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Learning and Knowledge Diffusion in a Global Economy [pdf] [Online Appendix]
Journal of International Economics, 2012, 87(2), pages 323-336.

Working Papers
Politics and Trade (with Daniel Trefler)
Coming soon!!

Inattentive Importers (with Jordi Mondria)
Coming soon!!

Quality Uncertainty and Intermediation in International Trade (with Jordi Mondria) [pdf]
First draft : March 2011; this draft : July 2012.

Exporting under Quality Uncertainty (with Jordi Mondria) [pdf]
First draft : October 2012; this draft : February 2013.

The Missing Middle in Developing Countries Revisited [pdf]
First draft : December 2010.

Work in Progress
Per transaction costs in International Trade (with Bernardo Blum and Ig Horstmann)

Older papers
From Inequality to Growth: The Role of Knowledge Creation (2009) [pdf]
Is good economic performance harmful for a country? A perverse model of sovereign debt (2006) [pdf]