Undergraduate Programs
ECO459H1S International Trade Regulation (ECO students only)
This course, offered jointly with the Faculty of Law, will explore the regulatory framework governing international trading relations. The following topics will be examined: international economic institutions, the Bretton Woods System, the GATT, international regulation of tariffs, national tariff administration, the principles of nondiscrimination (most-favoured nation and national treatment) with a special focus on the case for bilateral Canada-U.S. free trade, antidumping regulation, subsidies and countervailing duties, safeguards, voluntary export restraints, and adjustment assistance. The course will strongly emphasize the institutions and political economy of international trading relations and how economic and political forces have shaped current regulatory policies and may shape future policies.
Section L0101 , Winter 2011–12
Michael Trebilcock
Day/time: T2-4
Delivery Method & Instructions :
In Person
Location: FH103