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Publications of Jack L. Carr
Jack L. Carr and Lawrence B. Smith, "Inflation, Uncertainty and Future Mortgage Instruments", in North American Housing Markets into the 21st Century (edited by G. Gow and M. Goldberg), Ballinger, Cambridge, Mass, 2006.
Jack L. Carr and Kam Hon Chu, "Inflation, Financial Development and Income Inequality", Kredit and Kapital (2005)
Jack L. Carr and John E. Floyd, "Real and Monetary Shocks to the Canadian Dollar: Do Canada and the U.S. form an Optimal Currency Area?", North American Journal of Economics and Finance 70 (2002), 1–19.
Jack L. Carr, "Defending The Current Monetary System", ISUMA: Canadian Journal of Policy Research 1 (1) (2000)
Jack L. Carr, "The MacKay Report: What Kinds of Change, Challenge and Opportunity", Canadian Business Law Journal (1999), 235–247.
Jack L. Carr and Frank Mathewson, "Law Firms", in Palgrave Dictionary in Economics and the Law (edited by Peter Newman), MacMillan Reference Limited, London, 1998, 497–500.
Jack L. Carr, Frank Mathewson, Neil Quigley, "Stability in the Absence of Deposit Insurance: The Canadian Banking System 1890-1966", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 27 (4) (1995), 1137–1158.
Jack L. Carr, "The Economics of Symbols, Clan Names and Religion", in Trust, Ethnicity and Identity (edited by Janet Landa), University of Michigan Press, Michigan, 1994.
Jack L. Carr, Frank Mathewson, Neil Quigley, Ensuring Failure: Financial System Stability and Deposit Insurance in Canada, C. D. Howe Institute, Toronto, 1994.
Jack L. Carr, "Capital Market Controls and Money", in Rating Economic Freedom (edited by Stephen Easton and Michael Walker), The Fraser Institute, 1992.
Jack L. Carr and Frank Mathewson, "A Reply To Gilson", Journal of Political Economy 99 (2) (1991), 426–428.
Jack L. Carr, "Giving Motorists a Choice Between Fault and No-Fault Insurance: An Economic Critique", San Diego Law Review (1990)
Jack L. Carr, "The Economics of Law Firms: A Study in the Legal Organization of the Firm", Journal of Law and Economics (1990)
Jack L. Carr and Frank Mathewson, "The Economics of Law Firms: A Study in the Legal Organization of the Firm", Journal of Law and Economics 33 (2) (1990), 307–330.
Jack L. Carr, "The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom: Impact on Economic Policy and Economic Liberty Regarding Women in Employment: Comments on Marilyn Pilkington", Manitoba Law Journal (1989)
Jack L. Carr, "The Size of The Government Sector and Economic Growth", American Economic Review (1989)
Jack L. Carr, Sherry Glied, Frank Mathewson, "Unlimited Liability and Free Banking in Scotland: A Note", Journal of Economic History 49 (4) (1989), 974–978.
Jack L. Carr, Gregory Jump, Thomas A. Wilson, "Canada and the Pacific Rim: Trade and Growth Prospects", in Proceedings of the First Annual Symposium in Canada (edited by B. Joie), Tamkang University Press, Tapei, 1988.
Jack L. Carr and Frank Mathewson, "Unlimited Liability As A Barrier To Entry", Journal of Political Economy 96 (4) (1988), 766–784.
Jack L. Carr, "Comments on Time, Property Rights and the Common Law", Washington University Law Quarterly (1986), 793–865.
Jack L. Carr, Michael Darby, D. Thornton, "Monetary Anticipation and the Demand for Money", Journal of Monetary Economics (1985)
Jack L. Carr, A. Milne, Stuart M. Turnbull, "Greenline Investors Service. Shall We Keep Brokers and Banks Apart", Canadian Business Law Journal (1983), 257–271.
Jack L. Carr and Lawrence B. Smith, "Housing Finance Contracts and the Non-Neutrality of Inflation", Housing Finance Review (1983)
Jack L. Carr and Lawrence B. Smith, "The Economics of Symbols, Clan Names and Religion", Journal of Legal Studies (1983)
Jack L. Carr, "Comments on Punitive Damages in Tort Law", University of Southern California Law (1982)
Jack L. Carr and J. Ahiakpor, "Ricardo and the Non-Neutrality of Money in a World with Taxes", History of Political Economy 14 (1982)
Jack L. Carr, William Scarth, Robert Schuettinger (eds.), Tax-Based Income Policies: A Cure for Inflation, Fraser Institute, 1982.
Jack L. Carr (eds.), The Money Supply and Monetary Policy, University of Toronto, Institute for Policy Analysis, 1981.
Jack L. Carr and Michael Darby, "The Role of Money Supply Shocks in the Short Run Demand For Money", Journal of Monetary Economics (1981)
Jack L. Carr and P. Halpern, "Interest Rate Deductibility and Effective Tax Rates", Financial Analyst Journal (1981)
Jack L. Carr and P. Halpern (eds.), Liability Rules and Insurance Markets, Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada, 1981.
Jack L. Carr, "The Zero Coupon Yield Curve: A Response to the Comments", Journal of Finance (1978)
Jack L. Carr and Lawrence B. Smith, "Public Land Banking and the Price of Land", in Public Property: The Habitat Debate Continued (edited by L.B. Smith and M. Walker), Fraser Institute, 1977.
Jack L. Carr (eds.), The Structure of a National Financial Facility for the Canadian Credit Union System: Studies for Decision Making: Study No. 2, National Assoc of Cdn Credit Unions, 1976.
Jack L. Carr (eds.), Wage and Price Controls: Panacea for Inflation or Prescription for Disaster, Fraser Institute, 1976.
Jack L. Carr, P. Halpern, J.S. McCallum, "Mieselman's Error Learning Model: Some Further Canadian Evidence", Journal of Business Administration 8 (1) (1976)
Jack L. Carr, Gregory Jump, John A. Sawyer, "The Operation of the Canadian Economy under Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates: Simulation Results from the TRACE Model", Canadian Journal of Economics IX (1) (1976), 102–120.
Jack L. Carr, James E. Pesando, Lawrence B. Smith, "Tax Effects, Price Expectations and the Nominal Rate of Interest", Economic Inquiry XIV (3) (1976), 259–269.
Jack L. Carr and Lawrence B. Smith, "Public Land Banking and the Price of Land: A Repy", Land Economics (1976)
Jack L. Carr and Lawrence B. Smith, "A Suggestion for a New Monetary Indicator", Journal of Monetary Economics (1975)
Jack L. Carr and Lawrence B. Smith, "Public Land Banking and the Price of Land", Land Economics (1975), 316–330.
Jack L. Carr, P. Halpern, J.S. McCallum, "Correcting the Yield Curve: A Re-Interpretation of the Duration Problem", Journal of Finance (1974)
Jack L. Carr, "Demand and Cost: An Empirical Study of Bell Telephone of Canada", in Telecommunications for Canada (edited by T, English), Nethuen Publications, Toronto, 1973.
Jack L. Carr, "A Suggestion for the Treatment of Serial Correlation: A Case in Point", Journal of Economics (1972), 301–306.
Jack L. Carr and J. McManus (eds.), Cents and Nonsense: The Economics of Canadian Policy Issues, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Toronto, 1972.
Jack L. Carr, Frank Mathewson, J. McManus (eds.), Cents and Nonsense: The Economics of Canadian Policy Issues, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Toronto, 1972.
Jack L. Carr and Lawrence B. Smith, "Money Supply, Interest Rates and the Yield Curve", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (1972), 582–594.