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Publications of Michael Trebilcock
Michael Fishbein and Michael Trebilcock, "International Trade: Barriers to Trade", in Research Handbook in International Economic Law (edited by Guzman and Sykes), Edward Elgar, 2007.
Edward Iacobucci, Michael Trebilcock, Ralph A. Winter, "The Political Economy of Deregulation in Canada", in Creating Competitive Markets: The Politics of Regulatory Reform (edited by Martin Levin), Brookings Institute, 2007.
Michael Trebilcock, "The Lessons and Limits of Law and Economics", in In the Eye of the Beholder (edited by Pierre Nadeau), Universite de Montreal, Montreal, 2007.
Albert Breton and Michael Trebilcock (eds.), Bijuralism: An Economic Approach, Ashgate, 2006.
R. Daniels and Michael Trebilcock, "Rationales and Instruments for Government Intervention in Natural Disasters", in On Risk and Disaster (edited by Daniels, Kettl and Kunreuther), University of Pennsylvania Press, Pennsylvania, 2006.
Kevin Davis and Michael Trebilcock, "The Demand for Bijurally Trained Canadian Lawyers", in Bijuralism: An Economics Approach (edited by Breton and Trebilcock), Ashgate, 2006.
Roy Hrab and Michael Trebilcock, "Electricity Restructuring in Canada", in Electricity Market Reform: An International Perspective (edited by Sioshansi and Pfanffeyer), Elsevier, 2006.
Edward Iacobucci, Michael Trebilcock, Ralph A. Winter, "The Canadian Experience with Deregulation", University of Toronto Law Journal 56 (2006)
Jing Leng and Michael Trebilcock, "The Role of Formal Contract Law and Enforcement in Economic Development", University of Virginia Law Review 92 (2006), 1517–.
R. Pierce, E. Thomas, Michael Trebilcock, Beyond Gridlock: The Case for Greater Integration of Regional Electricity Markets, C.D. Howe Institute, Commentary, 2006.
Margaret Sanderson and Michael Trebilcock, "Competition Class Actions: An Evaluation of Deterrence and Corrective Justice Rationales", in Litigating Conspiracy: An Analysis of Competition Class Actions (edited by Stephen Pitel), Irwin, 2006.
Matthew Sudak and Michael Trebilcock, "The Economics of Emigration and Immigration", New York University Law Review 81 (1) (2006), 234–.
R. Daniels and Michael Trebilcock, Rethinking the Welfare State: The Prospects for Vouchers, Routlege, London, 2005.
R. Daniels and Michael Trebilcock, "Towards a New Compact in University Education in Ontario", in Taking Public Universities Seriously (edited by F. Iacobucci and C. Tuohy), University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 2005.
Shiva Giri and Michael Trebilcock, "The National Treatment Principle in International Trade Law", in Handbook of International Trade, Volume II (edited by Choi and Hartigan), Blackwell, Oxford, 2005.
Robert Howse and Michael Trebilcock, The Regulation of International Trade, 3rd edition, Routledge, 2005.
Roy Hrab and Michael Trebilcock, "Electricity Restructuring in Ontario", Energy Journal 26 (2005)
Margaret Sanderson and Michael Trebilcock, "Merger Review in Regulated Industries", Canadian Business Law Journal 42 (2005)
Michael Trebilcock, "Critiquing the Critics of Economic Globalization", Journal of International Law and International Relations 1 (2005), 213–.
Michael Trebilcock, "Journeys Across the Divides", in The Origins of Law and Economics: Essays by the Founding Fathers (edited by Parisi and Rowley), Edward Elgar, 2005.
Michael Trebilcock, "Regulated Conduct in the Competition Act", Canadian Business Law Journal (2005)
Michael Trebilcock, "The Choice of Governing Instrument: A Retrospective", in Designing Government (edited by Eliades, Hill and Howlett), McGill-Queen\'s University Press, 2005.
Edward Iacobucci and Michael Trebilcock, "National Treatment and Extraterritoriality: Defining the Domains of Trade and Antitrust Policy", in Competition Laws in Conflict (edited by Richard Epstein and Michael Greve), AEI Press, Washington, D.C., 2004.
