MA and PhD programs
Ettore Damiano
Associate Chair, Graduate Studies
Colin Stewart
MA Director
Martin Burda
Placement Officers
Yuanyuan Wan
Jeffrey Ferrer
Graduate administrator
Sara Solis
Graduate assistant
Yana Ermolenko
Contact us
For questions about the MA and PhD programs (including questions about admission requirements and the online
application), please see our contact page.
For questions about the Master of Financial Economics (MFE) program, please write to
The department offers
MA and
PhD programs (as well as a Master of Financial Economics program, which has its
own website). The ultimate goal of these programs is to further the student's capacity for economic analysis through rigorous instruction in theory, econometrics, and a wide variety of fields. Graduates of the programs have obtained desirable University professorial positions and employment in the public service and in private industry. Students in the programs benefit from the excellent facilities of the University of Toronto, including the best university library in Canada. They may also benefit from the close association of members of the faculty with specialized institutes and centres at the University, such as the
Centre for Industrial Relations.
Because of the size and diversity of the graduate teaching staff, students can readily specialize in almost any area of interest. In addition to the courses offered by the Department, candidates may take courses in political science, management, history and other allied fields.
The MA and PhD programs are under the supervision of the Associate Chair, Graduate Studies, Colin Stewart.
Placement of current job candidates
PhD student placement
MA student placement