University Professor Emeritus
L.L.M (Adelaide, 1962), L.L.B. (New Zealand, 1961)
Office: Faculty of Law, 309. Phone: 416-978-5843.
Email address:
Research fields: Law and economics
Selected research
R. Daniels, M. Thorburn, Michael Trebilcock, "Government by Voucher", Boston University Law Review 80 (2000), 205–232.
Michael Trebilcock, "The Value and Limits of Economic Analysis of Law", in The Second Wave of Law and Economics (edited by Hadfield and Richardson), , 1999.
Ninette Kelley and Michael Trebilcock, The Making of the Mosaic: A History of Canadian Immigration Policy, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1999.
Lisa Austin and Michael Trebilcock, "The Limits of the Full Court Press: Of Blood and Mergers", University of Toronto Law Journal 48 (1) (1998)
R. Daniels, P. Halpern, J. Macey, Michael Trebilcock, The Toronto Stock Exchange and its Public Interest Mandate: A Paradigm in Transition, 1998.