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Publications of Susan Howson
Susan Howson, James Meade the Utopian Economist, to be published by Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England.
Susan Howson, "Australia and James Meade", History of Economics Review 82 (1) (2023), 20–44.
Susan Howson, Lionel Robbins on the Principles of Economic Analysis: The 1930s Lectures (paperback edition), Routledge, London, 2020.
Susan Howson, "'James Meade'", in The Elgar Companion to John Maynard Keynes (edited by Robert W. Dimand and Harald Hagemann), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2019, 408–411.
Susan Howson, "'Lionel Robbins (1899-1984)'", in The Palgrave Companion to LSE Economics (edited by Robert A. Cord), Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2019, 347–371.
Susan Howson, "'Lionel Robbins'", in The Elgar Companion to John Maynard Keynes (edited by Robert W. Dimand and Harald Hagemann), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2019, 334–337.
Susan Howson, Lionel Robbins on the Principles of Economic Analysis: the 1930s Lectures, Routledge, London, 2018.
Susan Howson, "'James Meade (1907-1995 )", in The Palgrave Companion to Cambridge Economics (edited by Robert A. Cord), Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2017, 723–746.
Susan Howson, "'Friedman and Robbins'", in Milton Friedman: Contributions to Economics and Public Policy (edited by Robert Cord and Dan Hammond), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016, 741–756.
Susan Howson, "'Lionel Robbins: political economist'", History of Political Economy 45 (2013), 114–136.
Susan Howson, "'The uses of biography and the history of economics'", History of Economics Review 57 (winter) (2013), 1–15.
Susan Howson, Lionel Robbins, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge and New York (pp xiii +1161), 2011.
Susan Howson, "Keynes and the LSE economists", Journal of the History of Economic Thought 31 (3) (2009), 257–280.
Susan Howson, "James Meade", in International Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences 2nd edition (edited by William A Darrity Jr), Macmillan Reference, Detroit, 2008, 100–105.
Susan Howson and Donald Winch, The Economic Advisory Council 1930-1939: A study in economic advice during depression and recovery (paperback edition), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2008.
Susan Howson, "Lionel Robbins's 'Art and the State'", History of Political Economy 37 (3) (2005), 619–647.
Susan Howson, "Bradbury, John Swanwick, 1st Baron Bradbury (1872-1950)", in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (edited by C.G. Matthew and B. Harrison), Oxford University Press, Volume 7, 2004, 160–2.
Susan Howson, "Henderson, Sir Hubert Douglas (1890-1952)", in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (edited by C.G. Matthew and B. Harrison), Oxford University Press, Volume 26, 2004, 318–20.
Susan Howson, "Meade, James Edward (1907-1995)", in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (edited by C.G. Matthew and B. Harrison), Oxford University Press, Volume 37, 2004, 643–8.
Susan Howson, "Money and Monetary Policy since 1945", in The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Britain, Vol III Structural Change and Growth (edited by R. Floud and P. Johnson), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004, 136–166.
Susan Howson, "Niemeyer, Sir Otto Ernst (1883-1971)", in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (edited by C.G. Matthew and B. Harrison), Oxford University Press, Volume 40, 2004, 897–8.
Susan Howson, "Robbins, Lionel Charles, Baron Robbins (1898-1984)", in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (edited by C.G. Matthew and B. Harrison), Oxford University Press, Volume 47, 2004, 72–6.
Susan Howson, The Collected Papers of James Meade (4 volume set), Routledge, London, 2004.
Susan Howson, "The origins of Lionel Robbins's Essay on the Nature of Significance of Economic Science", History of Political Economy 36 (3) (2004), 413–443.
Susan Howson, "Why Didn't Hayek Review Keynes's General Theory? A Partial Answer", History of Political Economy 33 (2) (2001), 371–77.
Susan Howson, "James Meade", Economic Journal 110 (2000), 122–45.
Susan Howson, Economic Science and Political Economy: Selected Articles of Lionel Robbins, Macmillan, London, 1997.
Susan Howson, "Money and Monetary Policy 1945-90", in The Economic History of Britain since 1700 (Volume 3): 2nd edition (edited by R. Floud and D. McCloskey), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994, 221–254.
Susan Howson, British Monetary Policy 1945-51, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993.
Susan Howson, "'Cheap Money' and 'Dear Money'", in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance (edited by J. Eatwell, M. Milgate and P. Newman), Macmillan, London, and Stockton Press, New York, 1992.
Susan Howson, "Bank Rate", in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance (edited by J. Eatwell, M. Milgate and P. Newman), Macmillan, London, and Stockton Press, New York, 1992, 170–171.
Susan Howson, "Economists as Diarists: An Editor's and a User's View", Revue Europeene des sciences sociales XXX (1992), 245–260.
Susan Howson, "The monetary policies of the 1945-51 Labour governments", in Contemporary British History 1931-1961: Poltiics and the Limits of Policy (edited by A. Gorst, L. Johnman, W.S. Lucas), Pinter, London, 1991, 80–94.
