Peter Dungan, Tony Fang, Morley K. Gunderson, "Macroeconomic Impact of Canadian Immigration; Evidence from a Macro Model", British Journal of Industrial Relations 51 (1) (2013), 174–195.
Peter Dungan, Tony Fang, Morley K. Gunderson, "Macroeconomic Impacts of Canadian Immigration: An Empirical Analysis Using the Focus Model", Toronto: Metropolis, 2010.
Peter Dungan, "The 2006 Federal Budget: A Quantitative Appraisal", in The 2006 Federal Budget - Conference Volume (edited by Peter Dungan, Steve Murphy and Thomas A. Wilson), John Deutsch Institute, Queen's University, 2007.
Peter Dungan, "The Impact of Productivity Growth on Government Fiscal Balances", in Review of Economic Performance and Social Progress - 2002 (edited by Andrew Sharpe, France St-Hilaire and Keith Banting), Institute for Research on Public Policy, and Centre for the Study of Living Stand, 2002, 95–116.
Peter Dungan and Thomas A. Wilson, "Productivity in the New Economy", in Productivity Issues in Canada (edited by Rao, Someswhar and Sharpe, Andrew), Industry Canada Research Series, University of Calgary Press, 2002, 597–624.
Peter Dungan, "The Effect of Workers' Compensation and Other Payroll Taxes on the Macro Economies of Canada and Ontario", in New Perspectives on Workers' Compensation Policy (edited by Gunderson, Morley and Hyatt, Douglas), University of Toronto Press, 2000, 118–161.
Peter Dungan and Steve Murphy, "The Changing Industry and Skill Mix of Canada's International Trade", Industry Canada: Perspectives on North American Free Trade; Paper No. 4, 2000.
Peter Dungan, Steve Murphy, Thomas A. Wilson, "What is the Room for Tax Cuts? An Analysis of the Potential Fiscal Dividend and Its Allocation", Canadian Tax Journal 48 (1) (2000), 124–132.
Peter Dungan, "The CPP Payroll Tax Hike: Macroeconomic Transition Costs and Alternatives", C.D. Howe Commentary (1998)
Peter Dungan, "The CPP Payroll Tax Hike: Macroeconomic Transition Costs and Alternatives", Canadian Public Policy XXIV (3) (1998), 394–401.
Peter Dungan, "The Long-Term Economic Forecast - Remarks", in Fiscal Targets and Economic Growth, Roundtable Series No. 12 (edited by John Deutsch Institute for the Study of Economic Policy), Queen\'s University, Kingston, 1998, 108–120.
Peter Dungan, "Ontario's Economic Outlook", in Revolution at Queen's Park: Essays on Governing Ontario (edited by Sid Noel), James Lorimer, Toronto, 1997, 125–138.
Peter Dungan, Rock Solid: The Impact of the Mining and Primary Metals Industry on the Canadian Economy, Institute for Policy Analysis, Toronto, 1997.
Peter Dungan, Steve Murphy, Thomas A. Wilson, "The 1997 Federal Budget: A Quantitative Assessment", in The 1997 Federal Budget: Retrospect and Prospect (edited by Thomas Courchene and Thomas Wilson), John Deutsch Institute for Economic Pol, and Institute for Policy Analysis, 1997, 67–84.
Peter Dungan and Gregory Jump, "The FOCUS Model of the Canadian Economy", in Econometric Models of Asian-Pacific Countries (edited by S. Ichimura and Y. Matsmoto), Springer-Verlang, New York, 1995, 269–340.
Peter Dungan and Thomas A. Wilson, "The Economic and Fiscal Effects of the 1995 Federal Budget: A Quantitative Appraisal", in The 1995 Federal Budget: Retrospect and Prospect, Policy Forum Series (edited by John Deutsch Institute), Queen\'s University, Kingston, 1995, 23–50.
Peter Dungan, "The Economic Environment for Tax Reform in Ontario", in The Economic and Social Environment for Tax Reform (edited by Allan M. Maslove), Univ of Toronto Press (Fair Tax Comm), Toronto, 1994, 95–232.
Peter Dungan, "The Macroeconomic Impacts of Harmonizing the Ontario Retail Sales Tax with the Federal GST: Simulations With the Focus-Ontario Model", in Issues in the Taxation of Individuals (edited by Allan M. Maslove), Univ of Toronto Press (Fair Tax Comm), Toronto, 1994, 155–171.
Peter Dungan, Steve Murphy, Thomas A. Wilson, "Sources of the Recession in Canada", Canadian Business Economics 2 (2) (1994)
Peter Dungan and Thomas A. Wilson, Public Debt and the Economy, Queen\'s University, Kingston, (pp. 170), 1994.
Peter Dungan and Thomas A. Wilson, Fiscal Policy in Canada: An Appraisal, Canadian Tax Foundation, Toronto (pp. 224), 1993.
