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Publications of Diego Restuccia
Tasso Adamopoulos, Loren Brandt, Chaoran Chen, Diego Restuccia, Xiaoyun Wei, "Land Security and Mobility Frictions", Quarterly Journal of Economics 139 (3) (2024), 1941–1987. (Freely available.)
Tasso Adamopoulos and Diego Restuccia, "Symposium on Misallocation and Structural Transformation: Introduction", Canadian Journal of Economics 57 (August) (2024), 1–7. (Freely available.)
Fernando Aragon, Diego Restuccia, Juan Pablo Rud, "Assessing misallocation in agriculture: Plots versus farms", Food Policy 128 (October) (2024), 1–8. (Freely available.)
Chaoran Chen, Diego Restuccia, Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis, "Land misallocation and productivity", American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 15 (2) (2023), 441–465. (Freely available.)
Jose-Maria Da-Rocha, Diego Restuccia, Marina Tavares, "Policy Distortions and Aggregate Productivity with Endogenous Establishment-Level Productivity", European Economic Review 155 (2023), 1–17. (Freely available.)
Tasso Adamopoulos, Loren Brandt, Jessica Leight, Diego Restuccia, "Misallocation, Selection and Productivity: A Quantitative Analysis with Panel Data from China", Econometrica 90 (3) (2022), 1261–1282. (Freely available.)
Tasso Adamopoulos and Diego Restuccia, "Geography and Agricultural Productivity: Cross-Country Evidence from Micro Plot-Level Data", Review of Economic Studies 89 (4) (2022), 1629–1653. (Freely available.)
Fernando Aragon, Diego Restuccia, Juan Pablo Rud, "Are small farms really more productive than large farms?", Food Policy 106 (2022), 1–11. (Freely available.)
Chaoran Chen, Diego Restuccia, Raul Santaeulalia-Llopis, "The Effects of Land Markets on Resource Allocation and Agricultural Productivity", Review of Economic Dynamics 45 (2022), 41–54. (Freely available.)
Pedro Bento and Diego Restuccia, "On Average Establishment Size across Sectors and Countries", Journal of Monetary Economics 117 (2021), 220–242. (Freely available.)
Diego Restuccia, "The History of Venezuela", in A Monetary and Fiscal History of Latin America, 1960-2017 (edited by Timothy J. Kehoe and Juan Pablo Nicolini), University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 2021, 495–524. (Freely available.)
Tasso Adamopoulos and Diego Restuccia, "Land Reform and Productivity: A Quantitative Analysis with Micro Data", American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 12 (3) (2020), 1–39. (Freely available.)
Stephen Ayerst, Loren Brandt, Diego Restuccia, "Market Constraints, Misallocation, and Productivity in Vietnam Agriculture", Food Policy 94 (2020), 1–16. (Freely available.)
Margarida Duarte and Diego Restuccia, "Relative Prices and Sectoral Productivity", Journal of the European Economic Association 18 (3) (2020), 1400–1443. (Freely available.)
Diego Restuccia, "The Impact of Land Institutions and Misallocation on Agricultural Productivity", NBER Reporter, 2020.
Jose-Maria Da-Rocha, Diego Restuccia, Marina Tavares, "Firing Costs, Misallocation, and Aggregate Productivity", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 98 (2019), 60–81. (Freely available.)
Diego Restuccia, "Misallocation and Aggregate Productivity across Time and Space", Canadian Journal of Economics 52 (1) (2019), 5–32. (Freely available.)
Ashantha Ranasinghe and Diego Restuccia, "Financial Frictions and the Rule of Law", Journal of Development Economics 134 (2018), 248–271. (Freely available.)
Pedro Bento and Diego Restuccia, "Misallocation, Establishment Size, and Productivity", American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 9 (3) (2017), 267–303. (Freely available.)
Diego Restuccia and Richard Rogerson, "The Causes and Costs of Misallocation", Journal of Economic Perspectives 31 (3) (2017), 151–174. (Freely available.)
Andres Erosa, Luisa Fuster, Diego Restuccia, "A Quantitative Theory of the Gender Gap in Wages", European Economic Review 85 (2016), 165–187.
Diego Restuccia, "Comment on Symposium: Development, Firms, and Productivity", Economia 17 (1) (2016), 51–61. (Freely available.)