John Kirton and Michael Trebilcock (eds.), Hard Choices, Soft Law: Voluntary Standards in Global Trade, Environment and Social Governance, Ashgate, 2004.
Michael Trebilcock, "Trade Policy and Labour Standards", in Hard Choices, Soft Law (edited by J. Kirton and M. Trebilcock), Ashgate, 2004.
Roy Hrab and Michael Trebilcock, Electricity Restructuring in Ontario: The Political Economy of a Short-Circuit, C.D. Howe Institute, Commentary, 2003.
Edward Iacobucci and Michael Trebilcock, "Privatization and Accountability", Harvard Law Review 116 (2003)
Michael Trebilcock, "International Trade and International Labour Standards", in International Economic Governance and Non-Economic Concerns (edited by Stefan Griller), Springer-Wien, 2003.
P. Collins, Edward Iacobucci, Michael Trebilcock, Ralph A. Winter, The Law and Economics of Canadian Competition Policy, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 2002.
Julie Soloway and Michael Trebilcock, "International Trade Policy and Domestic Food Safety Regulation", in The Political Economy of International Trade (edited by David Kennedy and James Southwick), Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Lilla Csorgo and Michael Trebilcock, "Multidisciplinary Professional Practices: A Consumer Welfare Perspective", Dalhousie L.J.I. 24 (2001)
Kevin Davis and Michael Trebilcock, "Ethnically Homogeneous Commercial Elites in Developing Countries", Law and Policy in International Business 32 (2001)
Steven Elliott and Michael Trebilcock, "The Scope and Limits of Legal Peternalism: Altruism and Coercion in Family Financial Arrangements", in The Theory of Contract Law (edited by Peter Benson), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2001.
Huma Haider, Edward Iacobucci, Michael Trebilcock, Economic Shocks: Defining a Role for Government, C.D. Howe Institute, 2001.
Andrew Smith and Michael Trebilcock, "State-Owned Enterprises in Less Developed Countries: Privatization and Alternative Reform Measures", European Journal of Law and Economics 12 (2001)
Michael Trebilcock, "Regulating Legal Competence", Canadian Business Law Journal 34 (2001)
Michael Trebilcock, "The Supreme Court and Strengthening the Conditions for Effective Competition in the Canadian Economy", Canadian Bar Review 80 (2001)
R. Daniels, M. Thorburn, Michael Trebilcock, "Government by Voucher", Boston University Law Review 80 (2000), 205–232.
R. Daniels and Michael Trebilcock, "Electricity Restructuring: The Ontario Experience", Canadian Business Law Journal 33 (2000)
Kevin Davis and Michael Trebilcock, "Law Reforms and Development: An Overview of the Evidence", Third World Quarterly (2000)
Richard M. Bird, Michael Trebilcock, Thomas A. Wilson, "Lurching Around Chicago: The Positive Challenge of Explaining the Recent Regulatory Reform Agenda", in Rationality and the Policy Process (edited by R. Bird, M. Trebilcock and T, Wilson), Canadian Tax Foundation, 1999.
- Gal and Michael Trebilcock, "Market Power Issues in Electricity Industry Restructurings", Journal of World Competition 22 (1999)
Ninette Kelley and Michael Trebilcock, The Making of the Mosaic: A History of Canadian Immigration Policy, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1999.
Michael Trebilcock, "The Value and Limits of Economic Analysis of Law", in The Second Wave of Law and Economics (edited by Hadfield and Richardson), , 1999.
Lisa Austin and Michael Trebilcock, "The Limits of the Full Court Press: Of Blood and Mergers", University of Toronto Law Journal 48 (1) (1998)
R. Daniels, P. Halpern, J. Macey, Michael Trebilcock, The Toronto Stock Exchange and its Public Interest Mandate: A Paradigm in Transition, 1998.
