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Margarida Duarte

Ph.D. (University of Rochester, 2001), M.A. (University of Rochester, 1998), B.A. (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 1993)
Office: Max Gluskin House, 150 St. George Street, 206. Phone: 416-978-6208.
Office: University of Toronto, Mississauga, 3242.
Email address:
Personal website:
Research fields: Macroeconomics, International economics

Selected research

  • Margarida Duarte and Diego Restuccia, "The Role of the Structural Transformation in Aggregate Productivity", Quarterly Journal of Economics 125 (1) (2010), 129–173.
  • Margarida Duarte and Maurice Obstfeld, "Monetary Policy in the Open Economy Revisited: The Case for Exchange-Rate Flexibility Restored", Journal of International Money and Finance 27 (6) (2008), 949–957.
  • Michael Dotsey and Margarida Duarte, "Nontraded Goods, Market Segmentation, and Exchange Rates", Journal of Monetary Economics 55 (6) (2008), 1129–1142.
All publications

Honors and awards

  • Dean's Merit Award, 2010.