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Publications of Xiaodong Zhu
Jiandong Ju, Hong Ma, Zi Wang, Xiaodong Zhu, "Trade Wars and Industrial Policy Competitions: Understanding the US-China Economic Conflicts", Journal of Monetary Economics, forthcoming. (Freely available.)
Chaoran Chen, Ashique Habib, Xiaodong Zhu, "Finance, Managerial Inputs, and Misallocation", American Economic Review: Insights 5 (3) (2023), 409–426. (Freely available.)
Wen Yao and Xiaodong Zhu, "Structural Change and Aggregate Employment Fluctuations in China", International Economic Review 62 (2021), 65–100. (Freely available.)
Xiaodong Zhu, "The Varying Shadow of China's Banking System", Journal of Comparative Economics 49 (1) (2021), 135–146.
Tongtong Hao, Ruiqi Sun, Trevor Tombe, Xiaodong Zhu, "The Effect of Migration Policy on Growth, Structural Change, and Regional Inequality in China", Journal of Monetary Economics 113 (2020), 112–134. (Freely available.)
Tombe Trevor and Xiaodong Zhu, "Trade, Migration, and Productivity: A Quantitative Analysis of China", American Economic Review 109 (5) (2019), 1843–1872. (Freely available.)
Xiaodong Zhu, "Trade, Migration and Growth: Evidence from China", in The Impacts of China's Rise on the Pacific and the World (edited by Wei-Chiao Huang, Huizhong Zhou), W.E. Upjohn Institute, 2018, 123–138.
Loren Brandt, Trevor Tombe, Xiaodong Zhu, "Factor Market Distortions Across Time, Space and Sectors in China", Review of Economic Dynamics 16 (1) (2013), 39–58. (Freely available.)
Dennis Tao Yang and Xiaodong Zhu, "Modernization of Agriculture and Long-Term Growth", Journal of Monetary Economics 60 (3) (2013), 367–382. (Freely available.)
Xiaodong Zhu, "Understanding China's Growth: Past, Present and Future", Journal of Economic Perspectives 26 (4 (Fall)) (2012), 103–124. (Freely available.)
Loren Brandt, Changtai Hsieh, Xiaodong Zhu, "Growth and Structural Transformation in China", in China's Great Economic Transformation (edited by Loren Brandt and Thomas G. Rawski), Cambridge University Press, New York, 2008, 683–728.
Diego Restuccia, Dennis Tao Yang, Xiaodong Zhu, "Agriculture and Aggregate Productivity: A Quantitative Cross-Country Analysis", Journal of Monetary Economics 55 (2) (2008), 234–250.
Loren Brandt, Thomas Rawski, Xiaodong Zhu, "International dimensions of China's long boom: trends, prospects and implications", in China's rise and the balance of influence in Asia (edited by William W. Keller and Thomas Rawski), University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, 2007, 14–46.
Loren Brandt and Xiaodong Zhu, "China's Banking Sector and Economic Growth", in Chinese Finance at the Cross-Roads (edited by Charles Calomaris), Columbia University, Columbia, 2007, 42–87.
Xiaodong Zhu, Private Enterprises and China's Economic Development, Taylor & Francis Ltd Routledge, 2007.
Huw Lloyd-Ellis and Xiaodong Zhu, "Using Financial Market Information to Enhance Canadian Fiscal Policy", Public Finance and Management 6 (2006), 151–185.
Huw Lloyd-Ellis, Shiqiang Zhan, Xiaodong Zhu, "Tax Smoothing with Stochastic Interest Rate: A Re-assessment of Clinton's Fiscal Legacy", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking - (2005), 30–Pgs.
Loren Brandt and Xiaodong Zhu, "What Ails China: A Long-run Perspective on Growth and Inflation (or Deflation) in China", The Region: Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis 17 (4) (2003), 49–58.
Xiaodong Zhu, "Sharing Catastrophe Risk under Model Uncertainty", in Development of Modern Statistics and Related Topics (edited by Heping Zhang and Jian Huang), World Scientific Published Co., River Edge, New Jersey, 2003, 178–188.
Loren Brandt and Xiaodong Zhu, "What Ails China: A Long-run Perspective on Growth and Inflation (or Deflation) in China", in East Asia post-crisis: Continuity and Change (edited by A.E. Safarian and Wendy Dobson), University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 2002, 49–86.
Aloysius Siow and Xiaodong Zhu, "Differential Fecundity and Gender Biased Parental Investments in Health", Review of Economic Dynamics 5 (4) (2002), 999–1024.
Loren Brandt and Xiaodong Zhu, "Soft Budget Constraints and Inflationary Cycles", Journal of Development Economics 64 (2001), 437–457.
Huw Lloyd-Ellis and Xiaodong Zhu, "Fiscal Shocks and Fiscal Risk Management", Journal of Monetary Economics 48 (2001), 309–338.
Loren Brandt and Xiaodong Zhu, "Redistribution in a Decentralized Economy: Growth and Inflation in Reform China", Journal of Political Economy 108 (2000), 422–439.
Xiaodong Zhu, "Financial Structure and Macro-Stability: Comparison between Taiwan and Mainland China", in Raising International Competitiveness: Taiwan's Experience and Its Implications for China (edited by S.F. Song and X.H. Fang), China Economic Press, Beijing, 1998, 143–157.
Aloysius Siow and Xiaodong Zhu, "The Creation of Firms and Plants", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 22 (1997), 141–178.
Xiaodong Zhu, "Endogenous Capital Utilization, Investor's Effort, and Optimal Fiscal Policy", Journal of Monetary Economics 36 (1995), 665–677.
Xiaodong Zhu, "Optimal Fiscal Policy in a Stochastic Growth Model", Journal of Economic Theory 58 (1992), 250–289.
G.C. Tiao and Xiaodong Zhu, "Effects of Autocorrelations and Temporal Sampling Schemes on Estimates of Trend and Spatial Correlation", Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 95 (1990), 20507–517.
Yaoting Zhang and Xiaodong Zhu, "Correlation of K-groups of Random Variables", Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics 4 (1988)