- Fraiberg and Michael Trebilcock, "Risk Regulation: Technocratic and Democratic Tools for Regulatory Reform", McGill Law Journal 43 (1998)
Nancy Gallini and Michael Trebilcock, "Competition Policy and Intellectual Property Rights", in Competition Policy and Intellectual Property Rights (edited by Anderson and Gallini), Industry Canada, 1998.
- Hadfield, Robert Howse, Michael Trebilcock, "Rethinking Consumer Protection Policy", Journal of Consumer Policy (1998)
- Hadfield, Robert Howse, Michael Trebilcock, "Trade Liberalization and Regulatory Diversity: Reconciling Competitive Markets with Competititve Politics", European Journal of Law and Economics 6 (1998)
Michael Trebilcock, "What Makes Poor Countries Poor? The Role of Institutional Capital in Economic Development", in The Law and Economics of Develpment (edited by Buscaglia and Cooter), JAI Press, 1997.
Michael Trebilcock and Ralph A. Winter, "The Economics of Nuclear Accident Law", International Review of Law and Economics 17 (1997)
- Atwood and Michael Trebilcock, "Public Accountability in an Age of Contracting Out", Canadian Business Law Journal 27 (1996)
R. Daniels, Robert Howse, Michael Trebilcock, "Do Institutions Matter: A Comparative Pathology of the HIV-Infected Blood Tragedy", Virginia Law Review 82 (1996)
R. Daniels and Michael Trebilcock, "Private Provision of Public Infrastructure: An Organizational Analysis of the Next Privatization Frontier", University of Toronto Law Journal 46 (1996)
R. Daniels and Michael Trebilcock, "The Future of Ontario Hydro: A Review of Structural and Regulatory Options", in Ontario Hydro at the Millenium: Has Monopoly's Moment Passed? (edited by Daniels), McGill-Queens University Press, 1996.
Donald N. Dewees, David Duff, Michael Trebilcock, Exploring the Domain of Accident Law: Taking the Facts Seriously, Oxford University Press, New York (452 pp), 1996.
Robert Howse and Michael Trebilcock, "The Fair Trade - Free Trade Debate: Trade, Labour and the Environment", International Review of Law and Economics (1996)
- Roach and Michael Trebilcock, "Private Enforcement of Competition Laws", Osgoode Hall Law Journal 34 (1996)
- Behboodi and Michael Trebilcock, "The Canadian Internal Trade Agreement", in Getting There (edited by ), C.D. Howe Institute, 1995.
Robert Howse and Michael Trebilcock, The Regulation of International Trade, Routlege, 1995.
- Schwannen and Michael Trebilcock, Getting There: The Agreement on Internal Trade, C.D. Howe Institute, 1995.
R. Daniels and Michael Trebilcock, "Choice of Policy Instrument in the Provision of Public Infrastructure", in Infrastructure and Competitiveness (edited by Mintz), John Deutsch Institute, 1994.
- Lawson, Robert Lewis, - Martin, Michael Trebilcock, "Testing the Limit of Freedom of Contract: Commercialization of Reproductive Technologies and Materials", Osgoode Hall Law Journal 32 (1994)
Michael Trebilcock, The Prospects for Reinventing Government, C.D. Howe Institute, Toronto, 1994.
- Boddez and Michael Trebilcock, Unfinished Business: Reforming Trade Remedy Laws in North America, C.D. Howe Institute, 1993.
Michael Trebilcock, The Limits of Freedom of Contract, Harvard University Press, 1993.
- Chapman and Michael Trebilcock, "Making Hard Social Choices: Lessons From the Auto Accident Compensation Debate", Rutgers Law Review 44 (1992)
Donald N. Dewees and Michael Trebilcock, "The Efficacy of the Tort System and Its Alternatives: A Review of the Empirical Evidence", Osgoode Hall Law Journal 30 (1) (1992), 57–138.
Peter Coyte, Donald N. Dewees, Michael Trebilcock, "Canadian Medical Malpractice Liability: An Empirical Analysis of Recent Trends", Journal of Health Economics 10 (2) (1991), 143–168.
