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Publications of David K. Foot
David K. Foot and G. Bierling, "Changes in Demographics and Recreation Behaviour", in Change Management in Tourism (edited by C. Kronenberg, S. Mueller, M. Peters, P. Pikkermaat, and K. Weiermair), Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, 2008, 2008, 53–68.
David K. Foot, "Changing Demographics: Marketing and Human Resource Trends in a Global Economy", in Canada and the New World Economic Order (edited by T. Wesson), Captus Press, Toronto, 2007, 238–259.
David K. Foot, "Population Aging", in A Canadian Priorities Agenda: Policy Choices to Improve Economics and Social Well-Being (edited by J. Leonard, C. Ragan and F. St.-Hilaire), Institute for Research on Public Policy, Montreal, 2007, 181–213.
David K. Foot, "The Baby Boomer's Lingering Echo", Academic Matters (2006), 6–9.
David K. Foot, "The Policy Implications of Provincial Demographics", in Provinces: Canadian Provincial Politics (edited by C. Dunn), Broadview, Peterborough, 2006, 435–466.
David K. Foot, "Tourism and Education in Western Europe: A Demographic Perspective", in Time shift, Leisure and Tourism: Importance of Time Allocation on Successful Products and Services (edited by K. Weiermair, H. Pechlaner and T. Bieger), Berlin, Eric Schmidt Verlag, 2006, 31–48.
David K. Foot and R. Gomez, "Population Aging and Sectoral Growth: The Case of the U.K., 2006-2026", Oxford Journal of Business and Economics 5 (1) (2006), 85–94.
David K. Foot, "Easter Island: A Case Study in Non- Sustainability", Greener Management International 48 (2005), 11–20.
David K. Foot, "Leisure Futures: A Change in Demography?", in The Tourism and Leisure Industry: Shaping the Future (edited by K. Weiermair and C. Mathies), The Haworth Hospitality Press, Binghamton, N.Y., 2004, 21–33.
David K. Foot, "Population, Business and Sustainability", in Teaching Business Sustainability: Volume 1 (edited by C. Galea), Greenleaf Publishing Ltd., Sheffield, U.K., 2004, 283–303.
David K. Foot and S. Ross, "Social Sustainability", in Teaching Business Sustainability: Volume 1 (edited by Chapter 7, C. Galea), Greenleaf Publishing Ltd., Sheffield, U.K., 2004, 107–125.
David K. Foot and R. Gomez, "Age Structure, Income Distribution and Economic Growth", Canadian Public Policy 29 (2003), S141–61.
David K. Foot, "Voodoo and Apocalyptic Demography - Conceptual and Methodological Issues", Canadian Journal on Aging 21 (1) (2002), 147–51.
David K. Foot, "Demographic Change and Future Challenges", Education Canada 41 (1) (2001), 24–27.
David K. Foot, "Demographics and Lotteries", Lottery Insights 2 (10/11) (2001), 88–89.
David K. Foot, "Urban Demographics in Canada", in Urban Policy Issues: Canadian Perspectives, 2nd ed. (edited by E.P. Fowler and D. Siegel), Oxford University Press, Don Mills, Ontario, 2001, 17–35.
David K. Foot and D. Stoffman, Boom Bust & Echo: Profiting from the Demographic Shift in the 21st Century, Stoddart, Toronto, (313 pages), 2001.
David K. Foot, "Demographics and Cardiology, 1950-2050", Journal of the American College of Cardiology 35 (4) (2000), 1067–81.
David K. Foot, Entre le Boom et l'Echo 2000: Comment mettre a profit la realite demographique a l'aube du prochain millenaire, Boreal, Montreal (387 pages), 1999.
David K. Foot and D. Stoffman, Boom Bust & Echo 2000: Profiting from the Demographic Shift in the New Millennium, Macfarlane Walter & Ross, Toronto, (313 pages), 1999.
