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Publications of Victor Aguirregabiria
Victor Aguirregabiria and Jesus Carro, "Identification of Average Marginal Effects in Fixed Effects Dynamic Discrete Choice Models", Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria, "Dynamic Demand for Differentiated Products with Fixed Effects Unobserved Heterogeneity", Econometrics Journal 26 (1) (2023), 1–25. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria, Siwan Anderson, Hashmat Khan, "Introduction to the Special Issue on COVID Economics", Canadian Journal of Economics 55 (S1) (2022), 5–8. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria, "Identification of Firm's Beliefs in Structural Models of Competition", Canadian Journal of Economics 54 (1) (2021), 5–33. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria, Allan Collard-Wexler, Stephen Ryan, "Dynamic Games in Empirical Industrial Organization", in Handbook of Industrial Organization (edited by Ali Hortacsu, Kate Ho, Alessandro Lizzeri), Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2021, 225–343. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria, Jiaying Gu, Yao Luo, Pedro Mira, "Diffusion of COVID-19 in Social and Production Networks: Simulation Evidence from A Dynamic Model", Annales d'Economie et de Statistique 142 (2021), 179–210. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria, Jiaying Gu, Yao Luo, "Sufficient Statistics for Unobserved Heterogeneity in Dynamic Structural Logit Models", Journal of Econometrics 223 (2) (2021), 280–311. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria and Mathieu Marcoux, "Imposing Equilibrium Restrictions in the Estimation of Dynamic Discrete Games", Quantitative Economics 12 (4) (2021), 1223–1271. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria and Erhao Xie, "Identification of Non-Equilibrium Beliefs in Games of Incomplete Information Using Experimental Data", Journal of Econometric Methods 10 (1) (2021), 1–26. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria and Jihye Jeon, "Firms’ Beliefs and Learning: Models, Identification, and Empirical Evidence", Review of Industrial Organization 56 (2) (2020), 203–235. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria and Arvind Magesan, "Identification and Estimation of Dynamic Games when Players' Beliefs Are Not in Equilibrium", Review of Economic Studies 87 (2) (2020), 582–625. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria and Pedro Mira, "Identification of Games of Incomplete Information with Multiple Equilibria and Unobserved Heterogeneity", Quantitative Economics 10 (4) (2019), 1659–1701. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria and Margaret Slade, "Empirical Models of Firms and Industries", Canadian Journal of Economics 50 (5) (2017), 1445–1488. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria, Robert Clark, Hui Wang, "Diversification of Geographic Risk in Retail Bank Networks: Evidence from Bank Expansion after the Riegle-Neal Act", Rand Journal of Economics 47 (3) (2016), 529–572. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria and Junichi Suzuki, "Empirical Games of Market Entry and Spatial Competition in Retail Industries", in Handbook on the Economics of Retail and Distribution (edited by Emek Basker), Edward Elgar Publishers, Northampton MA USA, 2016, 201–233. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria and Gustavo Vicentini, "Dynamic Spatial Competition between Multi-Store Firms", Journal of Industrial Economics 64 (4) (2016), 710–754. (Freely available.)
