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Publications of Jordi Mondria
Jordi Mondria, Xavier Vives, Liyan Yang, "Costly Interpretation of Asset Prices", Management Science 68 (1) (2022), 52–74.
Peter Cziraki, Jordi Mondria, Thomas Wu, "Asymmetric Attention and Stock Returns", Management Science 67 (1) (2021), 48–71. (Freely available.)
Jordi Mondria, Xin Wang, Thomas Wu, "Familiarity and Surprises in International Financial Markets: Bad news travels like wildfire; good news travels slow", Journal of International Money and Finance 115 (2021), 1–16.
Kunal Dasgupta and Jordi Mondria, "Inattentive Importers", Journal of International Economics 112 (2018), 150–165.
Kunal Dasgupta and Jordi Mondria, "Quality Uncertainty and Intermediation in International Trade", European Economic Review 104 (2018), 68–91.
Jordi Mondria and Thomas Wu, "Imperfect Financial Integration and Asymmetric Information: Competing Explanations of the Home Bias Puzzle?", Canadian Journal of Economics 46 (1) (2013), 310–337.
Wioletta Dziuda and Jordi Mondria, "Asymmetric Information, Portfolio Managers, and Home Bias", Review of Financial Studies 25 (7) (2012), 2109–2154. (Freely available.)
Jordi Mondria and Climent Quintana-Domeque, "Financial Contagion and Attention Allocation", Economic Journal 123 (568) (2012), 429–454. (Freely available.)
Ricard Gil and Jordi Mondria, "Introducing Managerial Attention Allocation in Incentive Contracts", SERIEs: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association 2 (3) (2011), 335–358.
Jordi Mondria, "Portfolio Choice, Attention Allocation, and Price Comovement", Journal of Economic Theory 145 (5) (2010), 1837–1864. (Freely available.)
Jordi Mondria, Thomas Wu, Yi Zhang, "The Determinants of International Investment and Attention Allocation: Using Internet Search Query Data", Journal of International Economics 82 (1) (2010), 85–95. (Freely available.)
Jordi Mondria and Thomas Wu, "The Puzzling Evolution of the Home Bias, Information Processing and Financial Openness", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 34 (5) (2010), 875–896. (Freely available.)