Department of Moggridge


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Job Openings in Economics for Positions Starting July 2025
To apply for a position, go to Note that we require all submitted files, including all letters of recommendation, to be in pdf format.
Open positions
We are accepting applications for the following positions.
Submitting an application
All applications are handled by To submit an application there, you need
  • Your c.v. and a research paper in pdf format. We accept only pdf files, and in particular do not accept Word or Wordperfect files.
  • The names of at least three people who are willing to send us letters of recommendation for you. Please note that these letters must be uploaded to the EJM website as pdf files by the closing date for the position to which you are applying. Please let your recommenders know that we accept only pdf files; in particular, we do not accept Word or Wordperfect files.
Do not send us hard copies of any of your material.