Peter Coyte, Donald N. Dewees, Michael Trebilcock, "Medical Malpractice - the Canadian Experience", New England Journal of Medicine 324 (1991), 89–93.
Peter Coyte, Donald N. Dewees, Michael Trebilcock, "The Medical Malpractice Crisis: A Comparative Empirical Perspective", Law and Contemporary Problems 54 (1) (1991), 217–251.
Donald N. Dewees, David Duff, Michael Trebilcock, "Malpractice Liability: A Crosscultural Perspective", in Tort Law & the Public Interest: Competition, Innovation, & the Consumer Welfare (edited by Peter Schuck), W.W. Norton, 1991, 205–237.
- Keshvani and Michael Trebilcock, "The Role of Private Ordering in Family Law: A Law and Economics Perspective", University of Toronto Law Journal 41 (1991)
Michael Trebilcock, "Taking Stock: Consumerism in the 1990s", Canadian Business Law Journal 19 (1991)
- Chandler, Robert Howse, Michael Trebilcock, "Trade Restrictive Policies and Democratic Politics: A Proposal for Reform", Public Law 1 (1990)
Peter Coyte, Donald N. Dewees, Michael Trebilcock, "Medical Malpractice in Canada, 1971-1987", Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance 14 (54) (1990), 58–83.
Donald N. Dewees, David Duff, Michael Trebilcock, "The Medical Malpractice Explosion: an Empirical Assessment of Trends, Determinants, and Impacts", Melbourne University Law Review 17 (4) (1990), 539–565.
Robert Howse, J.R.S. Prichard, Michael Trebilcock, "Smaller or Smarter Government?", University of Toronto Law Journal 40 (1990)
- Hutton and Michael Trebilcock, "An Empirical Analysis of the Application of Canadian Antidumping Laws: A Search for Normative Rationales", Journal of World Trade 24 (1990)
Frank Mathewson, Michael Trebilcock, Paul S. Walker (eds.), The Law and Economics of Competition Policy, Fraser Institute, 1990.
Michael Trebilcock and - York (eds.), Fair Exchange: Reforming Trade Remedy Laws, C.D. Howe Institute, 1990.
M. Chandler, Morley K. Gunderson, P. Halpern, J. Quinn, Michael Trebilcock, The Political Economy of Corporate Bailouts, University of Toronto Press, Toronto (790 pages), 1985.
Varouj A. Aivazian, M. Penny, Michael Trebilcock, "The Law of Contract Modifications: The Uncertain Quest for a Benchmark of Enforceability", Osgoode Hall Law Journal 22 (2) (1984), 173–212.
Donald N. Dewees, Frank Mathewson, Michael Trebilcock, "The Rationale for Government Regulations of Quality and Policy Alternatives in Quality Regulation", in Markets for Insurance: A Selective Survey of Economic Issues (edited by D. Dewees), Butterworth & Co. (Canada), Toronto, 1983.
J.R.S. Prichard and Michael Trebilcock, "Crown Corporations: The Calculus of Instrument Choice", in Public Enterprise in Canada (edited by Prichard), Butterworth & Co. (Canada) Ltd., 1983.
- Shaul and Michael Trebilcock, "Regulating the Quality of Psychotherapeutic Services", Journal of Law and Human Behaviour (1983)
Donald N. Dewees, J.R.S. Prichard, Michael Trebilcock, "An Economic Analysis of Cost and Fee Rules for Class Actions", Journal of Legal Studies 10 (1) (1981), 155–185.
Donald N. Dewees and Michael Trebilcock, "Judicial Control of Standard Form Contracts, (Ch. 4)", in The Economic Approach to Law (edited by P. Burrows and C. Veljanovski), Butterworths, London, 1981.
Michael Trebilcock, Carolyn Tuohy, William G. Wolfson, Professional Regulation, Ontario Government Printer, 1979.
- Slayton and Michael Trebilcock (eds.), The Professions and Public Policy, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1978.
H.R. Hahlo and Michael Trebilcock (eds.), A Casebook on Company Law, Sweet and Maxwell, United Kingdom, 1977.