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Working paper 515
Desire Kedagni and Ismael Mourifie, "TIGHTENING BOUNDS IN TRIANGULAR SYSTEMS", 2014-07-07
Main Text (application/pdf) (266,559 bytes)

Abstract: This note discusses partial identi cation in a nonparametric triangular system with discrete endogenous regressors and nonseparable errors. Recently, [Jun, Pinkse and Xu (2011, JPX). Tighter Bounds in Triangular Systems. Journal of Econometrics 161(2), 122-128] provides bounds on the structural function evaluated at particular values using exclusion, exogeneity and rank conditions. We propose a simple idea that often allows to improve the JPX bounds without invoking a new set of assumptions. Moreover, we show how our idea can be used to tighten existing bounds on the structural function in more general triangular systems.

Keywords: Nonparametric triangular systems; Partial identification; Instrumental variables; Rank con- ditions.

JEL Classification: C14; C30; C31.