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Publications of Adonis Yatchew
Derek E.H. Olmstead and Adonis Yatchew, "Carbon Pricing and Alberta’s Energy-Only Electricity Market", Electricity Journal 35 (4) (2022), 107112–107112.
Adonis Yatchew, "How Scalability is Transforming Energy Industries", Energy Regulation Quarterly 7 (2) (2019), 35–44.
Dimitri Dimitropoulo and Adonis Yatchew, "Discerning Trends in Commodity Prices", Macroeconomic Dynamics 22 (2017), 683–701.
Dimitri Dimitropoulos and Adonis Yatchew, "Is Productivity Growth in Electricity Distribution Negative? An Empirical Analysis Using Ontario Data", Energy Journal 38 (2) (2017), 175–200. (Freely available.)
Adonis Yatchew, Chi Keung Woo, Kang Hua Cao, Yuk Shing Cheng, "Residential Willingness to Pay for Deep Decarbonization of Electricity Supply: Contingent Valuation Evidence from Hong Kong", Energy Policy 109 (2017), 218–227.
Brian Rivard and Adonis Yatchew, "Integration of Renewables into the Ontario Electricity System", Energy Journal 37 (2016), 221–242.
Adonis Yatchew, "Rational vs. ‘Feel-Good’ Carbon Policy – Transferability, Subsidiarity and Separation", Energy Regulation Quarterly 4 (3) (2016), 31–40.
Adonis Yatchew, "Economics of Energy: Big Ideas for the Non-Economist", Energy Research and Social Science 1 (1) (2014), 74–82. (Freely available.)
Adonis Yatchew, "Energy, Markets and Their Failures", Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences 28 (4) (2014), 304–305. (Freely available.)
Richard Green and Adonis Yatchew, "Support Schemes for Renewable Energy: An Economic Analysis", Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy 1 (2) (2012), 83–92.
Adonis Yatchew and Andy Baziliauskas, "Ontario Feed-In Tariff Programs", Energy Policy 39 (7) (2011), 3885–3893.
Peter Hall and Adonis Yatchew, "Nonparametric Least Squares in Derivative Families", Journal of Econometrics 157 (2) (2010), 362–374.
Adonis Yatchew, "Perspectives on Nonparametric and Semiparametric Modeling", Energy Journal - (2008), 17–29.
Peter Hall and Adonis Yatchew, "Nonparametric Estimation When Data on Derivatives Are Available", Annals of Statistics 35 (1) (2007), a–b.
Brian McCaig and Adonis Yatchew, "International Welfare Comparisons and Nonparametric Testing of Multivariate Stochastic Dominance", Journal of Applied Econometrics 22 (5) (2007), 951–969.
L. Ricciuto, V. Tarasuk, Adonis Yatchew, "Socio-demographic Influences on Food Purchasing Among Canadian Households", European Journal of Clinical Nutrition - (2006), 1–13.
Adonis Yatchew and Wolfgang Haerdle, "Nonparametric State Price Density Estimation Using Constrained Least Squares and the Bootstrap", Journal of Econometrics 133 (2) (2006), 579–599.
Peter Hall and Adonis Yatchew, "Unified Approach to Testing Functional Hypotheses in Semiparametric Contexts", Journal of Econometrics 127 (2005), 225–252.
Adonis Yatchew, "Semiparametric Regression for the Applied Econometrician", in Themes in Modern Econometrics (edited by P.C.B. Phillips), Cambridge University Press, 2003, 1–213.
Catherine Deri, Yiguo Sun, Adonis Yatchew, "Efficient Estimation of Semi-parametric Equivalence Scales With Evidence from South Africa", Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 21 (2001), 247–257.
Adonis Yatchew, "Incentive Regulation of Distributing Utilities Using Yardstick Competition", Electricity Journal (2001), 56–61.
Adonis Yatchew, "Scale Economies in Electricity Distribution: A Semiparametric Analysis", Journal of Applied Econometrics 15 (2000), 187–210.
Adonis Yatchew, "An Elementary Nonparametric Differencing Test of Equality of Regression Functions", Economics Letters (1999), 271–278.
Adonis Yatchew, "Nonparametric Regression Techniques in Economics", Journal of Economic Literature 36 (1998), 669–721.
L. Bos and Adonis Yatchew, "Nonparametric Regression and Testing in Economic Models", Journal of Quantitative Economics 13 (1997), 81–131.
Adonis Yatchew, "An Elementary Estimator of the Partial Linear Model", Economics Letters 57 (1997), 135–143.
Leonard Waverman and Adonis Yatchew, "The Regulation of Electricity in Canada", in International Comparisons of Electricity Regulation (edited by R. Gilbert and E. Kahn), Cambridge University Press, 1994, 366–405.
Adonis Yatchew, "Nonparametric Regression Tests Based on Least Squares", Econometric Theory 8 (1992), 435–451.
Adonis Yatchew, "Some Tests of Nonparametric Regression Models", in Dynamic Econometric Modelling (edited by W. Barnett, E. Berndt and H. White), Cambridge University Press, 1988, 121–135.
Adonis Yatchew, "Comment on Frontier Production Functions", Econometric Reviews 4 (2) (1986), 345–352.
Adonis Yatchew, "Multivariate Distributions Involving Ratios of Normal Variables", Communications in Statistics A15 (6) (1986), 1905–1926.
Richard M. Bird, M. Bucovetsky, Adonis Yatchew, "Tax Incentives for Film Production: The Canadian Experience", Public Finance Quarterly 13 (1985), 396–421.
Larry Epstein and Adonis Yatchew, "Nonparametric Hypothesis Testing Procedures and Application to Demand Analysis", Journal of Econometrics 30 (1985), 149–169.
Larry Epstein and Adonis Yatchew, "The Empirical Determination of Technology and Expectations: A Simplified Procedure", Journal of Econometrics 27 (1985), 235–258.
Z. Griliches and Adonis Yatchew, "Specification Error in Probit Models", Review of Economics and Statistics (1985), 134–139.
Adonis Yatchew, "A Note on Nonparametric Tests of Consumer Behaviour", Economic Letters 18 (1985), 45–48.
Adonis Yatchew, "Applied Welfare Analysis with Discrete Choice Models", Economics Letters 18 (1984), 13–16.
Adonis Yatchew, "Generalizing the Composite Commodity Theorem", Economics Letters 16 (1984), 15–21.
Z. Griliches and Adonis Yatchew, "Sample Selection Bias and Endogeneity in the Estimation of the Wage Equation: An Alternative Specification", Annales de l'Insee 43 (1981), 35–46.
Adonis Yatchew, "Further Evidence on 'Estimation of a Disequilibrium Aggregate Labor Market'", Review of Economic and Statistics (1981), 142–144.
James E. Pesando and Adonis Yatchew, "Real vs. Nominal Interest Rates and the Demand for Consumer Durables in Canada", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking IX (3) (1977), 428–436.