Presentations and authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

Bayesian Econometric Workship

A Bayesian Nonparametric Investigation of the Relationship between Commodity Prices and Exchange Rates Abstract Paper
Xin Jin*
A New Multivariate Model with an Unknown Number of Change-points Abstract Paper
John Maheu, Yong Song*
Assessing the Importance of Learning in an Empirical Monetary Model for the US Abstract Paper
Eleonora Granziera*
Bayesian analysis of latent threshold dynamic models Abstract Paper
Jouchi Nakajima*, Mike West
Bayesian Doubly Adaptive Elastic-Net Lasso For VAR Shrinkage Abstract Paper
Deborah Gefang*
Bayesian estimation of probabilities of target rates using Fed Funds futures options Abstract Paper
Mark Fisher*
Bayesian regression with nonparametric heteroskedasticity Abstract Paper
Andriy Norets*
Common Drifting Volatility in Large Bayesian VARs Abstract Paper
Andrea Carriero, Todd Clark*, Massimiliano Marcellino
Copula Based Factorization in Bayesian Multivariate Mixture Models Abstract
Martin Burda*, Artem Prokhorov
DSGE Models and VARMA Representation Abstract Paper
Alessia Paccagnini*, Raffaele Rossi
Estimating a semiparametric asymmetric stochastic volatility model with Dirichlet process mixture Abstract Paper
Mark Justin Jensen*, John M Maheu
Estimation and Inference for Impulse Response Weights From Strongly Persistent Processes Abstract Paper
Richard Baillie*, George Kapetanios
Fat-Tailed Wishart Autoregressive Processes for Multivariate Stochastic Volatility with Jumps Abstract Paper
Roberto Leon-Gonzalez*
Forecasting with several macro models Abstract Paper
Gianni G Amisano*, John Geweke
Improving Bayesian VAR density forecasts through autoregressive Wishart Stochastic Volatility Abstract Paper
Paul Karapanagiotidis*
Large Time-Varying Parameter VARs Abstract Paper
Gary Koop*, Dimitris Korobilis
Marginal Likelihood for Markov-Switching and Change-Point Garch Models Abstract Paper
Luc Bauwens, Arnaud Dufays*, Jeroen Rombouts
Massively Parallel Sequential Monte Carlo for Bayesian Inference Abstract Paper
Garland Durham*, John Geweke
Model averaging and variable selection in VAR-models Abstract Paper
Shutong Ding*, Sune Karlsson
Moving Average Stochastic Volatility Models with Application to Inflation Forecast Abstract Paper
Joshua Chan*
Multivariate Stochastic Volatility Abstract Paper
William James McCausland*, Shirley Miller, Denis Pelletier
Multivariate Versus Multinomial Probit: When are Binary Decisions Made Separately also Jointly Optimal? Abstract Paper
Dale J. Poirier*, Deven Kapadia
Particle filter estimation of duration-type models Abstract Paper
Miguel A. G. Belmonte*
Propagation Mechanisms for Government Spending Shocks: A Bayesian Comparison Abstract Paper
Anna Kormilitsina, Sarah Zubairy*
Rare Shocks, Great Recessions Abstract Paper
Vasco Curdia, Marco Del Negro*, Daniel Greenwald
Specification tests for dynamic factor models Abstract Paper
Gabriele Fiorentini*, Enrique Sentana
The Hessian method for models with leverage-like effects Abstract Paper
Barnabe Djegnene*, William McCausland
The Multilevel First-Order Autoregressive Model: A Bayesian Look at Stability and Sensitivity Abstract Paper
Joran Jongerling*
Time Varying SVARs, parameter histories, and the changing impact of oil prices on the US economy Abstract Paper
Francesca Rondina*


Changes in Returns to Task-Specific Skills and Gender Wage Gap Abstract Paper
Shintaro Yamaguchi*
Empirical Characteristics of Legal and Illegal Immigrants in the U.S. Abstract Paper
Miana Plesca*, Vincenzo Caponi
Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) Status Amongst the Retired Population: An Analysis of the Incidence Abstract Paper
David Gray*, Ross Finnie


