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Publications of François Casas
François Casas and Diane E. Meaghan, "Bias in standardized testing and the misuse of test scores - Exposing the achilles heel of educational reform", in Passing the Test: The False Promises of Standardized Testing (edited by Marita Moll), Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Toronto, 2004.
François Casas and Diane E. Meaghan, "Renewing the Debate Over the Use of Standardized Testing in the Evaluation of Learning and Teaching", Interchange 32 (2) (2001), 147–81.
François Casas and Diane E. Meaghan, "The Uncertain Nexus between Education, Training and Jobs", SCSS Perspectives 29 (1) (1998), 8–12.
François Casas and Diane E. Meaghan, "A Study of Repeated Courses Among Secondary Students in Ontario", Journal of Educational Research 90 (2) (1996), 116–27.
François Casas and Diane E. Meaghan, "Educational Restructuring for the New Global Economy: Corporations and Curriculum Control", SCSS Perspectives 28 (1) (1996), 3–8.
François Casas and Diane E. Meaghan, "School Rankings in University Admissions in Ontario: A Choice Between Efficiency and Equity", Higher Education Review 28 (2) (1996), 57–62.
François Casas and Diane E. Meaghan, "The Impact of University Admission Practices on High School Student Achievement", Higher Education Perspectives 1 (1996), 60–72.
François Casas and Diane E. Meaghan, "The School Dropout Rate: Facts Versus Perceptions", Education Forum (1996), 12–15.
François Casas and Diane E. Meaghan, "Upgrading, Slow-Tracking and the Aging of the Ontario Student Population", Educational Practice and Theory 18 (1) (1996), 65–80.
François Casas and Diane E. Meaghan, "Grade Inflation and University Admissions in Ontario: Separating Fact from Perception", Canadian Journal of Higher Education 25 (3) (1995), 49–70.
François Casas and Diane E. Meaghan, "Japanese Education: A Flawed Model", SCSS Perspectives 27 (2) (1995), 11–17.
François Casas and Diane E. Meaghan, "On the Testing of Standards and Standardized Achievement Testing: Panacea, Placebo or Pandora's Box?", Interchange 26 (1) (1995), 35–58.
François Casas and Diane E. Meaghan, "Quality Education and Other Myths: A New Face for an Old Conservative Agenda", Our Schools/Ourselves 7 (1) (1995), 37–53.
François Casas and Diane E. Meaghan, "Standardized Achievement Testing: How NOT to Measure Educational Quality", SCSS Perspectives 27 (1) (1995), 42–44.
François Casas, "Lerner's Symmetry Theorem Revisited", Keio Economic Studies 28 (1) (1991), 15–19.
François Casas, "The Pattern of Trade and the Gains from Trade in the Presence of Domestic Monopsony", Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 4 (3) (1990), 279–291.
François Casas and E.K. Choi, "Transport Innovations and Welfare Under Variable Returns to Scale", International Economic Journal 4 (1) (1990), 45–57.
François Casas, "Monopoly as a Basis for Trade", Canadian Journal of Economics 22 (1) (1989), 195–201.
François Casas and E.K. Choi, "Transport Costs and Immiserizing Growth Under Variable Returns to Scale", International Journal of Transport Economics 16 (1) (1989), 3–18.
François Casas and J.D. Han, "Achieving Pareto Superiority under Free Trade: An Alternative to the Dixit-Norman Scheme", International Economic Journal 2 (4) (1988), 1–7.
François Casas and E.K. Choi, "Trade Imbalance, the Factor Proportions Theory and the Resource Content of International Trade", International Review of Economics and Business 34 (3) (1987), 213–230.
François Casas and E.A. Gelbard, "Tariffs and Quotas in the Presence of Foreign Monopoly", International Trade Journal 1 (3) (1987), 289–303.
François Casas, "A Note on Open Economy Multipliers With and Without Foreign Repercussions: A Common Fallacy?", Indian Journal of Economics 66 (261) (1985), 275–277.
François Casas, "Tariff Protection and Taxation of Foreign Capital: The Welfare Implications for a Small Country", Journal of International Studies 19 (3) (1985), 181–188.
François Casas and E.K. Choi, "Some Paradoxes of Transport Costs in International Trade", Southern Economic Journal 51 (4) (1985), 983–997.
