Department of Moggridge


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Undergraduate Programs

Frequently Asked Questions about the Undergraduate Program

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  1. [All Years] Can I take a course for CR/NCR and count it towards an ECO program? UPDATED May 2023
  2. [All Years] It is after the Arts and Science deadline for the last day to enroll (or change sections) in a course but the course/section I want has space. Can you make an exception for me?
  3. [First Year] What do I need to know about ECO101H1 and ECO102H1?
  4. [First Year] Should I enrol in (ECO101H1 + ECO102H1) or ECO105Y1?
  5. [First Year] I am on the wait list for Winter ECO102. Should I be worried?
  6. [First Year] Which math course(s) should I take?
  7. [First Year] I want to CR/NCR or LWD ECO101H1. If I do, can I continue to take ECO102H1 next semester?
  8. [First Year] Can I take courses equivalent to ECO101H1 and ECO102H1 at UTM or UTSC?
  9. [First Year] Can I take ECO101H and ECO102H at another university and get credit for it?
  10. [First Year] How do I take ECO101H and ECO102H at another university and get credit for it?
  11. [First Year] I received a transfer credit for ECO1**. Do I still have to take (ECO101H1 + ECO102H1)?
  12. [First Year] I have received MAT1** transfer credit. Does this satisfy the math requirement for entry into economics programs?
  13. [Second Year] I am not (yet) formally enrolled in an Economics program and thus cannot enroll in 200-level economics courses during priority enrollment. Should I be worried that I won’t find spaces in the 200-level courses I need for my desired program?
  14. [Second Year] I have an SDF in a course used to determine entry into an Economics program. Can I be admitted to that program?
  15. [Second Year] Can ECO2**H credits be used towards the program?
  16. [Second Year] I received a transfer credit for ECO220Y1, may I apply to the Economics Specialist program?
  17. [Upper Years] I’ve taken four ECO300-level courses. Why is Degree Explorer showing that I have not completed this program requirement?
  18. [Upper Years] My grades in ECO101H1 + ECO102H1 (or ECO105Y) do not meet the grade requirements for the 200-level courses I want to take. Can I enrol in upper year ECO courses or subject POSts?
  19. [Upper Years] My program requires one or more 400-level courses. Will I be able to enroll in the number of 400-level courses I need?
  20. [Upper Years] I am thinking about going on exchange, what should I consider?
  21. [Upper Years] ] I've been approved to go on exchange. How do I get transfer credits pre-approved?
  22. [Upper Years] Can a course taken elsewhere (e.g., on exchange) count towards a program requirement for 300-level courses?
  23. [Upper Years] Can a course taken elsewhere (e.g., on exchange) count towards a program requirement for 400-level courses?
  24. [Upper Years] What else do I need to know about transfer credits and the transferability of specific courses?
  25. [All Years] Can I enrol in a course if I have a petition to write a deferred exam in a prerequisite course?
  26. [All Years] How do I make a program/course exception request?
  27. [All Years] As a student in Woodsworth College's Visiting Students Program, can I take economics courses?
  28. [All Years] I am thinking about majoring in economics, but worried about the opportunity cost of doing so. Is the benefit of majoring in economics greater than the cost?
  29. [All Years] Can I take an online course at another institution and be eligible to earn a transfer credit?