Department of Moggridge


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Undergraduate Programs

Enrolling in Economics Programs


Economics subject POSts are Type2. They require specific courses and minimum grades (see list of programs). There are 3 steps to enrolling in a type 2 subject POSt:

Submit a request on the ACORN ;

  1. Check the ACORN to see if the department has given you an "invitation" to enrol;
  2. Accept the invitation to enrol.


  1. Remember that once you have completed 4.0 full-course equivalents, you will not be able to enrol in further courses until you have enrolled in the minimum appropriate combination of subject POSts. While you are waiting for the results of your subject POSt requests, you may need to enrol in interim backup subject POSt(s) if you want to enrol in courses. If you need help, contact your college registrar’s office.
  2. Entry into Economics Specialist programs (Economics, Financial Economics, and Economics & Mathematics) is based on meeting minimum grades in second-year ECO courses. This means that you must enrol in other programs besides Economics in second-year. Not all students meet the minimum requirements, and some students change their plans -- so it is prudent to plan other Major or Minor programs to take along with the ECO Major.
  3. There are two request periods for Type 2 subject POSts. If you expect to complete the required courses during the fall-winter session, you should submit your subject POSt request during the first period. If you expect to complete the required courses during the summer session, you should submit your request during the second request period.
  4. No late requests will be accepted by departments. The deadlines are strict: if you miss the deadline for one request period, you must wait until the next one to submit your request.

For details and deadlines please check the Faculty of Arts and Science webpage.