David K. Foot, "The Effects of Changing Demographics: Marketing and Human Resource Trends", in Canada and the New World Economic Order (edited by T. Wesson), Captus Press, Toronto, 1998, 271–290.
David K. Foot, J. C. Nautiyal, A. K. Saxena, "Understanding the Role of Population in Deforestation", Journal of Sustainable Forestry 7 (1/2) (1998), 57–110.
David K. Foot and R. A. Venne, "The Time is Right: Voluntary Reduced Worktime and Workforce Demographics", Canadian Studies in Population 25 (2) (1998), 91–114.
David K. Foot, "Demographics, the Marketplace and Appraisals", Journal of Business Valuation (1997), 259–285.
David K. Foot, J. C. Nautiyal, A. K. Saxena, "Analyzing Deforestation and Exploring Policies for its Amelioration: A Case Study of India", Journal of Forest Economics 3 (3) (1997), 253–289.
David K. Foot, R.A. Loreto, T. McCormack, "Demographics, Downsizing and the Future of the Public Service", Public Sector Management 7 (3) (1996), 14–16.
David K. Foot and D. Stoffman, Boom Bust & Echo: How to Profit from the Coming Demographic Shift, Macfarlane Walter & Ross, Toronto (245 pages), 1996.
David K. Foot and D. Stoffman, Entre le Boom et l'Echo: Comment mettre a profit la realite demographique, Boreal, Montreal, (307 pages), 1996.
David K. Foot, "Canada's Unemployment-Immigration Linkage: Demographic, Economic and Political Influences", Canadian Journal of Sociology 19 (4) (1994), 513–523.
David K. Foot, "The Effects of Changing Demographics: Marketing and Human Resource Trends", in The Canadian Profile: People, Institutions, Infrastructure (Second Edition) (edited by J. Dermer), Captus Press, Toronto, 1994.
David K. Foot and W.J. Milne, "Population-Output Linkages: A National and Regional Perspective", Canadian Journal of Regional Science 17 (3) (1994), 395–411.
David K. Foot, "Demography, Dependency and Deficits", in Public Services Under Stress (edited by A.M. Kruger, D. Morely and A. Shachar), The Magnes Press, Jerusalem, 1993, 140–153.
David K. Foot and K.J. Gibson, "Population Aging in the Canadian Labour Force: Changes and Challenges", Journal of Canadian Studies 28 (1) (1993), 59–74.
David K. Foot, Frank J. Reid, A. Omar, "Decentralization of Provincial Government Activities: Implications for Employment Equity", in The Industrial Relations Systems: Future Trends and Developments, Volume I (edited by T. Kuttner), University of New Brunswick Law Journal, Fredericton, 1993, 345–354.
David K. Foot and R. A. Venne, "Population, Pyramids and Promotional Prospects", in Work in Canada: Readings in the Sociology of Work and Industry (edited by G.S. Lowe and H.J. Krahn), Nelson Canada, Scarborough, Ontario, 1993, 74–83.
David K. Foot and T.W. Hennigar, "Recreation and the Economic Cycle in Ontario", Journal of Applied Recreation Research 17 (1) (1992), 37–62.
David K. Foot and Noah Meltz, "An Ex Post Evaluation of Canadian Occupational Projections, 1961-1981", Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations 47 (2) (1992), 200–211.
David K. Foot, "Demographics: The Human Landscape for Public Policy", in Canada at Risk? Canadian Public Policy in the 1990s (edited by G.B. Doern and B.B. Purchase), C.D. Howe Institute, Toronto, 1991, 5–45.
David K. Foot, "Immigration and Demographic Change in Canada", in Migration: The Demographic Aspects (edited by OECD), Ontario Economic Council, Paris, 1991, 69–71.
David K. Foot, "The Age of Outdoor Recreation in Canada", Journal of Applied Recreation Research 15 (3) (1990), 159–178.
