Gustavo Bobonis, Mark Stabile, Leonardo Tovar, "Military Training Exercises, Pollution, and their Consequences for Health", Journal of Health Economics forthc. (2020), 1–51.
Michael Baker and Mark Stabile, "Determinants of Health in Childhood", in The Oxford Handbook of Health Economics (edited by Sherry Glied, Peter C. Smith), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011, 164–188.
Philip Oreopoulos, Mark Stabile, Randy Walld, Leslie Roos, "Short, Medium, and Long Term Consequences of Poor Infant Health: An Analysis using Siblings and Twins", Journal of Human Resources 43 (1) (2008), 88–138.
Kevin Milligan and Mark Stabile, "The Integration of Child Tax Credits and Welfare: Evidence from the Canadian National Child Benefit Program", Journal of Public Economics 91 (1-2) (2007), 305–326.
Janet Currie and Mark Stabile, "Child Mental Health and Human Capital Accumulation: the Case of ADHD", Journal of Health Economics 25 (6) (2006), 1094–1118.
Colleen Flood, Mark Stabile, Carolyn Tuohy, "What's In and Out of Medicare? Who Decides?", in Just Medicare: What's In, What's Out, How We Decide (edited by ), University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 2006, 15–41.
Michael Smart and Mark Stabile, "Tax Support for the Disabled in Canada: Analysis and Options for Reform", Canadian Tax Journal 54 (2006), 407–425.
Mark Stabile, Audrey Laporte, Peter Coyte, "Household Responses to Public Home Care Programs", Journal of Health Economics 25 (4) (2006), 674–701.
Mark Stabile and Courtney Ward, "The Effects of De-listing Publicly Funded Health Care Services", in Health Services Restructuring in Canada: New Evidence and New Directions (edited by Beach, et al), McGill/Queen's University Press, Kingston, 2006, 83–110.
A. Aizer, A. Lleras Muney, Mark Stabile, "Access to Care, Provider Choice and the Infant Health Gradient", American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings 95 (2) (2005), 248–252.
Colleen Flood, Mark Stabile, Sasha Kontic, "Finding Health Policy 'Arbitrary': The Evidence on Waiting, Dying, and Two-Tier Systems", in Access to Care,Access to Justice:The Legal Debate over Private Health Ins in Cda (edited by Flood, C., Roach, K., and Sossin, L.), University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 2005, 296–322.
Michael Smart and Mark Stabile, "Tax Credits, Insurance, and the Use of Medical Care", Canadian Journal of Economics 38 (2) (2005), 345–365.
Colleen Flood, Mark Stabile, Carolyn Tuohy, "How Does Private Finance Affect Public Health Care Systems", Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 29(3) (2004), 359–396.
Mark Stabile, "Payroll Taxes and the Self-Employed", International Tax and Public Finance 11(1) (2004), 31–53.
Janet Currie and Mark Stabile, "Socioeconomic Status and Health: Why is the Relationship Stronger for Older Children", American Economic Review 93(5) (2003), 1813–1823.
Jonathan Gruber, Anindya Sen, Mark Stabile, "Estimating Price Elasticities When There is Smuggling: The Sensistivity of Smoking to Price in Canada", Journal of Health Economics 22(5) (2003), 821–842.
Colleen Flood, Mark Stabile, Carolyn Tuohy, "The Borders of Solidarity: How Countries Determine the Public/Private Mix in Health Care", Health Matrix 12(2) (2002), 297–356.
Mark Stabile, "The Role of Tax Subsidies in the Market for Health Insurance", International Tax and Public Finance 9(1) (2002), 33–50.
Sherry Glied and Mark Stabile, "Age-Cohort Differences in Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Coverage", Health Affairs 20(1) (2001), 184–191.
Sherry Glied and Mark Stabile, "Avoiding Health Insurance Crowd-Out: Evidence from the Medicare as Secondary Payer Legislation", Journal of Health Economics 20(2) (2001), 239–260.
Mark Stabile, "Private Insurance Subsidies and Public Health Care Markets: Evidence From Canada", Canadian Journal of Economics 34(4) (2001), 921–942.
Sherry Glied and Mark Stabile, "Explaining the Decline in Health Insurance Coverage Among Young Men", Inquiry 37 (3) (2000), 295–303.
Mark Stabile, "Tax Policy and Employer-Provided Health Insurance", in Proceedings of the National Tax Association 92nd Annual Conference on Taxation (edited by ), National Tax Association, Washington, D.C., 2000, 79–84.
Sherry Glied and Mark Stabile, "Covering Older Americans: Forecast For the Next Decade", Health Affairs 18 (1) (1999), 208–213.