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Victor Aguirregabiria

Professor (on leave)
Ph.D. (CEMFI - Universidad Complutense, Madrid, 1995), M.Sc. (London School of Economics, 1991), M.Sc. (CEMFI - Universidad Complutense, Madrid, 1990), B.A. (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1988)
Office: Max Gluskin House, 150 St. George Street, 309. Phone: 416-978-4358.
Email address:
Personal website:
Research fields: Industrial organization, Econometrics, Applied econometrics

Selected research

All publications

Honors and awards

  • Fellow of the International Association for Applied Econometrics, 2021 - present.
  • Honorary Fellow of the Spanish Economic Association, 2015 - present.
  • CEPR Research Fellow, 2013 - present.
  • CEMFI Research Fellow, 2010 - present.
  • Keynote Speaker: Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), 2007.
  • London School of Economics, Ely Devons Prize, 1991.

Courses taught 2024–2025

  • Winter

  • ECO2401H1S, section L0101 (St. George) • Econometrics II (PhD) ( Adonis Yatchew and Victor Aguirregabiria ) • T9-11, R9-11 • GE 100
  • ECO310H1S, section L0101 (St. George) • Empirical Industrial Organization • M10-1