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Working paper 514
Ismael Mourifie and Yuanyuan Wan, "Testing Local Average Treatment Effect Assumptions", 2014-07-07
Main Text (application/pdf) (319,492 bytes)

Abstract: In this paper, we discuss the key conditions for the identification and estimation of the local average treatment effect (LATE, Imbens and Angrist, 1994): the valid instrument assumption (LI) and the monotonicity assumption (LM). We show that the joint assumptions of LI and LM have a testable implication that can be summarized by a sign restriction defined by a set of intersection bounds. We propose an easy-to-implement testing procedure that can be analyzed in the framework of Chernozhukov, Lee, and Rosen (2013) and implemented using the Stata package of Chernozhukov, Kim, Lee, and Rosen (2013). We apply the proposed tests to the "draft eligibility" instrument in Angrist (1991), the "college proximity" instrument in Card (1993) and the "same sex" instrument in Angrist and Evans (1998).

Keywords: LATE, Instrumental Variables, hypothesis testing, intersection bounds, conditionally more compliers

JEL Classification: C12; C15; C21.

Last updated on July 12, 2012