Behavioral Economics of Education: Some Puzzles, Progress, and Possibilities Abstract Paper
Philip Oreopoulos*
Credit and Insurance for Human Capital Investments Abstract Paper
Lance Lochner*, Alexander Monge-Naranjo
Determinants of student’s university choice Abstract Paper
Marta Odendal*
Different Paths? Human Capital Prices, Wages and Inequality in Canada and the US Abstract
Audra Bowlus, Chris Robinson*
Gender Ratios at the top PhD programs in Economics Abstract Paper
Galina Hale*, Tali Regev
Inequality and City Size Abstract Paper
Ronni Pavan*, Nathaniel Baum-Snow
Peer Effects in the Classroom: Evidence from New Peers in Ontario Schools Abstract Paper
Margarita Pivovarova*
University Quality and the Labour Market Outcomes of Canadian Youth Abstract Paper
Joniada Milla*


Cheap Money and Risk Taking: Opacity versus Fundamental Risk Abstract Paper
Bernhard Eckwert*
Currency Order Flow and Macroeconomic Information Abstract Paper
Pasquale Della Corte, Dagfinn Rime, Lucio Sarno, Ilias Tsiakas*
Optimal Captial Structure and Growth Options in Mergers and Acquisitions Abstract Paper
Elettra Agliardi*, Amir Amel-Zadeh, Nicos Koussis
Responses to the Financial Crisis, Treasury Debt, and the Impact on Short-Term Money Markets Abstract Paper
Warren B. Hrung, Jason Scott Seligman*

General Papers

Feeding the Creatures: Borrowing and the Hard budget constraint- Ontario Municipalities in the 1930s Abstract Paper
Almos Thomas Tassonyi*
Production, Prices, Protection, and Productivity: Canadian Cotton Textiles in the 19th Century Abstract Paper
Tom Barbiero, Michael Hinton*
Rethinking the Structure of Prudential Bank Regulation Abstract Paper
Charles Calomiris*
The Importance of Transport Costs: Evidence from the Trans-Atlantic Iron Trade, 1870-1913. Abstract Paper
Kris Inwood*, Ian Keay
What determines a Nice Auction Page? Abstract Paper
Rafael Tenorio*, Gabriella Bucci


Childhood Obesity, Parents' Knowledge and Report Cards Abstract Paper
Heather Royer*, Silvia Prina
Fertility, child health, and the diffusion of electricity into the home Abstract Paper
Joshua Lewis*
Influenza, the in-utero environment, and later developmental outcomes in children Abstract Paper
Shelley Phipps, Courtney Ward*
Is There a Roemer’s Law for Physicians? Physician Numbers As a Driver of Provincial Government Health Spending Abstract Paper
Livio Di Matteo*
Testing and estimating sibling interaction effects in obesity: An extension of the sibling difference framework Abstract Paper
Angelo Melino*, Aloysius Siow
The Time-Varying Relationship Between Mortality and Business Cycles in the U.S. Abstract Paper
Jean-Paul Lam*, Emmanuelle Piérard


Birth Cohort and the Black-White Achievement Gap: The Role of Health Soon After Birth Abstract Paper
Kenneth Chay, Jon Guryan, Bhash Mazumder*
Duration Dependence and Local Labor Market Conditions: Theory and Evidence from a Field Experiment Abstract Paper
Kory Kroft*, Fabian Lange, Matthew Notowodigdo
Experience, Education, and Internal Labor Markets: Intra-Firm Dynamics of Career and Wage under the Skill-biased Development Abstract Paper
Masaki Nakabayashi*
Household Risk and Insurance over the Life Cycle Abstract Paper
Andres Erosa, Luisa Fuster, Gueorgui Kambourov*
Premium Copayments and the Trade-off between Wages and Employer-Provided Health Insurance Abstract
Darren Lubotsky*, Craig Olson
Social Security, Endogenous Retirement, and Intrahousehold Cooperation Abstract Paper
Giovanni Gallipoli, Laura Turner*
Team transfers as a mechanism to mitigate adverse selection in employee poaching Abstract Paper
Brian R. L. Coulter*
Temporary Help Agencies and Job Market Sorting Abstract Paper
Fraser Summerfield*
What Happened to the Middle Class in Urban China in the Last decade of the 20th Century and what were the determining factors? Results from Partial De nition of Class Membership Abstract Paper
Gordon Anderson*, Grazia Pittau, Roberto Zelli


