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Publications of Michael Baker
Michael Baker, Kourtney Koebel, Mark Stabile, "The Impact of Family Tax Benefits on Children's Health and Educational Outcomes", American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings 114 (2024), 429–434.
Michael Baker, Yosh Halberstam, Kory Kroft, Alexandre Mas, Derek Messacar, "Pay Transparency and the Gender Gap", American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 15 (2) (2023), 157–183.
Michael Baker, Derek Messacar, Mark Stabile, "The Effects of Child Tax Benefits on Poverty and Labor Supply: Evidence from the Canada Child Benefit and Universal Child Care Benefit", Journal of Labor Economics 41 (4) (2023), 1129–1182.
Michael Baker, "Gender Differences in (Some) Formative Inputs to Child Development", in Intergenerational Mobility: How Gender, Race and Family Structure Affect Adult Outcomes (edited by Jean Kimmel), Upjohn Institute, Kalamazoo, 2022, 109–146.
Michael Baker, Maripier Isabelle, Mark Stabile, Sara Allin, "Accounting for the Rising Caesarean Section Rate in Canada: What are the Roles of Changing Needs, Practices and Incentives?", Canadian Public Policy 48 (1) (2022), 36–73.
Michael Baker, Janet Currie, Boriana Miloucheva, Hannes Schwandt, Josselin Thuilliez, "Inequality in Mortality: Updated Estimates for the United States, Canada and France", Fiscal Studies 42 (1) (2021), 25–46.
Michael Baker and Kirsten Cornelson, "Title IX and the Spatial Content of Female Employment—Out of the Lab and into the Labor Market", Labour Economics 58 (2019), 128–144.
Michael Baker, Janet Currie, Hannes Schwandt, "Mortality Inequality in Canada and the U.S.: Divergent or Convergent Trends?", Journal of Labor Economics 37 (S2) (2019), S325–S353.
Michael Baker, Jonathan Gruber, Kevin Milligan, "The Long-Run Impacts of a Universal Child Care Program", American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 11 (3) (2019), 1–26.
Michael Baker and Kirsten Cornelson, "Gender Based Occupational Segregation and Sex Differences in Sensory, Motor and Spatial Aptitudes", Demography 55 (5) (2018), 1749–1775.
Michael Baker and Kevin Milligan, "Boy-Girl Differences in Parental Time Investments: Evidence from Three Countries", Journal of Human Capital 10 (4) (2016), 399–441.
Michael Baker and Kevin Milligan, "Maternity Leave and Children's Cognitive and Behavioral Development", Journal of Population Economics 28 (2) (2015), 373–391.
Michael Baker, "Industrial Actions in Schools: Strikes and Student Achievement", Canadian Journal of Economics 46 (3) (2013), 1014–1036.
Michael Baker and Kevin Milligan, "Disability Insurance Programs in Canada", in Social Security and Retirement around the World: Historical Trends in Mortality and Health, Employment and Disability Insurance Participation and Reforms (edited by David A. Wise), University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2012, 327–358.
Michael Baker, "Universal early childhood interventions: what is the evidence base?", Canadian Journal of Economics 44 (4) (2011), 1069–1105.
Michael Baker and Mark Stabile, "Determinants of Health in Childhood", in The Oxford Handbook of Health Economics (edited by Sherry Glied, Peter C. Smith), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2011, 164–188.
Michael Baker and Marie Drolet, "A New View of the Male/Female Pay Gap", Canadian Public Policy 36 (4) (2010), 429–464.
Michael Baker, Jonathan Gruber, Kevin Milligan, "The Interaction of Youth and Elderly Labor Markets in Canada", in Social Security Programs and Retirement around the World: The Relationship to Youth Employment (edited by Jonathan Gruber and David A. Wise), University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2010, 77–97.
Michael Baker and Kevin Milligan, "Evidence from maternity leave expansions of the impact of maternal care on early child development", Journal of Human Resources 45 (1) (2010), 1–32.
