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Colin Stewart

Professor; Associate Chair, Graduate Studies
Ph.D. (Yale, 2007), M.Phil. (Yale, 2005), M.A. (Yale, 2003), M.Sc. (McGill, 2001), B.Sc.H. (Queen's, 1998)
Office: Max Gluskin House, 150 St. George Street, 168. Phone: 416-946-3519. Fax: 416-978-6713.
Email address:
Personal website:
Research fields: Microeconomic theory, Behavioral Economics

Selected research

All publications

Honors and awards

  • American Economic Review, Excellence in Refereeing Award, 2013.
  • George Trimis Prize for Distinguished Dissertation in Economics, Yale University, 2008.

Courses taught 2024–2025

  • Winter

  • ECO2201H1S, section L0101 (St. George) • Microeconomic Theory II (PhD) ( Anne-Katrin Roesler and Colin Stewart ) • M2-4, W2-4, R4-6 • FE240 (Mon), TF201 (Wed), OI5240 (Thr)