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Publications of Frank J. Reid
Frank J. Reid, "Presentation of the Gerard Dion Award: Professor Gene Swimmer", in Reformulating Industrial Relations in Liberal Market Economies (edited by Kay Stratton Devine and Jean-Noel Grenier), Captus University Publications, Toronto, 2005, 1–9.
Rafael Gomez, Noah Meltz, Frank J. Reid, "Social, Political, and Economic Environments", in Union-Management Relations in Canada, Fifth Edition (edited by M. Gunderson, A. Ponak and D. Taras), Pearson Education Canada, Toronto, 2004, 174–202.
Frank J. Reid, "President's Report", in Industrial Relations (edited by J. Haiven, L. Haiven, D. Harrisson, J-N Grenier and T. Wagar), Laval University Press, Quebec, QC, 2004, 267–274.
K. Bentham, D. Harrisson, J. Kervin, S. Montreuil, Frank J. Reid, Anil Verma, Trade and Labour Protection: Can the two be made to work together?, Laval University Press, Quebec, 2003.
Frank J. Reid, "Forward", in Trade and Labour Protection: Can the two be made to work together? (edited by F. Reid, K. Bentham, D. Harrisson, J. Kervin and Anil Verma), Laval University Press, Quebec, 2003, 1–8.
Morley K. Gunderson and Frank J. Reid, "Implications of Employee Preferences for Worktime Reduction: Survey Evidence and Case Studies in Canada", in Proceedings of the 15th Annual AIRAANZ Conference (edited by Di Kelly), University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia, 2001, 179–180.
Frank J. Reid, "Social, Political, and Economic Environments", in Union-Management Relations in Canada, Fourth Edition (edited by M. Gunderson, A. Ponak and D. Taras), Pearson Education Canada, Toronto, 2001, 142–174.
K. Clark, J. Kervin, L. Lum, Frank J. Reid, W. Sirola, "Explaining Nursing Turnover Intent: Job Satisfaction, Pay Satisfaction, or Organizational Commitment", Journal of Organizational Behavior 19 (1998), 305–320.
Frank J. Reid and Gangaram Singh, "Are Seniority Based Layoffs Discriminatory? The Adverse Impact of Layoffs on Designated Groups and Implications for Worksharing", Industrial Relations 53 No. 4 (1998), 730–749.
Edgar Carson and Frank J. Reid, Deveopment Options for Western Australia: Social and Community Issues, Western Australian Dept of Comm & Trade, Perth (34 pages), 1996.
Frank J. Reid, "Abolishing Compulsory Retirement in Australia: Assessing the Impact", Australian Journal of Labour Economics 8 No. 1 (1996), 25–42.
Frank J. Reid, "Working Less and Enjoying It More", in Family Security in Insecure Times: New Foundations (edited by David Ross), National Forum on Family Security, Ottawa, 1996, 24–48.
Morley K. Gunderson and Frank J. Reid, "Strikes in the Public Sector", in Public Sector Collective Bargaining in Canada: Beginning of the End or End ....? (edited by G. Swimmer and M. Thompson), IRC Press, Kingston, 1995, 135–163.
Noah Meltz and Frank J. Reid, "The Economic Environment", in Union-Management Relations in Canada (3rd Edition) (edited by M. Gunderson and A. Ponak), Addison-Wesley, Toronto, 1995, 23–52.
Frank J. Reid, "Worktime Reductions to Combat Unemployment", in Social Security Reform: What Are the Issues? (edited by G. Aitken et al.), Social Policy Forum, Toronto, 1994, 38–40.
David K. Foot, Frank J. Reid, A. Omar, "Decentralization of Provincial Government Activities: Implications for Employment Equity", in The Industrial Relations Systems: Future Trends and Developments, Volume I (edited by T. Kuttner), University of New Brunswick Law Journal, Fredericton, 1993, 345–354.
Frank J. Reid, "An Assessment of Enterprise Bargaining in Canada and Implications for Industrial Relations Reform in Australia", in Enterprise Bargaining Systems: International Case Studies (edited by Economic Planning Advisory Council), Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra, 1993, 1–44.
A. Omar and Frank J. Reid, "Do Unions Win Short Strikes and Lose Long Strikes?", in Women in Industrial Relations (edited by Donald Carter), Canadian Industrial Relations Assoc., Kingston, 1992, 337–346.
Morley K. Gunderson, Angelo Melino, Frank J. Reid, "The Effects of Canadian Labour Relations Legislation on Strike Incidence and Duration", Labor Law Journal 41 (8) (1990), 512–518.
Morley K. Gunderson, J. Kervin, Frank J. Reid, "Effect of Labour Relations Legislation on Strike Incidence", Canadian Journal of Economics 22 (4) (1989), 779–794.
Noah Meltz and Frank J. Reid, "The Canadian Labour Market", in Union-Management Relations in Canada (2nd Edition) (edited by J. Anderson, M. Gunderson and A. Ponak), Addison-Wesley, Toronto, 1989, 71–95.
Frank J. Reid, "Age Discrimination and Compulsory Retirement in Australia", Journal of Industrial Relations (1989), 169–184.
Frank J. Reid, "Combatting Unemployment Through Work Time Reductions", in Policies for Full Employment (edited by D. Cameron and A. Sharpe), Canadian Council on Social Development, Ottawa, 1988, 173–187.
Frank J. Reid, "Economic Aspects of Mandatory Retirement: The Canadian Experience", Industrial Relations 43 (1) (1988), 101–114.
Frank J. Reid, "Psychological Conflict Models: Their Applicability to the Theory of Collective Bargaining", in Theories of Industrial Relations (edited by J. Sen and S. Hameed), Copley Publishing, Littleton, MA, 1988, 283–288.
Frank J. Reid, Hours of Work and Overtime Policies to Reduce Unemployment, Queen\'s Printer, Toronto (51 pages), 1987.
Frank J. Reid, Hours or Work and Overtime in Ontario: The Dimensions of the Issue, Queen\'s Printer, Toronto (56 pages), 1987.
Frank J. Reid, "Policies for Flexible Retirement: Employment Sharing for Older Workers", in Fairness and Flexibility in Retiring from Work (edited by Ontario Ministry of Labour), Toronto, 1987, 253–259.
Frank J. Reid, "Work Time Reduction", in Unemployment: International Perspectives (edited by M. Gunderson, N.M. Meltz and S. Ostry), University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1987, 210–214.
Morley K. Gunderson, J. Kervin, Frank J. Reid, "Logit Analysis of Strike Incidence from Canadian Contract Data", Journal of Labor Economics 4 (2) (1986), 267–276.
Frank J. Reid, "Combatting Unemployment Through Work Time Reductions", Canadian Public Policy 12 (1986), 275–285.
Frank J. Reid, Public Policies for Alternative Work Arrangements, Canadian Menal Health Association, Toronto (25 pages), 1986.
Frank J. Reid, "Short-Time Compensation: A Strategy to Avoid Layoffs by Sharing Work", in Work in Canada (edited by J.F. Peters), Wilfred Laurier Univ Interdisciplinary.., Waterloo, 1986, 97–106.
Frank J. Reid, "Reductions in Work Time: An Assessment of Employment Sharing to Reduce Unemployment", in Work and Pay: The Canadian Labour Market (edited by W.C. Riddell), Univ of Toronto Press (Macdonald Comm), 1985, 141–169.
Morley K. Gunderson, John Kervin, Frank J. Reid, "Micro Model of Strike Incidence and Duration", Ottawa: Labour Canada, 1984.
Morley K. Gunderson, John Kervin, Frank J. Reid, "Survey Analysis of Strike Incidence", Ottawa: Labour Canada, 1984.
Morley K. Gunderson, John Kervin, Frank J. Reid, "Two Case Studies of Strikes", Ottawa: Labour Canada, 1984.
Noah Meltz and Frank J. Reid, "Canada's STC: A Comparison with the California Version", in Short-Time Compensation: A Formula for Worksharing (edited by Martin Morand and Ramelle McCoy), Pergamon Press for Work in Amer. Inst., Scarsdale, N.Y., 1984, 106–119.
Frank J. Reid, Collective Bargaining for Tenants, Comm Inquiry into Residential Tenancies, Toronto (34 pages), 1984.
Morley K. Gunderson, John Kervin, Frank J. Reid, "Theories of Strike Determination and Strike Consequences", Report for the Canada Department of Labour, 1983.