David K. Foot, "The Determinants of Enrolment Rates and Enrolments in Ontairo Community Colleges", in Empirical Features of the College System: Background Papers, (edited by Vision 2000), Ontario Economic Council, Toronto, 1990.
David K. Foot and W.J. Milne, "Serial Correlation in Multiregional Migration Models", Journal of Regional Science 30 (4) (1990), 505–513.
David K. Foot and R. A. Venne, "A Boom for the Busters", Career Options 3 (1990), 38–48.
David K. Foot and R. A. Venne, "Population, Pyramids and Promotional Prospects", Canadian Public Policy 16 (4) (1990), 387–398.
David K. Foot, "Public Expenditures, Population Aging and Economic Dependency in Canada, 1921-2021", Population Research and Policy Review 8 (1) (1989), 97–117.
David K. Foot, "The Educational Implications of Demographic Trends", in Scrimping or Squandering?: Financing Canada's Schools (edited by S.B. Lawton and R. Wignall), OISE Press, Toronto, 1989, 51–63.
David K. Foot, "Vocational Counselling in the 1990s: A Return of the Good Times", Chainletter 14 (1) (1989), 6–18.
David K. Foot and J.B. Harries, "Population Aging and the Financial Industry", Canadian Banker 96 (5) (1989), 6–10.
David K. Foot and W.J. Milne, "Multiregional Estimation of Gross Internal Migration Flows", International Regional Science Review 12 (1) (1989), 29–43.
David K. Foot and David A. A. Stager, "Intertemporal Market Effect on Gender Earnings Differentials: Lawyers in Canada 1970-80", Applied Economics 21 (8) (1989), 1011–1028.
David K. Foot and David A. A. Stager, "Lawyers' Earnings Under Market Growth and Differentiation, 1970-1980", Canadian Journal of Economics 22 (1) (1989), 150–163.
David K. Foot and R. A. Venne, "The Baby Boom in the Labour Force: New Human Resource Challenges", in Some Aspects of International Industrial Relations (edited by J. Boivin), Laval University, Quebec, 1989, 429–441.
David K. Foot and J.C. Li, "Youth Unemployment: A Reply", Canadian Public Policy 14 (1) (1988), 109–111.
David K. Foot and David A. A. Stager, "Changes in Lawyers' Earnings: The Impact of Differentiation and Growth in the Canadian Legal Profession", Law & Social Inquiry (formerly the American Bar Foundation Research Journal) 13 (1) (1988), 71–85.
David K. Foot and David A. A. Stager, "Differential Effects of Advanced Degrees on Lawyers' Earnings", Economics of Education Review 7 (4) (1988), 385–392.
David K. Foot and B.T. Wigdor, The Over Forty Society: Issues for Canada's Aging Population, James Lorimer & Company, Toronto (135 pages), 1988.
David K. Foot and J.C. Li, "The Demographic Determinants of Unemployment in Canada", in Unemployment: International Perspectives (edited by M. Gunderson, N.M. Meltz and S. Ostry), University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1987, 140–151.
David K. Foot and J.C. Li, "Youth Unemployment in Canada: A Misplaced Priority", Canadian Public Policy 12 (3) (1986), 499–506.
Peter Dungan, David K. Foot, W.J. Milne, "Migration and Economic Adjustment in the Canadian Context: Simulation Results of an Economic-Demographic Model", Environment and Planning A 17 (1985), 1185–2000.
Peter Dungan, David K. Foot, W.J. Milne, "Migration in an Economic-Demographic Model for the Canadian Provinces", Environment and Planning A 17 (1985), 1185–1200.
David K. Foot, "University Enrolments: Challenging Popular Misconceptions", in Ontario Universities: Access, Operations and Funding (edited by D.M. Nowlan), Ontario Economic Council, Toronto, 1985, 166–176.
