Conferences at Department of Economics, University of Toronto, Canadian Economic Theory Conference 2012

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Revenue Management by a Patient Seller

Artyom Shneyerov*

Date: 2012-05-04 10:45 am – 11:15 am
Last modified: 2012-04-22


We consider a classic setting as in Myerson (1981),  where a seller faces N risk-neutral buyers. However, the seller is assumed to be more patient than the buyers.  We restrict attention to selling mechanisms where the price can change over time, and buyers can buy at any point in time. A static auction with an optimally chosen reserve at time 0 is included as a special case, but, as we show, in general is not optimal. The optimal solution  involves delays, an auction at the initial time as well as the auction at the final time, and sales at posted prices at intermediate times.

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