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Publications of Margarida Duarte
Margarida Duarte, "Portugal and the European Monetary Union", in The Oxford Handbook of Portuguese Politics (edited by Jorge M. Fernandes, Pedro C. Magalh?es, António Costa Pinto), Oxford University Press, 2022, 636–648.
Margarida Duarte, "Manufacturing Consumption, Relative Prices, and Productivity", Journal of Macroeconomics 65 (2020), 1–15.
Margarida Duarte and Diego Restuccia, "Relative Prices and Sectoral Productivity", Journal of the European Economic Association 18 (3) (2020), 1400–1443. (Freely available.)
Michael Dotsey and Margarida Duarte, "How Important is the Currency Denominations of Exports in Open-Economy Models?", Review of Economic Dynamics 23 (2017), 1–18.
Margarida Duarte and Diego Restuccia, "The Role of the Structural Transformation in Aggregate Productivity", Quarterly Journal of Economics 125 (1) (2010), 129–173.
Michael Dotsey and Margarida Duarte, "Nontraded Goods, Market Segmentation, and Exchange Rates", Journal of Monetary Economics 55 (6) (2008), 1129–1142.
Margarida Duarte and Maurice Obstfeld, "Monetary Policy in the Open Economy Revisited: The Case for Exchange-Rate Flexibility Restored", Journal of International Money and Finance 27 (6) (2008), 949–957.
Margarida Duarte and Alexander L. Wolman, "Fiscal Policy and Regional Inflation in a Currency Union", Journal of International Economics 74 (2) (2008), 384–401.
Margarida Duarte, Diego Restuccia, Andrea Waddle, "Exchange Rates and Business Cycles Across Countries", Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly 93 (1) (2007), 57–76.
Margarida Duarte and Diego Restuccia, "The Structural Transformation and Aggregate Productivity in Portugal", Portuguese Economic Journal 6 (1) (2007), 23–46.
Margarida Duarte and Diego Restuccia, "The Productivity of Nations", Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly 92 (3) (2006), 195–223.
Margarida Duarte and Alan C. Stockman, "Rational Speculation and Exchange Rates", Journal of Monetary Economics 52 (1) (2005), 3–29.
Margarida Duarte, "Monetary Policy and the Adjustment to Country-Specific Shocks", Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly 90 (2) (2004), 21–40.
Margarida Duarte, "The Euro and Inflation Divergence in Europe", Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly 89 (3) (2003), 53–70.
Margarida Duarte, "Why Don't Macroeconomic Quantities Respond to Exchange Rate Variability?", Journal of Monetary Economics 50 (4) (2003), 889–913.
Margarida Duarte and Alan C. Stockman, "Comment on “Exchange Rate Pass-Through, Exchange Rate Variability, and Exchange Rate Disconnect,” by M. Devereux and C. Engel", Journal of Monetary Economics 49 (5) (2002), 941–946.
Margarida Duarte, "International Pricing in New Open-Economy Models", Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly 87 (4) (2001), 53–70.