Gillian C. Hamilton, "Worker Training", in Oxford Encyclopedia of American Business, Labor, and Economic History (edited by Melvyn Dubofsky), Oxford University Press, 2013, 416–418.
Gillian C. Hamilton, "Review of Female Labour Power: Women Workers’ Influence on Business Practices in the British and American Cotton Industries, c. 1790-1860 by Janet Greenless", Journal of Economic History 71 (2) (2011), 550–551.
Gillian C. Hamilton, "The Stateless and the Orphaned among Montreal's Apprentices", in Children Bound to Labor: The Pauper Apprentice System in Early America (edited by Ruth Herndon and John Murray), Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, 2008, 1791–1842.
Gillian C. Hamilton and Aloysius Siow, "Class, Gender and Marriage", Review of Economic Dynamics 10 (4) (2007), 549–575.
Gregory Clark and Gillian C. Hamilton, "Survival of the RIchest: The Malthusian Mechanism in Pre-Industrial England", Journal of Economic History 66 (3) (2006), 707–736.
Gillian C. Hamilton, "Review of Making House, Crafting Capitalism: Builders in Philadelphia, 1790-1850 by Donna K. Rilling", Journal of Economic History 62 (1) (2002), 248–250.
Gillian C. Hamilton, "Review of The Economics of the Apprenticeship System by Wendy Smits and Thornsten Stromback", Economic Record 78 (2002), 241–242.
Gillian C. Hamilton, "The Decline of Apprenticeship in North America: Evidence from Montreal", Journal of Economic History 60 (3) (2000), 627–664.
Gillian C. Hamilton, "Property Rights and Transaction Costs in Marriage: Evidence from Prenuptial Contracts", Journal of Economic History 59 (1) (1999), 68–103.
Gillian C. Hamilton, "Review of Civic Wars: Democracy and Public Life in the American City during the Nineteenth Century by Mary P. Ryan", Journal of Economic History 58 (1998), 913–914.
Gillian C. Hamilton, "Review of From Artisans to Paupers: Economic Change and Poverty in London, 1790-1870 by David R. Green", Journal of Economic History 57 (1997), 218–219.
Gillian C. Hamilton, "The Market for Montreal Apprentices: Contract Length and Information", Explorations in Economic History 33 (4) (1996), 496–523.
Gillian C. Hamilton, "Enforcement in Apprenticeship Contracts: Were Runaways a Problem? Evidence from Montreal 1791-1820", Journal of Economic History 55 (3) (1995), 551–74.