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Publications of Gustavo Bobonis
Gustavo Bobonis, Luis R. Cámara Fuertes, Harold J. Toro, Julie Wilson, "Development and Decay: Political Organization and Municipal Corruption in Puerto Rico, 1952-2015", Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies 34 (2) (2022), 287–334.
Gustavo Bobonis, Paul Gertler, Marco Gonzalez-Navarro, Simeon Nichter, "Vulnerability and Clientelism", American Economic Review 112 (11) (2022), 3637–3659. (Freely available.)
Mario Marazzi, Boriana Miloucheva, Gustavo Bobonis, "Mortality of Puerto Ricans in the United States Post-Hurricane Maria: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis", BMJ Open 12 (8) (2022), 1–8.
Gustavo Bobonis, Juan Chaparro, Marco Gonzalez-Navarro, Marta Rubio-Codina, "Appropriate Institutions? Traditional Governance and Public Goods Provision in Oaxaca, Mexico", American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings 111 (2021), 243–247.
Gustavo Bobonis, Mark Stabile, Leonardo Tovar, "Military Training Exercises, Pollution, and their Consequences for Health", Journal of Health Economics forthc. (2020), 1–51.
Gustavo Bobonis, Luis R. Cámara Fuertes, Rainer Schwabe, "Monitoring Corruptible Politicians", American Economic Review 106 (8) (2016), 2371–2405.
Gustavo Bobonis and Peter Morrow, "Labor Coercion and the Accumulation of Human Capital", Journal of Development Economics 108 (2014), 32–53.
Gustavo Bobonis, Melissa González-Brenes, Roberto Castro, "Public Transfers and Domestic Violence: The Roles of Private Information and Spousal Control", American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 5 (1) (2013), 179–205.
Gustavo Bobonis, "The Impact of Conditional Cash Transfers on Marriage and Divorce", Economic Development and Cultural Change 59 (2) (2011), 281–312.
Gustavo Bobonis, "Is the Allocation of Resources within the Household Efficient? New Evidence from a Randomized Experiment", Journal of Political Economy 117 (3) (2009), 453–503.
Gustavo Bobonis and Frederico Finan, "Neighborhood Peer Effects in Secondary School Enrollment Decisions", Review of Economics and Statistics 91 (4) (2009), 695–716.
Gustavo Bobonis and Howard J. Shatz, "Agglomeration, Adjustment, and State Policies in the Location of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States", Review of Economics and Statistics 89 (1) (2007), 30–43.
Gustavo Bobonis and Harold J. Toro, "Modern Colonization and Its Consequences: The Effects of U.S. Educational Policy on Puerto Rico's Educational Stratification", Caribbean Studies 35 (2) (2007), 31–78.
Robert Barde and Gustavo Bobonis, "Detention at Angel Island: First Empirical Evidence", Social Science History 30 (1) (2006), 103–36.
Gustavo Bobonis, Edward Miguel, Charu Puri Sharma, "Anemia and School Participation", Journal of Human Resources 41 (4) (2006), 692–721.