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Undergraduate Programs

ECO220Y1Y Quantitative Methods in Economics

Numerical and graphical data description techniques; data collection and sampling; probability; sampling distributions; statistical inference; simple and multiple regression analysis. Study methods, the basis for these methods, when each is or is not appropriate, and how to correctly interpret and understand results.

Section L0101 , Summer F and S 2007–08

Instructors: Jennifer Murdock and Ata Mazaheri
Day/time: TR1-4

Delivery Method & Instructions : In Person

Location: SS2135

Tutorial: %AM %America/New_York %208, 11:00–13:00, location: SS2115
Tutorial: %AM %America/New_York %208, 13:30–15:30, location: SS1072
Tutorial: %AM %America/New_York %208, 18:30–20:30, location: SS1072
Test: %AM %America/New_York %208, 16:00–18:00, location: WW111
Test: %AM %America/New_York %208, 14:00–17:00, location: SF3201
Test: %AM %America/New_York %208, 17:00–20:00, location: SF3202
Test: %AM %America/New_York %208, 17:00–19:00, location: SF1105, SF1101