Gabriel Carroll's website

Oh, hey there, what's up.  I'm a professor in the economics department at the University of Toronto.  I work on microeconomic theory, with a particular interest in robustness and other modeling issues in mechanism design.

I am also a co-editor at the Journal of Political Economy.

For the 2024-25 academic year, I am on sabbatical and visiting the economics department at the University of Oxford.

Click a thing's name to jump to it:

Gabriel Carroll


    There is a PDF here. It might be up to date, or it might not.

Refereed publications

    Robust Contracting under Double Moral Hazard (with Lukas Bolte)
      Theoretical Economics 18 (4), 2023, 1623-1663

    A General Framework for Robust Contracting Models (with Daniel Walton) [ online appendix ]
      Econometrica 90 (5), 2022, 2129-2159
      Formerly titled "When Are Robust Contracts Linear?" [ earlier version ]

    Strategic Communication with Minimal Verification (with Georgy Egorov) [ more extensive earlier version ]
      Econometrica 87 (6), 2019, 1867-1892

    Robust Incentives for Information Acquisition
      Journal of Economic Theory 181, 2019, 382-420

    Robustly Optimal Auctions with Unknown Resale Opportunities (with Ilya Segal) [ online appendix ]
      Review of Economic Studies 86 (4), 2019, 1527-1555

    On Mechanisms Eliciting Ordinal Preferences
      Theoretical Economics 13 (3), 2018, 1275-1318

    Robustness and Separation in Multidimensional Screening [ online appendix ]
      Econometrica 85 (2), 2017, 453-488

    Robust Contracting with Additive Noise (with Delong Meng)
      Journal of Economic Theory 166, 2016, 586-604

    Informationally Robust Trade and Limits to Contagion
      Journal of Economic Theory 166, 2016, 334-361
      Formerly titled "Informationally Robust Trade Under Adverse Selection"

    Locally Robust Contracts for Moral Hazard (with Delong Meng)
      Journal of Mathematical Economics 62, 2016, 36-51

    Robustness and Linear Contracts
      American Economic Review 105 (2), 2015, 536-563

    A General Equivalence Theorem for Allocation of Indivisible Objects
      Journal of Mathematical Economics 51, 2014, 163-177

    When are Local Incentive Constraints Sufficient? [ online appendix ]
      Econometrica 80 (2), 2012, 661-686

    An Efficiency Theorem for Incompletely Known Preferences
      Journal of Economic Theory 145 (6), 2010, 2463-2470

    Optimal Defaults and Active Decisions (with James J. Choi, David Laibson, Brigitte C. Madrian, and Andrew Metrick) [ online appendix ]
      Quarterly Journal of Economics 124 (4), 2009, 1639-1674

Surveys and expository writing

    Contract Theory
      Chapter to appear in Online and Matching-Based Market Design (eds. Federico Echenique, Nicole Immorlica, Vijay V. Vazirani), Cambridge University Press, 2021

    Robustness in Mechanism Design and Contracting
      Annual Review of Economics 11, 2019, 139-166

    Design for Weakly Structured Environments
      In The Future of Economic Design (eds. Jean-François Laslier, Hervé Moulin, M. Remzi Sanver, William S. Zwicker), Springer, 2019, 27-33

    Robust Incentives for Effort
      SIGecom Exchanges 12 (2), 2013, 32-35

Working papers

    Dynamic Incentives in Incompletely Specified Environments [ online appendix ]

    Information Games and Robust Trading Mechanisms

Languishing papers

    A Complexity Result for Undominated-Strategy Implementation

    A Quantitative Approach to Incentives: Application to Voting Rules [ online appendices ]

    The Efficiency-Incentive Tradeoff in Double Auction Environments

    Efficient Random Assignment with Constrained Rankings 


Winter 2024

ECO2201: Microeconomic Theory II (PhD); second half [ syllabus | Quercus site ]

ECO317: Concepts of Fairness in Economics (undergraduate) [ syllabus | Quercus site ]

Fall 2023

ECO317: Concepts of Fairness in Economics (undergraduate) [ syllabus | Quercus site ]

Winter 2023

ECO2201: Microeconomic Theory II (PhD); second half [ syllabus | Quercus site ]

ECO351: Principles of Fair Decisions (undergraduate) [ syllabus | Quercus site ]

Fall 2022

ECO351: Principles of Fair Decisions (undergraduate) [ syllabus | Quercus site ]

Winter 2022

ECO2201: Microeconomic Theory II (PhD); second half [ syllabus | Quercus site ]

ECO351: Principles of Fair Decisions (undergraduate) [ syllabus | Quercus site ]

Fall 2021

ECO351: Principles of Fair Decisions (undergraduate) [ syllabus | Quercus site ]

Winter 2021

ECO2030: Microeconomic Theory II (PhD); second half [ syllabus | Quercus site ]


The following are classes that I have taught at Stanford from 2013 to 2020. Syllabi, and potentially other materials, are available upon request.

Econ 50: Economic Analysis I (undergraduate, with Christopher Makler and Matthew O. Jackson)
Econ 180: Honors Game Theory (undergraduate)
Econ 220: Political Economy I (PhD, with James Fearon / with Fuhito Kojima)
Econ 221: Political Economy II (PhD, with James Fearon)
Econ 286: Game Theory (PhD)

Other things

    Author ordering statement

    Reading list on modeling in mechanism design
      (Mostly, but not entirely, superseded by the Annual Reviews survey)

How to find me

By email: zgabriel.zcarroll@zutoronto.zca, but without the z's.

In person: Max Gluskin House, #306.

By telephone: +1 416-978-4181.