The second half of the course concentrates on optimization theory necessary for microeconomic theory and macroeconomic theory. It starts with static optimization theory, and then focuses on optimal control theory and dynamic programming. The stochastic counterparts of the latter techniques are mentioned only briefly. The three basic references for the course are (1) A.K. Dixit, 1990, "Optimization in Economic Theory", second edition, Oxford University Press (in paperback); (2) N.L. Stokey, R.E. Lucas, Jr., with E.C. Prescott, 1989, "Recursive Methods in Economic Dynamics", Harvard University Press (Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6); and (3) T.J. Sargent, 1987, "Macroeconomic Theory", second edition, Academic Press (Chapters 9 and 11).
NOTE: In exceptional circumstances, an MA student may be permitted to take this course. In these cases, written permission from the MA Director or the Associate Chair for Graduate Studies is required PRIOR to the start of the course.