Michael Baker, Jonathan Gruber, Kevin Milligan, "Universal childcare, maternal labor supply, and family well-being", Journal of Political Economy 116 (2008), 709–745.
Michael Baker and Kevin Milligan, "How does job-protected maternity leave affect mothers' employment?", Journal of Labor Economics 26 (2008), 655–692.
Michael Baker and Kevin Milligan, "Maternal employment, breastfeeding, and health: Evidence from maternity leave mandates", Journal of Health Economics 27 (4) (2008), 871–887.
Michael Baker, Jonathan Gruber, Kevin Milligan, "Simulating the Response to Reform of Canada's Income Security Programs", in Social Security Programs and Retirement around the World: Fiscal Implications of Reform (edited by J. Gruber and D.A.Wise), University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2007, 83–118.
Michael Baker and Morley K. Gunderson, "Seniors’ Income Adequacy", Ottawa: Social Development Canada, 2005.
Michael Baker, Catherine Deri, Mark Stabile, "What Do Self Reported, Objective, Measures of Health Measure?", Journal of Human Resources 39 (4) (2004), 1067–1093.
Michael Baker and Nicole Fortin, "Comparable Worth in a Decentralized Labour Market: The Case of Ontario", Canadian Journal of Economics 37 (2004), 850–878.
Michael Baker, Jonathan Gruber, Kevin Milligan, "Income Security Programs and Retirement in Canada", in Social Security Programs and Retirement around the World: Micro-Estimation (edited by Jonathan Gruber and David A. Wise), University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2004, 99–152.
Michael Baker, Emily Hanna, Jasmin Kantarevic, "The Married Widow: Marriage Penalties Matter!", Journal of the European Economic Association 2 (2004), 634–664.
Michael Baker, Jonathan Gruber, Kevin Milligan, "The Retirement Incentive Effects of Canada's Income Security Programs", Canadian Journal of Economics 36 (2003), 261–290.
Michael Baker and Gary Solon, "Earnings Dynamics and Inequality Among Canadian Men, 1976-1992: Evidence from Longitudinal Income Tax Records", Journal of Labor Economics 21 (2003), 289–321.
Michael Baker, "The Retirement Behavior of Married Couples: Evidence from the Spouse's Allowance", Journal of Human Resources 37 (2002), 1–34.
Michael Baker and Morley K. Gunderson, "Allowable Exemptions and Pay Equity", Ottawa: Pay Equity Task Force, 2002.
Michael Baker and Morley K. Gunderson, "Non Standard Employment and Pay Equity", Ottawa: Pay Equity Task Force, 2002.
Michael Baker and Dwayne Benjamin, "Working Time over the Life-Cycle: Do Public Pensions Matter?", in Changes in Working Time (edited by Susan Houseman and Alice Nakamura), W.E. Upjohn Institute, Kalamazoo MI, 2001, 181–213.
Michael Baker and Nicole Fortin, "Occupational Gender Composition and Wages in Canada: 1987-1988", Canadian Journal of Economics 34 (2001), 345–376.
Michael Baker and Dwayne Benjamin, "Public Pension Programs and Labor Force Attachment", in Adapting Public Policy to a Labor Market in Transition (edited by W.C. Riddell and F. St. Hilaire), IRPP, Montreal, 2000, 285–315.
Michael Baker and Gillian C. Hamilton, "Écarts Salariaux entre Francophones et Anglophones, à Montréal, au 19ième siècle", L'Actualite Economique 76 (2000), 75–112.
Michael Baker and Angelo Melino, "Duration Dependence and Nonparametric Heterogeneity: A Monte Carlo Study", Journal of Econometrics 96 (2) (2000), 357–393.
Michael Baker and Dwayne Benjamin, "Early Retirement Provisions and the Labour Force Behaviour of Older Men: Evidence from Canada", Journal of Labor Economics 17 (4) (1999), 724–756.