David K. Foot and W.J. Milne, "Econometrically Accounting for Identities and Restrictions in Models of Inter-regional Migration: A Comment", Regional Science and Urban Economics 15 (4) (1985), 599–603.
David K. Foot, "Comment", in Declining Productivity and Growth (edited by D.D. Purvis), John Deutsch Institute, Queen\'s Univ, Kingston, 1984, 150–157.
David K. Foot, "The Demographic Future of Fiscal Federalism in Canada", Canadian Public Policy 10 (4) (1984), 406–414.
David K. Foot and W.J. Milne, "Net Migration in an Extended Multiregional Gravity Model", Journal of Regional Science 24 (1) (1984), 119–133.
David K. Foot, "The Economic Challenges of Future Provincial Populations", in Regional Economy of Cda Economic Adjustment & Barriers to Interprovincial Trade (edited by W.J. Milne), Institute for Policy Analysis, U of T, Toronto, 1983, 193–217.
David K. Foot, "The Impacts of Population Growth and Aging on the Future Canadian Labour Force", in Canadian Labour Markets in the 1980s (edited by Industrial Relations Centre), Queen\'s University, 1983, 50–64.
David K. Foot and B. Pervin, "The Determinants of Post-Secondary Enrolment Rates in Ontario", Canadian Journal of Higher Education 13 (3) (1983), 1–22.
Richard M. Bird, David K. Foot, E. Scicluna, "Productivity Measurement in the Public Sector: The Case of Police Services in Ontario", in Public Finance and Public Employment (edited by R. Haveman), Wayne State University Press, Detroit, 1982, 257–274.
David K. Foot, "A Troubled Future? University Enrolments in Canada and the Provinces", in Financing Canadian Universities: For Whom and By Whom (edited by D.M. Nowlan and R. Bellaire), OISE Press, Toronto, 1982, 37–63.
David K. Foot, Canada's Population Outlook: Demographic Futures and Economic Challenges, James Lorimer & Company, Toronto (268 pgs), 1982.
David K. Foot, "The Economic Impacts of Aging in Canada - Macroeconomic Indicators and Policy Implications", Canadian Journal on Aging 1 (4) (1982), 60–71.
David K. Foot, "Population Aging in Ontario: Economic and Policy Issues", in Housing for An Aging Population: Alternatives (Chapter 2) (edited by B.T. Wigdor and L. Ford), University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1981, 11–22.
David K. Foot and J.B. Harries, "The Federal Government's Diminishing Margin of Fiscal Maneuverability", Canadian Business Economics 3 (1980), 9–14.
David K. Foot and Dale J. Poirier, "Public Decision-Making in Canada: The Case of the Anti-inflation Board", International Economic Review 21 (2) (1980), 489–504.
David K. Foot and Dale J. Poirier, The Compensation Decisions of the Anti-Inflation Board: An Empirical Analysis, Anti-Inflation Board, Ottawa (90 pgs), 1980.
Richard M. Bird, M. Bucovetsky, David K. Foot, The Growth of Public Employment in Canada, Butterworth & Co. (Canada) Ltd., Toronto (190 pgs), 1979.
Richard M. Bird and David K. Foot, "Bureaucratic Growth in Canada: Myths and Realities", in The Public Evaluation of Government Spending (Chapter 8) (edited by G.B. Doern and A.M. Maslove), Butterworth & Co. (Canada), Toronto, 1979, 121–148.
L. de Bever and David K. Foot, "Dynamic Properties of Four Canadian Macroeconomic Models: A Collaborative Research Project", Canadian Journal of Economics 12 (2) (1979), 133–139.
David K. Foot, "Demognomics and the 'Inevitable Surprises'", Economic Policy Review 1 (2) (1979), 1–29.
David K. Foot, "Political Cycels, Economic Cycles and the Trend in Public Employment in Canada", in Studies in Public Employment and Compensation in Canada (Chapter 3) (edited by M.W. Bucovetsky), Butterworth & Co. (Canada), Toronto, 1979, 65–80.
