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William Strange

Professor (status only cross-appointed)
Ph.D. (Princeton, 1987), M.A. (Princeton, ), B.A. (Oregon, )
Office: Rotman School of Management, 8080. Phone: 416-978-1949.
Email address:
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Research fields: Public economics, Microeconomic theory, Urban economics

Selected research

  • S. Rosenthal and William Strange, "The Determinants of Agglomeration", Journal of Urban Economics 50(2) (2001), 191–229.
  • R. W. Helsley and William Strange, "Potential Competition and Public Sector Performance", Regional Science and Urban Economics 30 (2000), 405–428.
  • R. W. Helsley and William Strange, "Social Interactions and the Institutions of Local Government", American Economic Review 90(5) (2000), 1477–1490.
  • R. W. Helsley and William Strange, "Gated Communities and the Economic Geography of Crime", Journal of Urban Economics 46(1) (1999), 80–105.
All publications

Honors and awards

  • Grosvenor Prize for Research in Urban Land Economics, 2000.
  • Killam Fellowship, 1996 - 1997.
  • UBC Faculty of Commerce Research Prize, 1995.