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Upcoming Seminars


Justin Kakeu (University of Prince Edward Island), "Modelling Emissions Control Policies with Optimal Transport". 12:10–13:00, Max Gluskin House, room 106.
Theory Workshop


Luigi Pistaferri (Stanford University), "Revisiting the Employment Effects of the Americans with Disabilities Act". 11:10–12:30, Max Gluskin House, room 106.
Recent Publications
Counterfactual Analysis for Structural Dynamic Discrete Choice Models

Review of Economic Studies, forthcoming
Myrto Kalouptsidi, Yuichi Kitamura, Lucas Lima, Eduardo Souza-Rodrigues

Optimal Environmental Targeting in the Amazon Rainforest

Review of Economic Studies, 2023
Juliano Assunção, Robert McMillan, Joshua Murphy, Eduardo Souza-Rodrigues

Optimal Fiscal Policy in a Model with Uninsurable Idiosyncratic Income Risk

Review of Economic Studies, 2023
Sebastian Dyrda and Marcelo Pedroni

Land Security and Mobility Frictions

Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2024
Tasso Adamopoulos, Loren Brandt, Chaoran Chen, Diego Restuccia, Xiaoyun Wei

Vulnerability and Clientelism

American Economic Review, 2022
Gustavo Bobonis, Paul Gertler, Marco Gonzalez-Navarro, Simeon Nichter

Learning before Trading: On the Inefficiency of Ignoring Free Information

Journal of Political Economy, 2022
Doron Ravid, Anne-Katrin Roesler, Balázs Szentes


What: Emi Nakamura to Deliver 2024-25 Malim Harding Lecture
When: Monday, September 30 2024, 4-6PM
Where: Munk School of Global Affairs, 1 Devonshire Place Toronto, ON M5S 3K7

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