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David K. Foot

Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. (Harvard, 1972), M.A. (Harvard, 1969), B.Ec. (Western Australia, 1966)
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Research fields: Applied econometrics, Macroeconomics, Labour economics, Economic demography

Selected research

  • David K. Foot, "Population Aging", in A Canadian Priorities Agenda: Policy Choices to Improve Economics and Social Well-Being (edited by J. Leonard, C. Ragan and F. St.-Hilaire), Institute for Research on Public Policy, Montreal, 2007, 181–213.
  • David K. Foot, "Tourism and Education in Western Europe: A Demographic Perspective", in Time shift, Leisure and Tourism: Importance of Time Allocation on Successful Products and Services (edited by K. Weiermair, H. Pechlaner and T. Bieger), Berlin, Eric Schmidt Verlag, 2006, 31–48.
  • David K. Foot, "Easter Island: A Case Study in Non- Sustainability", Greener Management International 48 (2005), 11–20.
  • David K. Foot and R. Gomez, "Age Structure, Income Distribution and Economic Growth", Canadian Public Policy 29 (2003), S141–61.
  • David K. Foot and D. Stoffman, Boom Bust & Echo: Profiting from the Demographic Shift in the 21st Century, Stoddart, Toronto, (313 pages), 2001.
All publications

Honors and awards

  • Best paper (with R. Gomez), Economics & Finance, 4th Global Conference on Business and Economics, Oxford University, 2005.
  • 3M Fellowship for Teaching Excellence, Nationwide award administered by the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 1992.
  • Students Advisory Council (SAC)/Association of Part-Time University Students (APUS), University of Toronto, Teaching Award (Social Sciences), 1992.
  • Students Advisory Council (SAC)/Association of Part-Time University Students (APUS), University of Toronto, Teaching Award (Social Sciences), 1983.
  • Canadian Association of Business Economists Writing Award for the best article in 'Canadian Business Economics', 1980 - 1981.