Department of Moggridge


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Undergraduate Programs

Congratulations to our award winners for 2022-2023!

The Economics Department is pleased to announce the winners of this year's undergraduate awards for academic excellence. The department celebrated the achievements of these outstanding students at its annual reception on March 6, 2024. We are most grateful to the donors and sponsors of these awards, and appreciate their support of the efforts of our students.

Undergraduate Awards
Undergraduate Awards Group Photo 2022-2023

The Alexander Mackenzie Scholarship in Economics

This award commemorates the late Alexander Mackenzie, and is given to a student enrolled in an Economics program who has completed at least two full courses in Economics in the session for which the award is made. It is awarded based on academic merit. The winner is:

  • Ketaki Sarin

The Arthur Hosios Scholarship in Economics

This scholarship was named in honour of Arthur Hosios, and established by the family and friends of Arthur Hosios. The Scholarship is held by one or more students on the basis of an original research paper that the applicant submitted as part of the requirements of a 300 or 400 level Economics course taken at the University of Toronto (St. George campus), for which the applicant received a credit. The applicants' work is evaluated based on originality and presentation. There are two awards - one each for the winning and second best paper. It is awarded based on academic merit. The winner is:

  • Rose Zhang

The runner-up winner is:

  • Chloe Chayo

The Banker's Scholarship in Economics

This award was established with a gift from the Toronto-Dominion Bank, the Royal Bank of Canada, and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in 1891. It goes to the student with the highest standing in the intermediate macroeconomics course sequence. It is awarded based on academic merit and financial need. The winner is:

  • Yuwen Zhao

The Brian Mulroney Award

Endowed with a gift from Gerry Schwartz, this award goes to the student who achieves the highest mark in ECO231H1 (Economics of Global Trade) and ECO232H1 (Global Macroeconomics and Policies), HIS264H1 (Critical Issues in Canadian History), or POL214H1 (Canadian Government). It is awarded based on academic merit and financial need. The winner is:

  • Spencer James Lambert

Department of Economics Essay Prize in Economic Policy

As part of the Smith Family Scholarship competition, the Department holds an essay contest. In recognition of excellence in these submissions, the Department of Economics instituted an award to specifically recognize the students whose essays stand out for the quality of writing and application of economics to an important question in public policy. The winners are:

  • Ronica Li and Elissa Chrapko

The Donald Dewees Undergraduate Award

This award honours our colleague Professor Don Dewees, for his many years of service to the Economics Department. It is granted to students demonstrating excellence in Don's areas of passion and expertise: the economic analysis of law, and the economics of energy and the environment. It is awarded based on academic merit. The winner is:

  • Yucheng Shen

The Frederick G. Gardiner Scholarship in Economics and Political Science

This scholarship is awarded to an outstanding student enrolled in two of the following major or specialist programs: Economics, Political Science, and Public Policy. It is awarded based on academic merit. The winner is:

  • Emily Downing

The Jack L. Carr Scholarship

This scholarship was established through a gift from Professor Emeritus Jack Carr and his family, and is awarded to a student in either Rotman Commerce or the Department of Economics who achieves the highest mark in ECO209Y1 (Macroeconomic Theory and Policy for Commerce). It is awarded based on academic merit. The winners are:

  • Amanda Young

The Mary Child Scholarship in Economics

This award is given to the outstanding graduating student in an Economics Specialist program, based on performance in the courses required in the program. The scholarship was established in 1984 by Arthur Child, President and CEO of Burns Foods Limited. It is awarded based on academic merit. The winner is:

  • Ethan Ying Chang

The Mary Keenan Award

These awards are given to students who have successfully completed the first year in the Faculty of Arts and Science, and who have enrolled in a specialist program in Economics. It is awarded based on academic merit and financial aid. The winners are:

  • Victor Popa Burca and Jia Xiao

The Nanda Choudhry Prize in Economics (Year II)

This prize was established with a gift from the late Professor Emeritus Nanda Choudhry who retired in 1996. It is awarded to a student in a specialist program in Economics who has obtained the highest average mark in at least two of the required second year courses in microeconomics, macroeconomics and quantitative methods. It is awarded based on academic merit. The winner is:

  • VIctor Popa Burca

The Nanda Choudhry Prize in Economics (Year III)

This prize was also established with a gift from the late Professor Emeritus Nanda Choudhry who retired in 1996. It is awarded to a student in a specialist program in Economics, based on performance in at least two full Economics courses at the 300 or 400 level. It is awarded based on academic merit. The winner is:

  • Ka Yu Audrey Tam

The Noah Meltz Undergraduate Award in Labour Economics

This scholarship is awarded in memory of our colleague Noah Meltz who passed away in 2002. The prize goes to an outstanding undergraduate student in our third year course, ECO340H (Labour Economics: The Distribution of Earnings ). It is awarded based on academic merit. The winner is:

  • Amedeo Gennaro Cunsolo

The Paul L. Nathanson Scholarship in Economics

This scholarship was established in memory of Paul Nathanson who was the founder of the General Theatre Investment Company. It is awarded to an outstanding student whose program includes at least three full courses in Economics (A companion award goes to a student in Political Science). It is awarded based on academic merit and financial need. The winner is:

  • Gloria Yang

The Ramsay Scholarship in Economics

This scholarship is funded with a bequest of the late William Ramsay of Bowland, Scotland. Like the Paul Nathanson award, this scholarship is given to an outstanding student whose program of study includes at least three courses in Economics. It is awarded based on academic merit. The winner is:

  • Ketaki Sarin

The Reza Satchu Award for Excellence in Economics

This scholarship was endowed by Reza Satchu, co-founder of "The Next 36," Canada's Entrepreneurial Leadership Initiative. For many years, Reza taught the very popular course, "The Economics of Entrepreneurship." The award is granted to an outstanding student graduating in Economics. It is awarded based on academic merit. The winner is:

  • Rose Zhang

The Robert C. Douglas Public Finance Award

Established in 2022 by Robert Douglas, a University of Toronto Economics alumnus. The award is given to an undergraduate student in an Economics program who has obtained the highest mark in Advanced Public Economics (ECO446H1). The winner is:

  • Arjun Chaudhuri

The Safarian Scholarship in Economics

This award was endowed by our late colleague, Professor Ed Safarian, who was a member of the Order of Canada and a renowned policy expert. The award goes to an outstanding student in a specialist program in Economics. It is awarded based on academic merit. The winner is:

  • Anisha Nasrin Islam

The Smith Family Scholarship in Economic Policy

This scholarship was endowed by James C. Smith, and is awarded to an outstanding student in Economics who intends to focus his or her studies on economic policy or economic history. In addition to strong academic performance, this unique award is also based on student writing: applicants must write a short essay analyzing a current economic policy issue. It is awarded based on academic merit. The winner is:

  • Nina Uzunovic

The Stefan Stykolt Scholarship in Economic Theory

This scholarship was established in 1962 with a bequest from the late Stefan Stykolt, an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Toronto. It is awarded to a student in a specialist or major program in Economics who has completed ECO200Y/204Y/206Y and ECO202Y/208Y/209Y. It is awarded based on academic merit. The winner is:

  • Hanyong Eden Zheng