Michael Baker and Dwayne Benjamin, "How do Retirement Tests Affect the Labor Supply of Older Men?", Journal of Public Economics 71 (1999), 27–51.
Michael Baker, Dwayne Benjamin, Shuchita Stanger, "The High and Lows of the Minimum Wage Effect: A Time Series-Cross Section Study of the Canadian Law", Journal of Labor Economics 17 (1999), 318–350.
Michael Baker and Nicole Fortin, "Women's Wages in Women's Work: A US/Canada Comparison of the Roles of Unions and Public Goods Sector Jobs", American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings 89 (1999), 198–203.
Michael Baker, Abigail Payne, Michael Smart, "An Empirical Study of Matching Grants: The 'cap on CAP'", Journal of Public Economics 72 (1999), 269–289.
Michael Baker, Miles Corak, Andrew Heisz, "The Labor Market Dynamics of Unemployment Rates in Canada and the United States", Canadian Public Policy 24 (1998), S72–S89.
Michael Baker, Abigail Payne, Michael Smart, "The Impact of Federal Fiscal Arrangements: Evidence from the ‘cap on CAP’", Policy Options 19 (9) (1998), 56–58.
Michael Baker and Sam Rea, "Employment Spells and Unemployment Insurance Eligibility Requirements", Review of Economics and Statistics 80 (1998), 80–94.
Michael Baker, "Growth Rate Heterogeneity and the Covariance Structure of Life Cycle Earnings", Journal of Labor Economics 15 (1997), 338–375.
Michael Baker and Dwayne Benjamin, "A Portrait of Asia-Pacific Immigration to Canada", Hong Kong Bank of Canada Papers on Asia 3 (1997), 105–130.
Michael Baker and Dwayne Benjamin, "Asia-Pacific Immigration and the Canadian Economy", in The Asia Pacific Region in the Global Economy: A Canadian Perspective (edited by R.G. Harris), University of Calgary Press, Calgary, 1997, 303–347.
Michael Baker and Dwayne Benjamin, "Ethnicity, Foreign Birth and Earnings: A Canada/U.S. Comparison", in Transition and Structural Change in the North American Labor Market (edited by M. Abbott, C. Beach and R. Chaykowski), Industrial Relations Centre Press, Kingston, ON, 1997, 281–313.
Michael Baker and Dwayne Benjamin, "The Role of the Family in Immigrants' Labor Market Activity: An Evaluation of Alternative Explanations", American Economic Review 87 (1997), 705–727.
Michael Baker, Morley K. Gunderson, Susan Horton, "Labour Flexibility and Productivity in Canada: Markets, Institutions and Skills", in Labour Productivity and Flexibility (edited by E. Amadeo and S. Horton), St. Martin\'s Press, New York, 1997, 151–183.
Michael Baker and Dwayne Benjamin, "Labour Market Outcomes and the Participation of Immigrant Women in Canadian Transfer Programmes", in Diminishing Returns: The Economics of Canada's Recent Immigration (edited by D. DeVoretz), C.D. Howe Institute, Toronto, 1995, 209–242.
Michael Baker, Dwayne Benjamin, Andree Desaulniers, Mary Grant, "The Distribution of the Male-Female Earnings Differential: 1970-1990", Canadian Journal of Economics 28 (1995), 479–501.
Michael Baker and Dwayne Benjamin, "The Receipt of Transfer Payments by Immigrants to Canada", Journal of Human Resources 30 (1995), 650–676.
Michael Baker and Dwayne Benjamin, "The Performance of Immigrants in the Canadian Labor Market", Journal of Labor Economics 12 (3) (1994), 369–405.
Michael Baker, "Digit Preference in CPS Unemployment Data", Economics Letters 39 (1992), 117–121.
Michael Baker, "Unemployment Duration: Compositional Effects and Cyclical Variability", American Economic Review 82 (1992), 313–321.