Presentations and authors

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Bayesian Econometric Workship

Copula Based Factorization in Bayesian Multivariate Mixture Models Abstract
Martin Burda*, Artem Prokhorov
DSGE Models and VARMA Representation Abstract Paper
Alessia Paccagnini*, Raffaele Rossi
Multivariate Stochastic Volatility Abstract Paper
William James McCausland*, Shirley Miller, Denis Pelletier
Multivariate Versus Multinomial Probit: When are Binary Decisions Made Separately also Jointly Optimal? Abstract Paper
Dale J. Poirier*, Deven Kapadia


Empirical Characteristics of Legal and Illegal Immigrants in the U.S. Abstract Paper
Miana Plesca*, Vincenzo Caponi


Inequality and City Size Abstract Paper
Ronni Pavan*, Nathaniel Baum-Snow
Peer Effects in the Classroom: Evidence from New Peers in Ontario Schools Abstract Paper
Margarita Pivovarova*


Childhood Obesity, Parents' Knowledge and Report Cards Abstract Paper
Heather Royer*, Silvia Prina
Influenza, the in-utero environment, and later developmental outcomes in children Abstract Paper
Shelley Phipps, Courtney Ward*
The Time-Varying Relationship Between Mortality and Business Cycles in the U.S. Abstract Paper
Jean-Paul Lam*, Emmanuelle Piérard


What Happened to the Middle Class in Urban China in the Last decade of the 20th Century and what were the determining factors? Results from Partial De nition of Class Membership Abstract Paper
Gordon Anderson*, Grazia Pittau, Roberto Zelli


Short-Run Regional Forecasts: Spatial Models through Varying Cross-Sectional and Temporal Dimensions Abstract Paper
Matías Mayor Fernández, Roberto Patuelli*
The Disappearance of AAA Rated Firms Abstract
James Grant Partridge*

Open Economy Macro

Monetary and Fiscal Policy in Oil Exporting Country: The Case of Russia Abstract
Andrey Polbin*, Ekaterina Ponomareva, Andrey Zubarev


Transport costs and the trade diversion effect of natural resource discoveries Abstract Paper
Roberto Bonfatti, Steven Poelhekke*


Estimating Neighborhood Choice Models: Lessons from the Moving To Opportunity Experiment Abstract Paper
Sebastian Galiani, Alvin Murphy*, Juan Pantano
The Role of Small Firms in Urban Economic Development in a Polycentric City Abstract Paper
Steven G. Craig*, Janet E Kohlhase, Adam W Perdue

*Presenter of paper