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Frank J. Reid

Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. (Queen's, 1975), M.Sc. (L.S.E. 1971, ), B.A. (British Columbia, 1970)
Office: Centre for Industrial Relations, 121 St. George Street, 208. Phone: 416-978-5691.
Email address:
Research fields: Labour economics

Selected research

  • Frank J. Reid, "Presentation of the Gerard Dion Award: Professor Gene Swimmer", in Reformulating Industrial Relations in Liberal Market Economies (edited by Kay Stratton Devine and Jean-Noel Grenier), Captus University Publications, Toronto, 2005, 1–9.
  • Morley K. Gunderson and Frank J. Reid, "Implications of Employee Preferences for Worktime Reduction: Survey Evidence and Case Studies in Canada", in Proceedings of the 15th Annual AIRAANZ Conference (edited by Di Kelly), University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia, 2001, 179–180.
  • Frank J. Reid, "Social, Political, and Economic Environments", in Union-Management Relations in Canada, Fourth Edition (edited by M. Gunderson, A. Ponak and D. Taras), Pearson Education Canada, Toronto, 2001, 142–174.
  • Frank J. Reid and Gangaram Singh, "Are Seniority Based Layoffs Discriminatory? The Adverse Impact of Layoffs on Designated Groups and Implications for Worksharing", Industrial Relations 53 No. 4 (1998), 730–749.
  • K. Clark, J. Kervin, L. Lum, Frank J. Reid, W. Sirola, "Explaining Nursing Turnover Intent: Job Satisfaction, Pay Satisfaction, or Organizational Commitment", Journal of Organizational Behavior 19 (1998), 305–320.
All publications

Honors and awards

  • Canadian Who's Who, 1993.
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Research Grant (with Gunderson, Meltz and Verma), 1989 - 1993.
  • Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Research Grant, 1985 - 1987.