Ron N. Borkovsky, Paul Ellickson, Victor Aguirregabiria, Pedro Gardete, Paul Grieco, Tood Gureckis, Laurent Mathevet, Andrew Sweeting, "Multiplicity of Equilibria and Information Structures in Empirical Games: Challenges and Prospects", Marketing Letters 26 (2) (2015), 115–125. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria and Cesar Alonso-Borrego, "Labor Contracts and Flexibility: Evidence from a Labor Market Reform in Spain", Economic Inquiry 52 (2) (2014), 930–957. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria and Junichi Suzuki, "Identification and Counterfactuals in Dynamic Models of Market Entry and Exit", Quantitative Marketing and Economics 12 (3) (2014), 267–304. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria and Arvind Magesan, "Euler Equations for the Estimation of Dynamic Discrete Choice Structural Models", in Structural Econometric Models (Advances in Econometrics, Volume 31) (edited by Eugene Choo and Matthew Shum), Emerald, Bingley, 2013, 3–44. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria and Aviv Nevo, "Recent Developments in Empirical IO: Dynamic Demand and Dynamic", in Advances Economics and Econometrics. Theory and Applications. Tenth World Congress of the Econometric Society (edited by Daron Acemoglu, Manuel Arellano, and Eddie Dekel), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2013, 53–122. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria and Chun-Yu Ho, "A Dynamic Oligopoly Game of the US Airline Industry: Estimation and Policy Experiments", Journal of Econometrics 168 (1) (2012), 156–173. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria, "A Method for Implementing Counterfactual Experiments in Models with Multiple Equilibria", Economics Letters 114 (February) (2011), 190–194. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria, "Another Look at the Identification of Dynamic Discrete Decision Processes: An Application to Retirement Behavior", Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 28 (2) (2010), 201–218. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria and Chun-Yu Ho, "A dynamic game of airline network competition: Hub-and-spoke networks and entry deterrence", International Journal of Industrial Organization 28 (4) (2010), 377–382. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria and Pedro Mira, "Dynamic Discrete Choice Structural Models: A Survey", Journal of Econometrics 156 (1) (2010), 38–67. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria, "Some Notes on Sample Selection Models", Quantile: International Econometric Journal in Russian 7 (2009), 21–36. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria, "Comment: Identification of a Simple Dynamic Discrete Game under Rationalizability", Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 26 (3) (2008), 283–289. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria, Michaela Draganska, Sanjog Misra, Patrick Bajari, Liran Einav, Paul Ellickson, Daniel Horsky, Sridhar Narayanan, Yesim Orhun, Peter Reiss, Katja Seim, Vishal Singh, Raphael Thomadsen, Ting Zhu, "Discrete Choice Models of Firms' Strategic Decisions", Marketing Letters/Springer 19 (3) (2008), 399–416. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria, Pedro Mira, Hernan Roman, "An Estimable Dynamic Model of Entry, Exit and Growth in Oligopoly Retail Markets", American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings 97 (2) (2007), 449–454. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria and Pedro Mira, "Sequential Estimation of Dynamic Discrete Games", Econometrica 75 (1) (2007), 1–54. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria, "Consumption Based Measures of Poverty", in Encyclopedia of World Poverty (edited by Mehmet Odekon), Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA. USA, 2006, 203–204. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria, "Decomposable Poverty Measures", in Encyclopedia of World Poverty (edited by Mehmet Odekon), Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA. USA, 2006, 238–239. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria, "Engel Coefficient", in Encyclopedia of World Poverty (edited by Mehmet Odekon), Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA. USA, 2006, 309–309. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria, "Sen-Shorrocks-Thon Index", in Encyclopedia of World Poverty (edited by Mehmet Odekon), Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA. USA, 2006, 970–971. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria and Pedro Mira, "A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Models with Multiple Equilibria: A First Report", New Mathematics and Natural Computation 1 (2) (2005), 295–303. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria, "Pseudo Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Structural Models Involving Fixed-Point Problems", Economic Letters 84 (2004), 335–340. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria and Pedro Mira, "Swapping the Nested Fixed Point Algorithm: A Class of Estimators for Discrete Markov Decision Models", Econometrica 70 (2) (2002), 1519–1543. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria and Cesar Alonso-Borrego, "Occupational Structure, Technological Innovation, and Reorganization of Production", Labour Economics 8 (1) (2001), 43–73. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria, "The Dynamics of Markups and Inventories in Retailing Firms", Review of Economic Studies 66 (2) (1999), 275–308. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria, "Estimation of Dynamic Programming Models with Censored Decision Variables", Investigaciones Economicas 21 (1997), 167–208. (Freely available.)
Victor Aguirregabiria and Cesar Alonso-Borrego, "Gauss Language and its Applications: A Panoramic View (in Spanish)", Revista de Economia Aplicada 1 (1993), 201–206. (Freely available.)