Adjunct Associate Professor
Ph.D. (Princeton, 1980), M.A. (Princeton, 1974), B.A. (York, 1972)
Office: Rotman School of Management, 8036. Phone: 416-978-4182.
Email address:
Selected research
Peter Dungan and Thomas A. Wilson, "Productivity in the New Economy", in Productivity Issues in Canada (edited by Rao, Someswhar and Sharpe, Andrew), Industry Canada Research Series, University of Calgary Press, 2002, 597–624.
Peter Dungan, "The Effect of Workers' Compensation and Other Payroll Taxes on the Macro Economies of Canada and Ontario", in New Perspectives on Workers' Compensation Policy (edited by Gunderson, Morley and Hyatt, Douglas), University of Toronto Press, 2000, 118–161.
Peter Dungan and Steve Murphy, "The Changing Industry and Skill Mix of Canada's International Trade", Industry Canada: Perspectives on North American Free Trade; Paper No. 4, 2000.
Peter Dungan, "The CPP Payroll Tax Hike: Macroeconomic Transition Costs and Alternatives", Canadian Public Policy XXIV (3) (1998), 394–401.
Peter Dungan, Rock Solid: The Impact of the Mining and Primary Metals Industry on the Canadian Economy, Institute for Policy Analysis, Toronto, 1997.