CVThere is a PDF here. It might be up to date, or it might not. Refereed publications Robust Contracting under Double Moral Hazard (with Lukas Bolte) A General Framework for Robust Contracting Models (with Daniel Walton) [ online appendix ] Strategic Communication with Minimal Verification (with Georgy Egorov) [ more extensive earlier version ] Robust Incentives for Information Acquisition Robustly Optimal Auctions with Unknown Resale Opportunities (with Ilya Segal) [ online appendix ] On
Mechanisms Eliciting Ordinal Preferences Robustness and Separation in Multidimensional Screening [ online appendix ] Robust Contracting with Additive Noise (with Delong Meng) Informationally Robust Trade and Limits to Contagion Locally Robust Contracts for Moral Hazard (with Delong Meng) Robustness and Linear Contracts A General
Equivalence Theorem for Allocation of Indivisible
Objects When are Local Incentive
Constraints Sufficient? [ online appendix ] An Efficiency Theorem
for Incompletely Known Preferences Optimal Defaults and
Active Decisions (with James J. Choi, David Laibson,
Brigitte C. Madrian, and Andrew Metrick) [ online
appendix ] Surveys and expository writing Contract Theory Robustness in Mechanism Design and Contracting Design for Weakly Structured Environments Robust Incentives for Effort Working papersDynamic Incentives in Incompletely Specified Environments [ online appendix ] Information Games and Robust Trading Mechanisms Languishing papersA Complexity Result for Undominated-Strategy Implementation A Quantitative Approach to Incentives: Application to Voting Rules [ online appendices ] The Efficiency-Incentive Tradeoff in Double Auction Environments Efficient Random Assignment with Constrained Rankings ClassesWinter 2024ECO2201: Microeconomic Theory II (PhD); second half [ syllabus | Quercus site ] ECO317: Concepts of Fairness in Economics (undergraduate) [ syllabus | Quercus site ] Fall 2023ECO317: Concepts of Fairness in Economics (undergraduate) [ syllabus | Quercus site ] Winter 2023ECO2201: Microeconomic Theory II (PhD); second half [ syllabus | Quercus site ] ECO351: Principles of Fair Decisions (undergraduate) [ syllabus | Quercus site ] Fall 2022ECO351: Principles of Fair Decisions (undergraduate) [ syllabus | Quercus site ] Winter 2022ECO2201: Microeconomic Theory II (PhD); second half [ syllabus | Quercus site ] ECO351: Principles of Fair Decisions (undergraduate) [ syllabus | Quercus site ] Fall 2021ECO351: Principles of Fair Decisions (undergraduate) [ syllabus | Quercus site ] Winter 2021ECO2030: Microeconomic Theory II (PhD); second half [ syllabus | Quercus site ] OlderThe following are classes that I have taught at Stanford from 2013 to 2020. Syllabi, and potentially other materials, are available upon request. Econ 50: Economic Analysis I (undergraduate, with Christopher Makler and Matthew O. Jackson) Other things Reading list on modeling in mechanism design How to find meBy email: zgabriel.zcarroll@zutoronto.zca, but without the z's. In person: Max Gluskin House, #306. By telephone: +1 416-978-4181.