Susan Howson, "The Problem of Monetary Control in Britain 1948-51", Journal of European Economic History 20 (1991), 59–92.
Susan Howson and Donald Moggridge (eds.), The Wartime Diaries of Lionel Robbins and James Meade 1943-45, Macmillan, London, (pp. viii + 261), 1990.
Susan Howson, "'Cheap Money' and 'Dear Money'", in The New Palgrave Money (edited by J. Eatwell, M. Milgate and P. Newman), Macmillan, London, and Stockton Press, New York, 1989, 93-6–115-6.
Susan Howson, "Cheap Money versus Cheaper Money: A Reply to Professor Wood", Economic History Review XLII (1989), 401–405.
Susan Howson and Donald Moggridge (eds.), The Collected Papers of James Meade, Volume IV: The Cabinet Office Diary 1944-46, Unwin Hyman, London (pp. xiv + 372), 1989.
Susan Howson, "'Socialist' Monetary Policy: Monetary Thought in the Labour Party in the 1940s", History of Political Economy 20 (1988), 543–564.
Susan Howson, "Cheap Money and Debt Management in Britain, 1932-51", in Money and Power: Essays in Honour of L.S. Pressnell (edited by P. Cottrell and D. Moggridge), Macmillan, London, 1988, 227–289.
Susan Howson (eds.), The Collected Papers of James Meade, Volume I: Employment and Inflation, Unwin Hyman, London (pp. x + 431), 1988.
Susan Howson (eds.), The Collected Papers of James Meade, Volume II: Value, Distribution and Growth, Unwin Hyman, London (pp. x + 481), 1988.
Susan Howson (eds.), The Collected Papers of James Meade, Volume III: International Economics, Unwin Hyman, London (pp. xi + 415), 1988.
Susan Howson, "'Cheap Money' and 'Dear Money'", in The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics (edited by J. Eatwell, M. Milgate and P. Newman), Macmillan, London, and Stockton Press, New York, 1987.
Susan Howson, "Economists as policymakers: editing the papers of James Meade, Lionel Robbins and the Economic Advisory Council", in Editing Modern Economists (edited by D.E. Moggridge), AMS Press, New York, 1987, 129–152.
Susan Howson, "Monetary policy and the Labour Government in the 1940s", in Keynes and Public Policy after 50 Years (edited by O. Hamouda and J. Smithin), Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 1987, 43–49.
Susan Howson, "The Origins of Cheaper Money, 1945-47", Economic History Review LX (1987), 433–452.
Susan Howson, "External Financial Markets, Capital Mobility and Monetary Independence", in International Monetary Problems and Supply-Side Economics (edited by J.S. Cohen and G.C. Harcourt), Macmillan, London, 1986, 84–107.
Susan Howson, "Hawtrey and the Real World", in Keynes and his Contemporaries (edited by G.C. Harcourt), Macmillan, London, 1985, 142–188.
Susan Howson, "'A Dear Money Man'?: Keynes on Monetary Policy, 1920", in John Maynard Keynes, Critical Assessments, Volume I (edited by J.C. Wood), Croom Helm, London, 1983, 442–450.
Susan Howson, "Keynes on Monetary Policy, 1910-46", in John Maynard Keynes, Critical Assessments, Volume I (edited by J.C. Wood), Croom Helm, London, 1983, 451–471.
Susan Howson, "Slump and Unemployment", in The Economic History of Britain since 1700, (Volume 2): 1860 to the 1970s (edited by R. Floud and D. McCloskey), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1981, 265–285.
A.E. Fleming and Susan Howson, "Conditions in the Syndicated Medium-term Eurocredit Market", Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin 20 (1980), 311–318.
Susan Howson, "Sterling's Managed Float: The Operations of the Exchange Equalisation Account, 1932-39", Princeton Studies in International Finance 46 (1980), 1–66.
Susan Howson, "The Management of Sterling, 1932-39", Journal of Economic History XL (1980), 53–60.
Susan Howson, "Monetary theory and policy in the twentieth century: the career of R.G. Hawtrey", in Proceedings of the Seventh International Economic History Conference (edited by M. Flinn), Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 1978, 505–512.
Susan Howson, "Record of Discussions", in The Microeconomic Foundations of Macroeconomics (edited by G.C. Harcourt), Macmillan, London, 1977.
Susan Howson and Donald Winch, The Economic Advisory Council 1930-1939: A Study in Economic Advice during Depression and Recovery, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (pp. vii + 424), 1977.
Susan Howson, Domestic Monetary Management in Britain, 1919-38, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (pp. ix + 213), 1975.
Susan Howson, "The Origins of Dear Money, 1919-20", Economic History Review XXVII (1974), 88–107.
Susan Howson and Donald Moggridge, "Keynes on Monetary Policy, 1910-46", Oxford Economics Papers 26 (1974), 226–247.
Susan Howson, "'A Dear Money Man'?: Keynes on Monetary Policy, 1920", Economic Journal 83 (1973), 456–464.