A Directed Search Model of Occupational Mobility Abstract Paper
Hui Xiong*
Aggregate Fluctuations, Consumer Credit and Bankruptcy Abstract Paper
David Eric Fieldhouse*, Igor Livshits, Jim MacGee
Central Bank Transparency: A Small Open Economy Abstract Paper
Hyuk Jae Rhee, Nurlan Turdaliev*
Does Macro-Pru Leak? Evidence from a UK Policy Experiment Abstract Paper
Shekhar Aiyar*, Charles Calomiris, Tomasz Wieladek
Inflation Targeting, Price-Level Targeting, the Zero Lower Bound, and Indeterminacy Abstract Paper
Steven Ambler*, Jean-Paul Lam
Large Scale Asset Purchases: Impact on Commodity Prices and International Spillover Effects Abstract Paper
Sharon Kozicki, Eric Santor*, Lena Suchanek
Population Density, Optimal Infrastructure and Economic Growth Abstract Paper
Sumit Shrikant Deole*
Short-Run Regional Forecasts: Spatial Models through Varying Cross-Sectional and Temporal Dimensions Abstract Paper
Matías Mayor Fernández, Roberto Patuelli*
Sovereign Defaults and Interest Rate Spread in the Presence of Self Control Problem Abstract
Li Li*
The business cycle human capital accumulation nexus and its effect on labor supply volatility Abstract Paper
Diana Alessandrini*, Stephen Kosempel, Thanasis Stengos
The Disappearance of AAA Rated Firms Abstract
James Grant Partridge*
The Effect of Inflation Targeting: A Mean-Reverting Mirage? Abstract Paper
Petra Maria Geraats*
The influence of Introducing the Taylor rule on the exchange rate in Iran Abstract Paper
Elham Gholami, Yeganeh Mousavi Jahromi*

Open Economy Macro

Cross-border Economic Activities, Human Capital and Efficiency: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis for OECD Countries Abstract Paper
Sucharita Ghosh, Camilla Mastromarco*
International Risk Sharing in Emerging Economies Abstract Paper
Carlos Yepez*
Monetary and Fiscal Policy in Oil Exporting Country: The Case of Russia Abstract
Andrey Polbin*, Ekaterina Ponomareva, Andrey Zubarev
Stabilization Effects of the Euro Area Monetary Policy Abstract Paper
Michael Owyang, Tatevik Sekhposyan*

Public Economics

Carbon Emissions and Stock Returns: Evidence from Germany Abstract
Andreas Marcel Oestreich*, Ilias Tsiakas
Cash Versus In-kind Transfers, The Case of Bangladesh Abstract Paper
Aganitpol Sivakul*
Do RESPs Increase Household Saving? Abstract Paper
Dwayne Benjamin*, Michael Smart
Does Diversity Divide? Provision of Public Goods and Soviet Emigration to Israel Abstract Paper
Alexander McQuoid*
E-Lections: Voting Behavior and the Internet Abstract Paper
Oliver Falck, Robert Gold, Stephan Heblich*
Quantity competition vs. price competition under optimal subsidy in a mixed duopoly Abstract Paper
Marcella Scrimitore*
Spending Within Limits: Theory & Evidence From Municipal Fiscal Restraints Abstract Paper
Leah Brooks*, Yosh Halberstam
Tax evasion: Is this a government fight, or can anyone join? Abstract Paper
Marcelo Arbex*, Enlinson Mattos
Trends in Top Income Shares in Canadian Cities Abstract
Brian Murphy, Michael Veall*


