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Graduate Programs

ECO3801H1S Labour Economics II

While it has a labour course number, this is not purely a labour economics course: it is a course in empirical modeling and applied econometrics. The tools covered in the course, however, are central to those used in empirical labour economics, as well as other applied microeconomics fields like development and public economics. The focus will be the identification of causal relationships using regression-based analysis. Likely topics to be covered include: Experimental design and program evaluation; Instrumental variables; Panel data, fixed effects, difference-in-differences, and related strategies; and regression discontinuity. Empirical examples will be drawn from recent work in labour, development, and public economics.

Neither the reading list nor evaluation scheme have been finalized, but the readings are expected to be comprised of (1) a forthcoming book by Josh Angrist and Steve Pischke, “Mostly Harmless Econometrics,” and (2) a selection of journal articles. One expected element of the evaluation scheme includes a critical evaluation and replication of an empirical paper, and possibly in-class presentations (which will require a third hour of meetings per week). While the course is targeted at PhD students, qualified MA students are welcome in the course.

Section L0101, Winter 2008–09

Instructor: Dwayne Benjamin
Day/time: T 11-1

Delivery Method & Instructions: In Person