David K. Foot, Public Employment and Compensation in Canada: Statistical Series, Butterworth & Co. (Canada) Ltd., Toronto (217 pgs), 1979.
David K. Foot, Public Policy and Future Population in Ontario, Ontario Economic Council, Toronto (57 pgs), 1979.
David K. Foot and John A. Sawyer, "Some Dynamic Properties of the TRACE Model", Canadian Journal of Economics 12 (2) (1979), 170–181.
David K. Foot, "Executive Summary - Twelve Propositions on Public Employment and Compensation", in Chapter 1 - Public Employment and Compensation in Canada: Myths and Realities (edited by D.K. Foot), Butterworth & Co. (Canada) Ltd., Toronto, 1978, 1–17.
David K. Foot, Public Employment and Compensation in Canada: Myths and Realities, Butterworth & Co. (Canada) Ltd., Toronto (188 pgs), 1978.
David K. Foot, E. Scicluna, P. Thadaney, "The Growth and Distribution of Federal, Provincial and Local Government Employment in Canada", in Chapter 4 - Public Employment and Compensation in Canada: Myths and Realities (edited by D.K. Foot), Butterworth & Co. (Canada) Ltd., Toronto, 1978, 63–92.
David K. Foot, E. Scicluna, P. Thadaney, "The Seasonality of Government Employment in Canada", in Chapter 5 - Public Employment and Compensation in Canada: Myths and Realities (edited by D.K. Foot), Butterworth & Co. (Canada) Ltd., Toronto, 1978, 93–105.
David K. Foot and P. Thadaney, "The Growth and Distribution of Public Employment in Canada: The Evidence from Taxation Statistics, 1946-1975", in Chapter 3 - Public Employment and Compensation in Canada: Myths and Realities (edited by D.K. Foot), Butterworth & Co. (Canada) Ltd., Toronto, 1978, 45–62.
David K. Foot, Provincial Public Finance in Ontario: An Empirical Analysis of the Past Twenty-Five Years, Univ of Toronto Press (Ont Econ Council), Toronto (213 pages), 1977.
David K. Foot, "The Demand for Money in Canada: Some Additional Evidence", Canadian Journal of Economics 10 (3) (1977), 475–485.
David K. Foot, James E. Pesando, John A. Sawyer, J. W. L. Winder, "Ontario's Population and Labour Force", in The Ontario Economy, 1977-87 (edited by D.K. Foot, J.E. Pesando, J.A. Sawyer and J.W.L. Winder), Ontario Economic Council, Toronto, 1977, 89–152.
David K. Foot, James E. Pesando, John A. Sawyer, J. W. L. Winder, "The National Economy", in The Ontario Economy, 1977-87 (edited by D.K. Foot, J.E. Pesando, J.A. Sawyer and J.W.L. Winder), Ontario Economic Council, Toronto, 1977, 17–88.
David K. Foot, James E. Pesando, John A. Sawyer, J. W. L. Winder, The Ontario Economy, 1977-87, Ontario Economic Council, Toronto (351 pgs), 1977.
David K. Foot and John A. Sawyer, "The Canadian Economy to 1990 (with Alternative Projections)", Canadian Review 4 (2) (1976), 23–68.
David K. Foot, "Canada's Declining Long-Term Output Growth", Canadian Review 3 (5) (1975), 5–17.
David K. Foot and John A. Sawyer, "The Canadian Economy over the Next Decade (with Alternatives)", Canadian Review 3 (5) (1975), 21–70.
David K. Foot and John A. Sawyer, "The Canadian Economy over the Next Decade: A Projection to 1985 using the TRACE Model", Canadian Review 3 (2) (1975), 3–66.
David K. Foot and M.S. Feldstein, "The Other Half of Gross Investment: Replacement and Modernization Expenditures", Review of Economics and Statistics 53 (1) (1971), 49–58.