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Graduate Programs

ECO3300H1F International Trade Theory

The course develops the theory of international trade with emphasis on the structure of general equilibrium, the foundations of comparative advantage, determinants of the pattern of trade, the gains and losses from trade, trade impacts on the domestic and international distributions of income, commercial policy, and trade in a dynamic world. Throughout, careful attention is given to empirical evidence.

Section L0101, Fall 2020–21

Instructor: Peter Morrow
Day/time: T9-11

Delivery Method & Instructions: (Online Synchronous)
Tentative dual delivery with online asynchronous lectures. Primary material will be pre-recorded for students to access at any time. Some course activities including supplementary presentations, student presentations, and office hours may be conducted with online synchronous lectures or in-person. The viability of in-person lectures will be determined by health standards, and instructor/student preferences.