Morley K. Gunderson and Frank J. Reid, Sex Discrimination in the Canadian Labour Market: Theories, Data and Evidence, Labour Canada, Ottawa (77 pgs), 1983.
Noah Meltz and Frank J. Reid, "Reducing the Impact of Unemployment Through Work-sharing: Some Industrial Relations Considerations", Journal of Industrial Relations 25 (1983), 152–160.
Frank J. Reid, "The Effect of Incomes Policy on Health Industrial Relations in Canada", in Industrial Relations and Health Services (edited by A.S. Sethi), Croom Helm, London, 1982, 304–324.
Frank J. Reid, "UI- Assisted Worksharing as an Alternative to Layoffs: The Canadian Experience", Industrial and Labor Relations Review 35 (1982), 319–329.
Frank J. Reid, "Wage and Price Controls in Canada", in Union-Management Relations in Canada (edited by John C. Anderson and Morley Gunderson), Addison-Wesley, Toronto, 1982, 482–502.
Frank J. Reid and G. Swartz, Prorating Fringe Benefits for Part-Time Employees in Canada, Centre for Industrial Relations, Toronto (90 pages), 1982.
Morley K. Gunderson and Frank J. Reid, "Sex Discrimination in the Canadian Labour Market: Theories, Data and Evidence", Women's Bureau, Canada Department of Labour,, 1981.
Noah Meltz, Frank J. Reid, G. Swartz, Sharing the Work: An Analysis of the Issues in Worksharing and Jobsharing, University of Toronto Press, Toronto (98 pages), 1981.
Frank J. Reid, "Control and Decontrol of Wages in the U.S.: An Empirical Analysis", American Economic Review 71 (1981), 108–120.
Frank J. Reid and D. Smith, "The Impact of Demographic Changes on Unemployment", Canadian Public Policy 7 (1981), 348–351.
Frank J. Reid, "A Comment On 'The Importance of Productivity Change in The Economic Growth of Nine Industrialized Countries'", in Lagging Productivity Growth: Causes and Remedies (edited by S. Maital and N.M. Meltz), Ballinger Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1980, 103–108.
Frank J. Reid, "Notes on Macroeconometric Models", in Manpower Forecasting in Canada: A Discussion of the Issues (edited by D.K. Foot, N.M. Meltz and F. Siddiqui), Employ & Immigration Cda + Indust. Rel., Ottawa / Toronto, 1980, 21–23.
Frank J. Reid, "Unemployment and Inflation: An Assessment of Canadian Macroeconomic Policy", Canadian Public Policy 6 (1980), 283–299.
Noah Meltz and Frank J. Reid, "Causes of Shifts in the Unemployment-Vacancy Relationship: An Empirical Analysis for Canada", Review of Economics and Statistics 61 (1979), 470–475.
Frank J. Reid, "The Effect of Controls on the Rate of Wage Change in Canada", Canadian Journal of Economics 12 (1979), 214–227.
Frank J. Reid and Thomas A. Wilson, Wage and Price Behaviour in Canadian Manufacturing: An Econometric Analysis, Supply and Services, Canada, Ottawa (231 pgs), 1979.
Frank J. Reid, An Analysis of U.S. Wage Controls and Implications for Canada, Supply and Services, Canada, Ottawa (62 pgs), 1978.
Frank J. Reid, "An Alternative Scoring Formula for Multiple-Choice and True-False Tests", Journal of Educational Research 70 (1977), 335–339.
Frank J. Reid, "Dummy Variables with a Transitional Phase", Canadian Journal of Economics 10 (1977), 326–329.
Frank J. Reid, "Psychological Conflict Models: Their Applicability to the Theory of Collective Bargaining", Industrial Relations 32 (1977), 445–448.
Frank J. Reid, "The Paradox of Unemployment and Job Vacancies: A Comment", Industrial Relations 32 (1977), 133–137.
Frank J. Reid, "The Response of Wages to the Removal of Controls: The American Experience", Industrial Relations 32 (1977), 621–628.
Frank J. Reid, "Canadian Wage and Price Controls", Canadian Public Policy 2 (1976), 103–113.
Frank J. Reid, "Scoring Multiple-Choice Exams", Journal of Economic Education (1976), 55–59.
Frank J. Reid, "Mundell on Growth and the Balance of Payments: A Note", Canadian Journal of Economics (6) (1973), 592–595.