR) model
- Use the VAR model for forecasting of Canadian and U.S. macroeconomic variables in Stata or R
- Gain familiarity with simple real and monetary business cycle models
- Gain familiarity with causes of business cycles in Canada and the U.S.
- Research and present monetary policy recommendations for the Bank of Canada
- Gain competence in working with macroeconomic data and presenting basic facts to support economic analysis
Applied Econometrics II
Calendar entry
Ismael Mourifié •
Learning outcomes
R10-12, F11 |
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- Learn recent econometrics methods useful for applied researchers.
- Develop enough technical skills to be able to read and understand
method-based econometrics textbooks/papers.
- Learn how to interpret econometric assumptions.
- Explore an interesting economic question.
- Learn how to use econometric tools to answer this question.
- Data gathering, uploading, cleaning.
- Learn how to use Stata, read and interprets Stata results.
Honours Essay in Applied Microeconomics
Calendar entry
Robert Gazzale •
Learning outcomes
R2-5 |
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- Articulate a well formed research question that is amenable to quantitative and qualitative economic investigation.
- Read, analyze and exploit the tools and techniques drawn from a variety of theoretical and empirical economic texts.
- Select and correctly apply appropriate analytical and empirical economic approaches to investigate research questions from a variety of economic contexts.
- Articulate an appropriate resolution to research questions, while recognizing the limitations and constraints inherent in any proposed resolution.
- Use extended written communication strategies to provide clear and concise descriptions and explanations of empirical economic investigations.
- Engage in constructive, respectful and articulate communication with a research supervisor on issues related to the selection of a research question, investigation of relevant literature, theoretical and empirical methodological choice and research findings.