Rents and Externalities: General Readings

For a thorough presentation of the background material for this Lesson, and the previous one Supply and Demand, as well as an elementary review of the material here covered, work through the first 500 pages of the text entitled Economics, by Richard G. Lipsey, Paul N. Courant and Douglas D. Purvis, Eighth Canadian Edition, published by Harper Collins. Alternatively, if you cannot find a copy of this text, you could refer to the relevant chapters of the text Economics by Joseph E. Stiglitz which was published by W.W. Norton in 1993. Another alternative is the book Introduction to Positive Economics by Richard G. Lipsey which was published by Weidenfeld & Nicholson in London in 1963 and which, though old, should contain important material equivalent to that in the newer editions of Lipsey's joint work.

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