Peter Dungan, Steve Murphy, Thomas A. Wilson, "Analysis of the Macroeconomic Effects of the 1992 Federal Budget", in Policy Forum on the February 1992 Federal Budget (edited by John Deutsch Institute), Queen\'s University, Kingston, 1992, 1–11.
Peter Dungan, Richard G. Harris, Thomas A. Wilson, "Economic Modeling of the Canada - U.S. Free Trade Agreement: Introduction", Journal of Policy Modeling 13 (3) (1991), 417–420.
Peter Dungan and Thomas A. Wilson, "Macroeconomic Effects and Sensitivity Analysis", Journal of Policy Modeling 13 (3) (1991), 435–458.
Peter Dungan, Jack Mintz, Thomas A. Wilson, "Alternatives to the Goods and Services Tax", Canadian Tax Journal 38 (3) (1990), 644–665.
Peter Dungan and Thomas A. Wilson, "Predictions of the Macroeconomic Effects of the Budget from the FOCUS Model", in Policy Forum on the February 1990 Federal Budget (edited by John Deutsch Institute), Queen\'s University, Kingston, 1990, 21–43.
Peter Dungan and Morley K. Gunderson, "The Effects of Minimum Wages on Employment in Ontario", Toronto: Policy and Economic Analysis Program of the Institute for Policy Analysis of the University of Toronto, 1989.
Peter Dungan and Thomas A. Wilson, "The Proposed Federal Goods and Services Tax: Its Economic Effects Under Alternative Labour Market and Monetary Policy Conditions", Canadian Tax Journal 37 (2) (1989), 341–367.
Peter Dungan and Thomas A. Wilson, "Modeling Anticipated and Temporary Fiscal Policy Shocks in a Macro-Econometric Model of Canada", Canadian Journal of Economics XXI (1) (1988), 41–60.
Peter Dungan and Thomas A. Wilson, "The Macroeconomic Effects of Tax Reform in Canada", Canadian Tax Journal (1988)
Peter Dungan, Macro Projections to 2000: Perspecive III, John Sargent, Research Coordinator, Royal Commission, Minister of Supply and, 1986.
Peter Dungan and Thomas A. Wilson, "Impact of Public Sector Wage Controls on Budget Deficits and Inflation", in Government Employees: Wages and the Right to Strike (edited by ), Ontario Economic Council, Toronto, 1986.
Peter Dungan, David K. Foot, W.J. Milne, "Migration and Economic Adjustment in the Canadian Context: Simulation Results of an Economic-Demographic Model", Environment and Planning A 17 (1985), 1185–2000.
Peter Dungan, David K. Foot, W.J. Milne, "Migration in an Economic-Demographic Model for the Canadian Provinces", Environment and Planning A 17 (1985), 1185–1200.
Peter Dungan and Thomas A. Wilson, "Altering the Fiscal-Monetary Policy Mix: Credible Policies to Reduce the Federal Deficit", Canadian Tax Journal 33 (2) (1985), 309–318.
Peter Dungan and Arthur Younger, "New Technology and Unemployment: A Simulation of Macroeconomic Impacts and Responses in Canada", Journal of Policy Modeling 7 (4) (1985), 595–620.
John Bossons and Peter Dungan, "The Government Deficit: Too High or Too Low", Canadian Tax Journal 31 (1) (1983), 1–29.
Douglas Crocker, Peter Dungan, Gay M. Garesche, The Ontario Economy, 1982-1995 - (2 Volumes), Ontario Economic Council, Toronto (286 + 159 pages), 1983.
Peter Dungan, "The Impact of the ALSANDS Cancellation on the Canadian and Provincial Economies", Western Economic Review 2 (1) (1983), 28–52.
Peter Dungan, Gregory Jump, John A. Sawyer, "The Transmission of World Economic Expansion to an Open Economy: Some Experiments for Canada", in Global Econometrics: Essays in Honour of Lawrence R. Klein (edited by ), MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass, 1983, 368–392.
Peter Dungan and William Milne, "Modelling the Provincial Economies: Problems of Trade Barriers", in Regional Economy of Cda: Environment, Economic Adj Barriers to Inter-Prov Trade (edited by William Milne), Institute for Policy Analysis, U of T, Toronto, 1983.
Peter Dungan and Thomas A. Wilson, "Deficits and the Economy to 1990: Projections and Policy Alternatives", in Deficits: How Big and How Bad? (edited by David Conklin), Ontario Economic Council, Toronto, 1983, 116–147.
Peter Dungan and Thomas A. Wilson, "Medium-Term Fiscal Planning for Recovery", Canadian Public Policy IX (3) (1983), 390–397.
John Bossons, Peter Dungan, Gregory Jump, "The Effects of De-Indexation and Alternative Tax Increases", Canadian Tax Journal 29 (5) (1981), 645–665.
Peter Dungan, John A. Sawyer, J. W. L. Winder, The Ontario Economy, 1978-87, Ontario Economic Council, Toronto (150 pages), 1978.