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Graduate Programs

ECO2104H1S Quantitative Macroeconomics

This class teaches numerical methods for computing static and dynamic equilibrium models to answer questions in macroeconomics. Students will learn computational techniques and programming in MATLAB (a widely used mathematical programming language), and use these techniques to solve optimization problems of economic agents, simulate their economic decisions, and find the equilibrium of macroeconomic models. Students will learn key solution techniques such as Euler equation and value function methods that are used to solve decision problems of economic agents. The central workhorse for the course will be the Neo-classical Growth Model, which will be solved in different variants to analyze a variety of applied issues, such as differences in employment and GDP across countries.

Section L0101, Winter 2010–11

Instructor: Burhanettin Kuruscu
Day/time: W 11-1, F 9-10

Delivery Method & Instructions: In Person