Tasso Adamopoulos and Diego Restuccia, "The Size Distribution of Farms and International Productivity Differences", American Economic Review 104 (6) (2014), 1667–1697. (Freely available.)
Diego Restuccia, "Barriers to Capital Accumulation in a Model of Technology Adoption and Schooling", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 44 (2014), 81–91.
Diego Restuccia and Guillaume Vandenbroucke, "Explaining Educational Attainment across Countries and over Time", Review of Economic Dynamics 17 (4) (2014), 824–841. (Freely available.)
Diego Restuccia, "Factor Misallocation and Development", in New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics (edited by Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume), Palgrave Macmillan, Online, 2013, 1–1. (Freely available.)
Diego Restuccia, "The Latin American Development Problem: An Interpretation", Economia 13 (Spring) (2013), 69–100. (Freely available.)
Diego Restuccia and Richard Rogerson, "Misallocation and Productivity", Review of Economic Dynamics 16 (1) (2013), 1–10. (Freely available.)
Diego Restuccia and Guillaume Vandenbroucke, "A Century of Human Capital and Hours", Economic Inquiry 51 (3) (2013), 1849–1866. (Freely available.)
Diego Restuccia and Guillaume Vandenbroucke, "The Evolution of Education: A Macroeconomic Analysis", International Economic Review 54 (3) (2013), 915–936. (Freely available.)
Omar D Bello, Juan S Blyde, Diego Restuccia, "Venezuela's Growth Experience", Latin American Journal of Economics 48 (2) (2011), 199–226. (Freely available.)
Diego Restuccia, "Recent Developments in Economic Growth", Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly 97 (3) (2011), 329–357. (Freely available.)
Margarida Duarte and Diego Restuccia, "The Role of the Structural Transformation in Aggregate Productivity", Quarterly Journal of Economics 125 (1) (2010), 129–173.
Andres Erosa, Luisa Fuster, Diego Restuccia, "A General Equilibrium Analysis of Parental Leave Policies", Review of Economic Dynamics 13 (4) (2010), 742–758.
Andres Erosa, Tatyana Koreshkova, Diego Restuccia, "How Important is Human Capital? A Quantitative Theory Assessment of World Income Inequality", Review of Economic Studies 77 (4) (2010), 1421–1449.
Diego Restuccia and Richard Rogerson, "Policy Distortions and Aggregate Productivity with Heterogeneous Establishments", Review of Economic Dynamics 11 (4) (2008), 707–720.
Diego Restuccia, Dennis Tao Yang, Xiaodong Zhu, "Agriculture and Aggregate Productivity: A Quantitative Cross-Country Analysis", Journal of Monetary Economics 55 (2) (2008), 234–250.
Margarida Duarte, Diego Restuccia, Andrea Waddle, "Exchange Rates and Business Cycles Across Countries", Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly 93 (1) (2007), 57–76.
Margarida Duarte and Diego Restuccia, "The Structural Transformation and Aggregate Productivity in Portugal", Portuguese Economic Journal 6 (1) (2007), 23–46.
Jose M Da Rocha and Diego Restuccia, "The Role of Agriculture in Aggregate Business Cycles", Review of Economic Dynamics 9 (3) (2006), 455–482.
Margarida Duarte and Diego Restuccia, "The Productivity of Nations", Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly 92 (3) (2006), 195–223.
Diego Restuccia, "Barriers to Capital Accumulation and Aggregate Total Factor Productivity", International Economic Review 45(1) (2004), 225–238.
Diego Restuccia and Carlos Urrutia, "Intergenerational Persistence of Earnings: The Role of Early and College Education", American Economic Review 95(5) (2004), 1354–78.
Andres Erosa, Luisa Fuster, Diego Restuccia, "Fertility Decisions and Gender Differences in Labor Turnover, Employment, and Wages", Review of Economic Dynamics 5 (4) (2002), 856–891.
Diego Restuccia and Carlos Urrutia, "Relative Prices and Investment Rates", Journal of Monetary Economics 47 (1) (2001), 93–121.
Diego Restuccia, "Adopcion de Tecnologia, Educacion, y Desarrollo", Revista BCV, Banco Central de Venezuela XII(1) (1998), 83–102.