Department of Moggridge
At the Department of Economics, we have academic support staff who are available to meet and provide guidance on a wide range of topics like course enrollment and requisites, program selection and enrollment, transfer credits, awards and scholarships, deferred exams and many more. If you have a question, be sure to read through our Frequently Asked Questions website, we’ve provided answers to common questions ECO students frequently ask advisors!
Academic advising sessions are also available in-person, online either through email, telephone or MS Teams. If you are unsure who to contact, please reach out to the Undergraduate Assistant - 416-978-4603 or email - who will route your request to the appropriate member of our staff if your question cannot be handled directly. When contacting the department with inquiries, it is strongly encouraged that you email us from your utoronto email and provide your student number. We respond much more efficiently when students give us the necessary information.
Additional support is also available across College Registrars’ Offices and the Faculty of Arts & Science, here’s a detailed list of where to go for more information. When in doubt, the best place to go is to your College Registrar’s Office!
U of T Discovery Day (held in October) is a wonderful opportunity for high school students to visit the St. George campus and explore what U of T has to offer. Campus tours, lectures, admissions information and exhibits are all part of the program. See
Arts and Science Options (held in March) is a two-day information fair to welcome applicants for the coming academic year. Departments, programs and colleges are on hand to answer questions about courses, programs and the first-year experience. Second-entry professional faculties will also give presentations on preparing for careers in their disciplines. See
Ontario Universities' Fair (held in September-October) is a tool for helping high school students in the Toronto area to gather information about universities in Ontario. This one-stop event gives students an opportunity to speak with representatives from all across Ontario, about programs, campus life, and anything else that will help them make a decision about which university to choose. This year approximately 80,000 students, parents, and educators will pass through the doors. See
High School Gifted Program Conference (held in February) showcases areas of research and shows students from high schools throughout the Toronto District Catholic School Board.what we do at the university and exposes them to new ideas, get them thinking about careers and about post-secondary education options.
Questions about admission to graduate school may also be addressed to the Graduate Administrator, the MFE Coordinator or the Director of Graduate Studies. Application forms and graduate handbooks are available at the reception desk.
Useful links include: