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Undergraduate Programs

ECO310Y1Y Industrial Organization and Public Policy

Study of how firms compete and structure of markets. Emphasize oligopoly markets and use game theory. Study differentiated goods, price discrimination, barriers to entry, vertical relationships, advertising, strategic behaviour, and empirical industrial organization including estimation of demand and costs. Applications to competition policy emphasizing evaluation of horizontal mergers.

Section L0101 , Fall and Winter 2007–08

Instructor: Jennifer Murdock
Day/time: W2-5

Delivery Method & Instructions : In Person

Location: ES142

Test: %AM %America/New_York %208, 17:00–19:00, location: WW111
Test: %AM %America/New_York %250, 14:00–17:00, location: MR103
Make-up Test: %AM %America/New_York %208, 10:00–12:00, location: MR103