Dwayne Benjamin, Kelly Folley, Morley K. Gunderson, Thomas Lemieux, Tammy Schirle, Mikal Skutterud, Labour Market Economics: Theory, Evidence and Policy in Canada. 10th ed., to be published by McGraw-Hill, Toronto.
Dwayne Benjamin, Morley K. Gunderson, Thomas Lemieux, Tammy Schirle, Craig Riddell, Labour Market Economics: Theory, Evidence and Policy in Canada, 9th edition, McGraw-Hill, Toronto, 2021.
Dwayne Benjamin, Morley K. Gunderson, Thomas Lemieux, Craig Riddell, Labour Market Economics, McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited, Toronto, 2012.
Dwayne Benjamin, Loren Brandt, John Giles, Sangui Wang, "Income Inequality During China's Economic Transition", in China's Great Economic Transformation (edited by Loren Brandt and Thomas Rawski), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2008, 729–776.
Dwayne Benjamin, Morley K. Gunderson, Thomas Lemieux, W. Craig Riddell, Labour Market Economics, Sixth Edition, McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd., Toronto, 2007.
Dwayne Benjamin, "Discussion of 'Devoretz and Coulombe, 'Labour Mobility between Canada and the United States", in Social and Labour Market Aspects of North American Linkages (edited by Richard Harris and Thomas Lemieux), University of Calgary Press, Calgary, 2005, 443–449.
Dwayne Benjamin and Loren Brandt, "Agriculture and Income Distribution in Rural Vietnam Under Economics Reforms: A Tale of Two Regions", in Economic Growth, Poverty and Household Welfare in Vietnam (edited by Paul Glewwe, Nisha Agrawal and David Dollar), World Bank, 2004, 133–185.
Dwayne Benjamin, Loren Brandt, Paul Glewwe, Li Guo, "Markets, Human Capital, and Inequality: Evidence from China", in Inequality Around the World (edited by Richard Freeman), Palgrave, 2002, 87–127.
Dwayne Benjamin, Morley K. Gunderson, W. Craig Riddell, Labour Market Economics: Theory Evidence and Policy in Canada, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited, Toronto (642 pages), 2002.
Dwayne Benjamin, "Minimum Wages in Canada", in Labor Market Policies in Canada and Latin America: Challenges of the New Millennium (edited by Albert Berry), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, 187–220.
Michael Baker and Dwayne Benjamin, "Public Pension Programs and Labor Force Attachment", in Adapting Public Policy to a Labor Market in Transition (edited by W.C. Riddell and F. St. Hilaire), IRPP, Montreal, 2000, 285–315.
Dwayne Benjamin, Morley K. Gunderson, W. Craig Riddell, Labour Market Economics: Theory, Evidence and Policy in Canada, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited, Toronto (725 pages), 1998.
Michael Baker and Dwayne Benjamin, "Asia-Pacific Immigration and the Canadian Economy", in The Asia Pacific Region in the Global Economy: A Canadian Perspective (edited by R.G. Harris), University of Calgary Press, Calgary, 1997, 303–347.
Michael Baker and Dwayne Benjamin, "Ethnicity, Foreign Birth and Earnings: A Canada/U.S. Comparison", in Transition and Structural Change in the North American Labor Market (edited by M. Abbott, C. Beach and R. Chaykowski), Industrial Relations Centre Press, Kingston, ON, 1997, 281–313.
Dwayne Benjamin, "Women and the Labor Market in Indonesia During the 1980's", in Women and Industrialization in Asia (edited by Susan Horton), Routledge, London, 1996.
Michael Baker and Dwayne Benjamin, "Labour Market Outcomes and the Participation of Immigrant Women in Canadian Transfer Programmes", in Diminishing Returns: The Economics of Canada's Recent Immigration (edited by D. DeVoretz), C.D. Howe Institute, Toronto, 1995, 209–242.