François Casas and E.K. Choi, "The Leontief Paradox: Continued or Resolved?", Journal of Political Economy 93 (3) (1985), 610–615.
François Casas and E.K. Choi, "The Metzler Paradox and the Nonequivalence of Tariffs and Quotas: Further Results", Journal of Economic Studies 12 (5) (1985), 53–57.
François Casas, "Imperfect Factor Mobility: Generalization and Synthesis of Two-Sector Models of International Trade", Canadian Journal of Economics 17 (4) (1984), 747–761.
François Casas and E.K. Choi, "Trade Imbalance and the Leontief Paradox", Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies 54 (4) (1984), 391–401.
François Casas, "International Trade with Produced Transport Services", Oxford Economics Papers 35 (1) (1983), 89–100.
François Casas, "Stabilite des Marches de Change au Comptant et a Terme: Une Approche d'Equilibre Simultane", L'Actualite Economique 59 (2) (1983), 240–265.
François Casas, "Domestic Policies and the Burden of Balance of Payments Adjustment: A Short Run Analysis", Indian Journal of Economics 63 (248) (1982), 71–90.
François Casas, "Transport Costs in the Pure Theory of International Trade: Some Comments", Economic Journal 91 (363) (1981), 741–744.
François Casas, "A Note on Prohibitive vs. Redundant Tariffs: The Case of Monopoly", Indian Journal of Economics 59 (232) (1978), 133–135.
François Casas, "La Configuration des Echanges dans un Modele a Biens Multiples: Quelques Paradoxes", L'Actualite Economique 54 (3) (1978), 376–383.
François Casas, "The Short Run Efficacy of Monetary Policy Under Floating Exchange Rates Reconsidered", Journal of International Economics 8 (1) (1978), 55–63.
François Casas, "Capital Mobility and Stabilization Policies Under Flexible Exchange Rates: A Revised Analysis", Southern Economic Journal 43 (4) (1977), 1528–1537.
François Casas, "Imported Inflation: The case of Floating Exchange Rates", Canadian Journal of Economics 10 (3) (1977), 485–493.
R.N. Batra and François Casas, "A Synthesis of the Heckscher-Ohlin and the Neoclassical Models of International Trade", Journal of International Economics 6 (1) (1976), 21–38.
François Casas, "Efficient Macroeconomic Stabilization Policies Under Floating Exchange Rates", International Economic Review 16 (3) (1975), 682–698.
R.N. Batra and François Casas, "Traded and Non-Traded Intermediate Inputs, Real Wages and Resource Allocation", Canadian Journal of Economics 7 (2) (1974), 225–239.
François Casas, "The Neoclassical Theory of Trade and Distribution: A Note", Economic Record 50 (131) (1974), 453–456.
R.N. Batra and François Casas, "Economic Growth and International Trade in an Imperfect Market Setting", Indian Economic Journal 21 (1) (1973), 57–65.
R.N. Batra and François Casas, "Intermediate Products and the Pure Theory of International Trade: A Neo-Heckscher-Ohlin Framework", American Economic Review 63 (3) (1973), 297–311.
François Casas, "International Factor Movements in a Tariff-Ridden World Economy", Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies 41 (2) (1973), 215–223.
François Casas, "Optimal Effective Protection in General Equilibrium", American Economic Review 63 (4) (1973), 714–716.
François Casas, "Optimal Effective Protection: A Partial Equilibrium Analysis", Indian Journal of Economics 54 (212) (1973), 97–113.
R.N. Batra and François Casas, "A Model of Regional Income Differences and Economic Growth", Regional Science Perspectives 2 (1) (1972), 19–40.
François Casas, "International Trade and Economic Growth in the Presence of Factor Market Distortions", American Economist 16 (1) (1972), 112–119.
François Casas, "Pure Intermediate Products, Factor Intensities and Technical Progress in the Theory of International Trade", Southern Economic Journal 39 (1) (1972), 72–78.
François Casas, "The Theory of Intermediate Products, Technical Change and Growth", Journal of International Economics 2 (2) (1972), 189–200.
François Casas and G.W. Scully, "Temporary Labour Migration and the Theory of Optimal Intervention", Oxford Economics Papers 24 (2) (1972), 166–179.
R.N. Batra and François Casas, "Factor Market Distortions and the Two-Sector Model of Economic Growth", Canadian Journal of Economics 4 (4) (1971), 524–542.