Presentations and authors

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Bayesian Econometric Workship

Common Drifting Volatility in Large Bayesian VARs Abstract Paper
Andrea Carriero, Todd Clark*, Massimiliano Marcellino
Moving Average Stochastic Volatility Models with Application to Inflation Forecast Abstract Paper
Joshua Chan*
Rare Shocks, Great Recessions Abstract Paper
Vasco Curdia, Marco Del Negro*, Daniel Greenwald


Empirical Characteristics of Legal and Illegal Immigrants in the U.S. Abstract Paper
Miana Plesca*, Vincenzo Caponi

General Papers

Rethinking the Structure of Prudential Bank Regulation Abstract Paper
Charles Calomiris*


Birth Cohort and the Black-White Achievement Gap: The Role of Health Soon After Birth Abstract Paper
Kenneth Chay, Jon Guryan, Bhash Mazumder*
Team transfers as a mechanism to mitigate adverse selection in employee poaching Abstract Paper
Brian R. L. Coulter*


Does Macro-Pru Leak? Evidence from a UK Policy Experiment Abstract Paper
Shekhar Aiyar*, Charles Calomiris, Tomasz Wieladek


Bank Ownership, Lending, and Local Economic Performance During the 2008-2010 Financial Crisis Abstract Paper
Nicholas Coleman, Leo Feler*
Speed Abstract Paper
Matthew Turner*, Gilles Duranton, Victor Couture
The Agglomeration of R&D Labs Abstract Paper
Gerald A Carlino*, Jake K Carr, Robert M Hunt, Tony Smith
The Role of Small Firms in Urban Economic Development in a Polycentric City Abstract Paper
Steven G. Craig*, Janet E Kohlhase, Adam W Perdue
Travel demand, urban density and the benefits of urban diversity Abstract
Victor Couture*

*Presenter of paper