Capacity Constrained Exporters: Micro Evidence and Macro Implications Abstract Paper
JaeBin Ahn, Alexander McQuoid*
How to Stir Up FDI Spillovers? Evidence from a Large Meta-Analysis Abstract Paper
Tomas Havranek*, Zuzana Irsova
Impact of Trade on Canada’s Employment, Skill and Wage Structure Abstract
Ram C Acharya*, Ryan Kelly
Imposed efficiency of the Treaty Port: Japanese industrialization and Western imperialist institutions Abstract Paper
Masaki Nakabayashi*
Quality and Scope in International Networks Abstract Paper
Mengxiao Liu*, Nathan Nunn, Daniel Trefler
Quality Uncertainty and Intermediation in International Trade Abstract Paper
Kunal Dasgupta, Jordi Mondria*
Roads and Trade: Evidence from the US Abstract Paper
Gilles Duranton, Peter Morrow*, Matthew Turner
The Evolution of International Subsidy Rules Abstract Paper
David R. DeRemer*
The Rise of the East and the Far East: German Labor Markets and Trade Integration Abstract Paper
Wolfgang Dauth*, Sebastian Findeisen, Jens Suedekum
The Role of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in a Dualistic Growth Framework: An Application of Smooth Coefficient Semi-parametric Approach Abstract Paper
Zeb Aurangzeb, Thanasis Stengos*
The Role of Manufacturing and Wholesale Aliates in Shaping the Geographic Organization of Multinational Firms: Theory and Evidence Abstract Paper
Leo Karasik*
Transport costs and the trade diversion effect of natural resource discoveries Abstract Paper
Roberto Bonfatti, Steven Poelhekke*
WTO Accession and Firm-level Productivity in Chinese Manufacturing Abstract Paper
Loren Brandt*, Johannes Van Biesebroeck, Luhang Wang, Yifan Zhang


A Scale-Free Transportation Network Explains the City-Size Distribution Abstract Paper
Marcus Berliant, Hiroki Watanabe*
Agglomeration Forces and Cluster Shapes Abstract Paper
William Kerr*, Scott D Kominers
Agglomeration Premium and Trading Activity of Firms Abstract Paper
Gábor Békés*, Péter Harasztosi
Bank Ownership, Lending, and Local Economic Performance During the 2008-2010 Financial Crisis Abstract Paper
Nicholas Coleman, Leo Feler*
Breakdown of the market for developable land around a stochastic city with public goods Abstract Paper
Coen Teulings, Wouter Vermeulen*
Cities in the Developing World Abstract
Edward Glaeser*
Credit Standards and Segregation Abstract Paper
Amine Ouazad*, Romain Ranciere
Crime, House Prices, and Inequality: The Effect of UPPs in Rio Abstract Paper
Benjamin Mandel*, Claudio Frischtak
Downtown Parking and Traffic Congestion: A Diagrammatic Exposition Abstract Paper
Richard Arnott, Eren Inci*, John Rowse
Estimating Neighborhood Choice Models: Lessons from the Moving To Opportunity Experiment Abstract Paper
Sebastian Galiani, Alvin Murphy*, Juan Pantano
Good Firms, Worker Flows and Productivity in Local Labor Markets Abstract Paper
Michel Serafinelli*
Industry Connections and the Geographic Location of Economic Activity Abstract Paper
William Walker Hanlon*
Paging Inspector Sands: The Costs of Public Information Abstract Paper
Sacha Kapoor, Arvind Nathan Magesan*
Private Gains from Public University Research: The Case of Productivity Spillovers from Agricultural Experiment Stations Abstract Paper
Shawn Kantor, Alexander Whalley*
Small Businesses, Federal Loans, and Local Employment Growth Abstract Paper
Yong Suk Lee*
Speed Abstract Paper
Matthew Turner*, Gilles Duranton, Victor Couture
Store size, variety and welfare Abstract Paper
Nicholas Li*
Suburbanization and Highway Improvements: Evidence from Spanish Cities Abstract
Miquel-Angel Garcia-Lopez*, Adelheid Holl, Elisabet Viladecans-Marsal
The Agglomeration of R&D Labs Abstract Paper
Gerald A Carlino*, Jake K Carr, Robert M Hunt, Tony Smith
The Costs of Agglomeration: Land Prices in French Cities Abstract
Gilles Duranton*
The Role of Small Firms in Urban Economic Development in a Polycentric City Abstract Paper
Steven G. Craig*, Janet E Kohlhase, Adam W Perdue
Travel demand, urban density and the benefits of urban diversity Abstract
Victor Couture*
Would You Buy a Honda Made in the U.S.? The Impact of Production Location on Manufacturing Quality Abstract Paper
Nicola Lacetera*, Justin Sydnor

*Presenter of paper